As an 800 ISO film, I suppose I had pigeon-holed it as a low-light film. Thanks, Hamish, for another thoughtful column about another film type. Some notable 800 ISO features include fine grain that really only comes out in low light photos, the ability to shoot in lighting of all kinds, and being able to up the shutter speed to . So with most cameras there is a trade-off between noise and overexposure headroom. Personally, I absolutely love the look of Pan F+, a 50 ISO film. Whether it be underexposing the film a bit, or popping a filter on the lens to support, check out our tips for shooting Cinestill 800T in daylight. These next shots were taken at EI200, and though this seemed to emphasise a yellowish-shift in the scans, it was nothing I couldnt post-process out with relative ease Shutter speed is the . I then converted the resulting negatives by inverting and equalizing the image data. The issue you may run into is that your camera might not have the aperture/shutter speed combination to properly expose the film. It's only one stop slower than ISO 800, and two stops faster than ISO 100. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The 28-70 lens was a little lower-contrast and not quite as high resolution as a lot of the lenses I normally shoot. Unexpectedly, the beauty of Cinestill 800T is that its a high speed film that wonderfully complements the daylight and were here to share how you can enhance your daytime capturing! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I mentioned in a recent review of my now treasured Konica Hexar RF that Id had a bit of an epiphany when I loaded a roll of Portra 800 into that camera and mounted my Voigtlander 50mm f/1.2 onto it. They put high(er) speed films . ISO for daylight. I would expect you to get some bloody stunning results, Julian! They stock Portra 800 here, but also supply something like 200 other films making the website interesting to explore as well as purchase from. Gridfiti is supported by its audience when you buy something using the retail links in our posts, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. - And yes, this camera goes up to 1/1000. Depends on the application. - So I'd have another step left if necessary. But just like a non-cloudy Summer-ish day during which I could happen to be shooting. And the Tri-X 400 single-use camera is one of the best you can buy. Unless you are overdeveloping. - Maybe I should've mentioned that I was looking into B&W films in this case. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Because of the issues listed previously, I thought shooting a single piece of Instax film instead of placing the entire pack of Instax into the Big Shot would work much better. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. The proprietary, advanced Dye Layering Technology (DLT) provides noticeably reduced grain in shadows, allowing you to pull out an amazing amount of shadow detail. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. ISO 400. But I've seen a few films I like the look of, and those happen to be faster. An old 500mm lens requires 1/500s or shorter to make that work. The first few images are from my first roll with Portra 800. demonstrates how its grain behaves and illustrates the impressive 10+ stops of dynamic range: The proprietary Sub-Micron Technology [that] enables 2 stops of extended highlight latitude, so you can follow the action into bright light-in a single shot-without worrying about blown-out details. Want more tips on Cinestill and film photography? Ive shot a number of rolls of Portra 800, but they have all been 35mm, all processed the same way by AG Photo Lab, then scanned with my Noritsu LS1100 and post-processed in Lightroom by me, to my eye. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Both of these options can be a little problematic. Got another roll of it heading into the night? It is measured in degrees Kelvin which is the temperature a perfectly black object needs to be heated to in order to glow a certain colour. But generally it's said that 400 or lower is useless indoors, and you should go with 800 or up. 400-speed films also have the highest dynamic range and tonality on the market because they use a mix of large and small grains that make them much more versatile. If dark matter was created in the early universe and its formation released energy, is there any evidence of that energy in the cmb? Among other things, you can slap a four-stop (ND16) neutral density filter on your camera and shoot as though you were using ISO 100 film. If you are taking photos in daylight, then ISO 800 is too high, as it will introduce more noise and over-exposed images than a lower ISO. Shooting under this subdued light can be tricky. Taking care of colour casts, in this case, can be done using Photoshops Color Balance tool to alter the image so that its grey tones appear natural. The image above demonstrates the best-case scenario: I had a reference frame shot with an 85C warming filter right next to the working (no filter) scene. In fact, in some of these just because I could pull so much detail out of the shadows I probably slightly over-egged the pudding. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_19',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); As a final test, specifically for the sake of this review, I recently shot a roll slightly overexposed to see how well I could correct it. Im not sure why, but I expected Portra 800 to be lower saturation than Porta 400, but that didnt seem to be the case at all. Using an ISO 100 film on that same day would give you the same exposure, less grain, and at the same time a much larger range of possible settings. s Color Balance tool to alter the image so that its grey tones appear natural. Understanding how to expose in lower-light and how to scan properly can reap much better results in my experience but anyway, thats a rant for another day. Rain - ISO 800. Just thought Id say hi , but it turned in to a what Im shooting and why. (Im on holidays) BTW started a project Im pretty sure Ill shoot dig Im shooting it on dig and 120P400 but I think Im getting more what want off the dig. Subscribe to our RSS and Feedly channels and follow on social media via Instagram, Mastodon, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter. Honestly, I think this is a nearly . Of course, your mileage might vary for as many reasons as their are variables within the process of shooting it not least your personal tastes but if you like what you see in this post, I can highly recommend you give this film a go! The ISO numbers correspond to the length of time it takes to capture an image, which doubles with each increment, so 800 films would take 1/8th of that ISO 100 film would take to capture the same idea. The number of distinct words in a sentence. As an 800 speed film, it seemed only right again loaded into the Konica Hexar with the 50mm f/1.2 mounted, I took a roll out on a night out. This created predictable consistency in the scans. During the day, the film is perfect for capturing images in overcast or shady conditions, such as in the forests, metro systems, or back alleyways. I use ISO 400 film for people photos, since I'm snapping people in all sorts of unpredictable light, and need enough speed to stop action and prevent blur from motion. One way CineStill recommends is using a 85 or 81 filter for daylight images with this stock. Overall, Ilford HP5 Plus 400 is one of the best value black and white film stocks available. I used the reference to create matching colours with adjustments via. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Thanks to Cinestill 800T's great exposure latitude, you can easily underexpose the film for photos that appear darker and sport more contrast. Thanks for your input! Would you say it performs better at box speed though? That said, again, it's not like I intend to shoot in the blasting sun or overly bright spots. A couple of rolls later I decided I should give Portra 800 a run for its money in lower light. Glad to be of service. When there's less available light: Daytime when it's not so sunny, dusk/dawn, indoors without a flash. Another is to shoot the film at 400-500 ISO. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'35mmc_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-leader-2-0'); As you can see in this next frame, which Im going to take a stab in the dark (pun) and say was shot at EI1600, there is every bit of potential for very sharp, low grain images from this film provided a high quality lens is used and its scanned and processed well. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? The rest is done with your development lab. This particular camera is indeed limited to 1/1000. If you plan to shoot indoors in low light conditions, film ISOs of 400, 800, or even 1600 are preferred. Yes, you can use ISO 1600 in bright sunlight. I was very impressed indeed. For CineStill 800T, the company gave us ISO 800 film that is Tungsten balanced-which means that it's best used with a flash or daylight. Its my favourite at least, Portra 400 is well known to be a film that allows for significant levels of overexposure and it still be quite correctable. For such high ISOs you probably want an with a density of 5 or 6 stops. But another part of it must surly be just be how so perfectly it fits my tastes when shot within my established workflow. Analog.Cafe publishes weekly photo essays on art, travel, and culture; analogue cameras, film, history, and techniques. Develop and scan on 16K HDR lasergraphic will be cheap per frame. "fast film". This twin pack of FUJIFILM INSTAX MINI Instant Film contains 20 sheets of instant color film that is compatible for use with the INSTAX MINI series of cameras. I think I probably expected it to have a much coarser more visible grain structure, and that Id find myself in situations where Id regretted not using a slower film for the sake of less visible grain. I often create a new layer with pure white and pure black swatches of colour to help me quickly reference how those tones ought to look in the end. Kodak also makes fantastic black and white disposable cameras. I shoota lot of couples/intimatescenes so this is one of [], [] C200, a great general purpose colour film, and the other loaded with either Kodak Ektar 100 or Kodak Portra 800, depending on what I am planning to shoot. Color Balance adjustment layer in Photoshop is a great tool for fixing white balance issues and removing colour casts. is used to define and measure various light sources colours on the spectrum from red to blue. Find out more about 35mmc here. As they are a light source they will be bright enough to use your film at box speed i.e ISO 800. I only started shooting Portra 800 last year, when looking for more speed for underwater photography, but expanded the use shortly after that. I choose the labs I use for their consistent results, I use my scanner in a specific way and apply fairly subtle process to my scans in Lightroom all to achieve results that I am happy with without too much fuss. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. I have a tendency to shoot slightly overexposed; however, in post-production, the image is brought back to normal to fix skin tones. The big question is what are the light conditions you are going to be shooting in. In this case, pulling Delta 3200 to ISO 400 or 800 will give you . I only shot two or three rolls have a couple in the fridge but I think its a waste of time. I used cake stands and deep shadows as my white and black colour references. In this video, I test Cinestill 800T for the first time in three different enviroments. Very timely review as Ive just shot my first rolls of Portra 800 in 120 on my Mamiya 6 looking forwards to seeing the results! Colour temperature is used to define and measure various light sources colours on the spectrum from red to blue. I'll have a look at ND-filters. There are a couple ways to cut down on exposure and create a warmer image with more accurate color when shooting this stock in daylight. What caused excessively high grain in Delta ISO 400 film developed by a shop? . So, in general, you can shoot at a very low ISO. It'll hold up extremely well from dawn to dusk, since you'll be able to shoot between ISO 800 and 3200 all on the same roll. I have found zero advantage overexposing this film, in fact its just given me work work. Tungsten-balanced stocks exist because of films inability to adjust its palette mid-roll to continue rendering whites correctly. The other thing Id say reading this is, OK how did you end up getting on with E100? CineStill 800T. 35mm Ilford HP5 Plus 400 Pushed +1 to ISO 800. Also very limiting in terms of creativity is having the shutter always at 2000th or 4000th of a second. I talk more about my colour film workflow here, but I mention this now to highlight the point that there are a lot of variables within the process of shooting film, so really all youre about to read amounts to is a review based on how I personally shoot and have processed this film. I say that as someone whos just committed to shooting only P3200 and Ektachrome E100 for at least 6 months in a bid to learn these two returned-to-market films from Kodak properly. Another is to shoot the film at 400-500 ISO. But since the latter is intended/recommended for such low-light conditions, would that (1600+) be too sensitive to use in daylight? Practical question I get asked a lot: if you shoot with ISO 400 film (pushing to 800-1600) x-ray scanners don't harm your film. - And particularly a B&W film that's not too dramatically contrasted, so rather balanced when it comes to that. ISO in Photography: what it is and when to use your higher settings Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? "fast film". For more information, please see our Film is much more finicky with under exposure. These aren't showstoppers, just things you should be aware of. On a cloudless day on open space maybe not as much. The Polaroid BigShot + Empty Instax Wide holder The Polaroid BigShot - Film door open The Polaroid BigShot + Rear Step 08 - Shooting the exposed sheet Building the film mount. Or, you could shoot this film at 800 and get more leeway in terms of aperture/shutter range. Photography Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional, enthusiast and amateur photographers. In 120 Ive stuck with P400 so far. Taking care of colour casts, in this case, can be done using. With an ISO of 800, CineStill 800 Tungsten is ideal for capturing low light and fast action under tungsten lighting. Dial in the lowest possible ISO setting that will give you a fast-enough shutter speed to avoid camera shake. Iso 800 is a great speed for shooting in low light situations, iso 500 is often too slow. As the others have noted, the quality of the pictures is not as good as with less sensitive films: more grain and less brilliant colors (for color films). If lucky, your scene will have elements that you know should appear white, grey, or black. It would also allow you to use lenses at deeper stops to have also a larger depth of field. I wouldn't call it useless indoors unless you're shooting in poor ambient light and/or working without a flash. Mar 21 . shooting film is almost a Zen approach to photography. It sounds like I need to keep one handy for exactly this kind of situation. - Also not picky about the aperture. However, I still prefer the precise, granular control and the interface of the Color Balance tool. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Portra 400 is well known to be a film that allows for significant levels of overexposure and it still be quite correctable. The greatest advantage, even today, is that film handles highlights much more gracefully than most digital cameras. and our Let's start by understanding h. Now I'm just trying to select types of film I like the look of to try in some cameras I have, in this case specifically for a balanced general purpose (let's say a mix of outdoors and sometimes in a shade or well-lit room). Go for one of the disposables above for non-aquatic photo fun. Shooting c200 in my canon that defaults to 100 so i get seascapes overexposed by one stop)I have recently switched from P400 to P160 for my 135 landscapes for 1 reason .Grain. "Great for taking photos in water of any sort." The light-sensitive film requires less light to develop a properly exposed photo. Its shots like this that make me wonder why some people are so obsessed with pushing film these days. In short, your mileage may vary, but I hope that this at least gives a rough idea of the sort of results you can expect to achieve. Now, Im not a fan of shooting high contrast because in 2021 you want a good scan with detail then you put the contrast in yourself; but if you want to get stuff back from the lab that kids you you were shooting E6 but still looks nice, Ektar is the go. - It's pretty much exactly like you described, a maximum of 1/1000 and f22. The Sunny 16 Method I am old school and just curious about the settings on Film camera. Well, thats enough encouragement for me ;-), I will write something about my experience with it then. Once my adjustments made the image appear close to the reference, I moved on to Shadows and Highlights, returning to Midtones occasionally to fine-tune the results. The last time I shot inside, I only had some UltraMax 400. [CDATA[ (You might have seen that why shoot film? I wrote for Em last yr that was mostly about the relationship between grain and the image.) General purpose: Indoors when you might need a flash, outside when there's decent light. Utilizing the cinematic VISION Film technology, this film's smooth grain profile pairs with a micro-structure optimized T-GRAIN emulsion to make it especially well-suited to scanning applications, and advanced development . Photography light calculator. Is there a more recent similar source? Yes, it is. When I mentioned this on social media somewhere, someone commented that I shouldnt rule out Portra 800. More like well-lit to shadier areas. Obviously - it's formulated for Tungsten, or artificial light. Portra 800 Color Negative Film ISO 800, 35mm Size, 36 Exposure, Top Rated Gear: KODAK Portra 800 Color Negative Film ISO 800, 35mm Size, 36 Exposure, MFR: 1451855. . What ISO do I shoot Ilford Delta 3200 in? This doesn't mean that I can only shoot it in bright situations. I think it is the best. I also really hope the Brothers Wright get sufficient funding to start producing 120 CineStill 800 Tungsten film so I can use it in my medium format film cameras like my Mamiya RZ 67 and Mamiya 645 Super (plus also in my 120 roll film back for the 4 . If you plan to take pictures outdoors during the day, choose a camera with a lower ISO. Thanks. If you dont have an 85C warming filter, you may be able to colour correct your CineStill 800T frames shot in daylight that appear to have an undesired blue/teal overcast. Table of Contents show. CineStill's heritage comes from Kodak's Vision 3 motion picture film, which uses a traditional ECN-2 motion picture processing. Raising the exposure in post-production will ruin the look of the grain. I was still getting the hang of my Noritsu scanner and so hadnt felt entirely comfortable deviating from my usual choice of film. He reviews it. s 5800K. . Cinestill 800T photos are synonymous with the nighttime, and wed expect nothing less! These were all metered either Sunny-16, or on a couple of occasions with the help of my iPhone as a light meter. Has the term "coup" been used for changes in the legal system made by the parliament? ISO 200 is identical to setting to 800, overexposing 2 EV, and dropping two stops in post. Film Type: Kodak Tri-X 400 Black & White. So I wanted to know if Portra 800 was just as flexible. So I have to check if it works. Read Kodak Portra 800 A Review []. With that acknowledged, the first thing I want to point out is that within my specific workflow I am yet to have a roll that has caused me any real issues at all. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',181,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-181{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. With a relatively high ISO, the film provides well-lit subjects, even in areas that are shaded or relatively dark. Can I use high ISO film in bright light (without problems)? sells out quickly wherever I shop making hunting it down an adventure each time. Can you shoot 800 ISO in daylight? Except in that case I could see the result beforehand, so I'm not sure what the effect is on film.). However, colour correction is more difficult without reference material, even more so when you are working on an unfamiliar scene. Shooting CineStill 800T in daylight with and without 85C warming filter: an experiment. Even still, I find that color is challenging for unstaged, non-deliberately lit work due to all the variables it . Earlier or later in the day, you may need to start shooting at ISO 400+. Film Review: CineStill 50D VS. 800T . Thus, we have found 800 to be right in the middle of the ideal Exposure Index range. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',188,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-188{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Like your camera, mine only could be set to ISO 1600, and I had to turn down exposure by one step. Daylight will obviously bring an abundance of light to your image and with a light-hungry ISO like 800, or can all become a bit much if youd like to shoot at a lower shutter speed, or with a wider aperture for some shallow depth of field. This has almost turned into a piece, hey. Most film has the latitude to handle a few stops of overexposure. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"k4RWgDbFvbNk8qz6zetNO.HksqXvh2SvW1GnJRb5vTw-1800-0"}; In my experience, the filter required no exposure adjustments. Thanks to Cinestill 800Ts great exposure latitude, you can easily underexpose the film for photos that appear darker and sport more contrast. Using an 85C warming filter in front of your camera's lens is arguably the best way to shoot CineStill 800T in daylight. You could shoot it at 3200 and be forced to expose around super small apertures and fast shutter speeds. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-leader-4','ezslot_18',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-leader-4-0'); At the beginning of this post I mentioned that Ive recently committed to only shooting Kodak Ektachrome E100 and P3200 for at least 6 months to learn how to get the best out of those films. Id have used Portra 800 instead! "One of the brand's best single-use cameras." Best Value: Fujifilm Disposable 35mm Camera with Flash at Amazon. But the intent of this camera/film would be mixed scenes. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. Which is why I would again recommend an. The first will be bigger problem with small format (you enlarge more, but 1/2000 and faster speeds are common) and the second with medium format (many MF cameras are limited to 1/500 sec). The purpose would be mixed scenes. Can be pushed to 3000! If you are shooting outside and you have lots of sunlight, try to use ISO 100 film, or even slower (you can find films with ISO 50 or 25). Improve this answer. Here's the order of changes one more time: f/3.5, 1/80 sec, ISO 100 - Light meter said so. How have you found the lomography stuff? A difference of 1 in E V corresponds to 1 "stop" (+1 stop = 2 x . Continue with Recommended Cookies. Let's say you've got nothing but Delta 3200 in the bag and it's a bright sunny day. Even knowing what I knew, it felt slightly unnatural using this film for sunny-day landscapes type shots. Depending on the film stock, you can achieve quite a balanced look in photos whether you're shooting 800 speed in the light of day, or the dark of night. 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You to use your film at 400-500 ISO 1600, and wed expect less. - it & # x27 ; s decent light consent submitted will only used. Color Balance tool to alter the image data so when you might have seen that shoot! 6 stops tastes when shot within my established workflow quite as high resolution as a of. To make that work V corresponds to 1 & quot ; stop & quot ; stop & quot ; +1! 85C warming filter: an experiment if you plan to take pictures outdoors during the day, choose camera., 800, CineStill 800 Tungsten is ideal for capturing low light situations ISO. Submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website without! You described, a maximum of 1/1000 and f22 Photoshop is a great speed shooting.
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