For this article, we consider these bodies to be government entities. Some companies offer free Wi-Fi, including the private company Wire and Wireless (Wi2), part of the KDDI group, which provides free internet access in restaurants, coffee shops, and train stations; registration requires an email address.6 Censorship in Japan has taken many forms throughout the history of the country. The amendments are set to come into effect in 2022.1, In May 2021, the government launched an investigation into the data management polices of LINE, a messaging application with servers based in Japan, after a report revealed that Chinese engineers had accessed LINEs data without the companys knowledge. A 2014 law addressed the issue of content removal and intimate images shared without consent (see B2 and C2). In May 2020, MICs minister Takaichi Sanae, voiced her interest in amending the Provider Liability Limitation Law.3 In 2016, the IHC began providing reports to Safe-line, a website maintained by the SIA.17 In March 2020, Japanese central bank Sumitomo Mitsui abolished the official dress code,5 Connectivity for households in the heavily populated Kant region, which includes Tokyo, costs nearly 1,300 ($12.49) more per month than in the least expensive regions, Tohokuin the northeast.3 While Article 21 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees freedom of expression and prohibits formal censorship, effective censorship of obscene content does exist and is justified by the Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Japan.Historically, the law has been interpreted in different waysrecently it has been . Glad to see Japanese publishers standing up to Western companies. In one significant cyberattack against civil society organizations, at least 33 antinuclear citizens groups were targeted in 2013.5 and Japan Airlines changed its dress code, allowing female flight attendants to wear pants and flat shoes.6, Four civil society organizations, J-ALL, Athlete Ally, All Out, and Human Rights Watch jointly called for online signatures for a petition calling for the government to adopt legislation that protects members of the LGBT+ community from discrimination; the petition, which was submitted to the LDP in March 2021, had over 40,000 signatures from Japanese individuals.7 During Diet sessions, when questions were raised as to whether the Ministry of Defense and the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office were intercepting phone calls and e-mails, the government declined to answer.12. LINE reported that 80 percent of the global law enforcement requests for user data that it received between July and December 2020 came from Japanese entities. Kisha clubs include reporters covering institutions such as government ministries or major corporations but are only open to traditional media companies.1 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Docomo, KDDI, and SoftBank all launched commercial fifth-generation (5G) services in March 2020.3 Japanese residents exercise some self-censorship online, often on historical and social issues. Kisha clubs provide essential access to officials in Japan, but they have been accused of denying such access to young journalists and new media outlets; the system may also limit some reporters access to certain locations, such as areas affected by the 2011 Fukushima disaster. In June 2020, the Tokyo High Court reversed a Tokyo District Court ruling that Twitter remove posts which detailed the plaintiffs arrest records.14, Courts have also ordered content to be removed in defamation cases, although there were no such rulings during the coverage period. A petition calling for Mori's resignation garnered more than 145,000 signatures in one week. I don't know a whole lot about japanese censorship stuff, I know Sony itself likes to censor though. The Act on the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets came into force in 2014, despite objections from the opposition, civil society, and protesters. Japan's parliament enacted the proposed revised copyright law on Friday to expand the law to punish those who knowingly download illegally uploaded or pirated manga, magazines, and academic works . The ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has governed almost continuously since 1955, with stints in opposition from 1993 to 1994 and 2009 to 2012. Is access to the internet prohibitively expensive or beyond the reach of certain segments of the population for geographical, social, or other reasons? These distinctions, however, are not perfect. Anonymization provisions allow for personal data to be transferred to a third party without the consent of the subject if specific requirements are met.6 Washington, DC 20036, Scores are based on a scale of 0 (least free) to 100 (most free). The amendments expanded the scope of personal data and eliminated restrictions on the laws extraterritorial applications. However, most online media remain small and community based.1 During the current ordinary session of the Diet, the Japanese government plans to revise the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act in order to prevent the long-term detention of foreign. If a device is successfully hacked, its owner will be advised to strengthen security measures, for instance by making their passwords more complex. In April 2021, a bill was unanimously passed and enacted in the Diet which amends the Provider Liability Limitation Act to make it easier to identify users who allegedly slander people on the internet. The 2013 My Number law introduced a unique 12-digit number for all long-term residents used to access unified social welfare services and taxation purposes. Are there economic or regulatory constraints that negatively affect users ability to publish content online? In April 2019, the Macnica Networks Corporation, an information-technology trading firm, stated that groups reportedly connected to China were suspected of targeting private companies; it cited alleged efforts by Chinese cyberespionage group APT10 to hack Japanese defense companies in 2018.6, In January 2020, the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation disclosed that that it experienced massive cyberattacks in June 2019. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional. I know they sold 2 different versions of RE games at least, a more censored version and a less censored version for adults. Individuals and public figures who break this social convention risk censure and even attacks from right-wing extremists, who notoriously attempted to assassinate the mayor of Nagasaki on these grounds in 1990. In May 2021, the Diet enacted the Digital Reform Bill, which streamlines how officials in Japan handle and share data and revises how personal data is protected under the law. However, the LDP ultimately decided not to submit a bill on LGBT+ equality due to strong opposition by some conservative lawmakers.8, In early 2019, users rallied behind a Tokyo Shimbun reporter who was targeted by the government. Outstanding challenges include ethnic and gender-based discrimination and claims of improperly close relations between government and the business sector. Since the laws introduction, many cities have subsequently moved to legislate against hate speech (see C2). The platform provided data in 42 percent of cases.17. Authorities have used the law to convict the operators of manga piracy site Mangamura (see C2 and C3). Law enforcement requests for this data should be supported by a warrant.4 Every country has, at one time or another, been guilty of grievous acts of censorship. This code sets the age of consent for sexual activity at 13 for girls and 14 for boys, and it has remained unchanged since then. Japanese politician Yamada Taro has proposed changes to Criminal Code 175, so that hentai and pornography would no longer be censored. Article 1. Offenders can face prison sentences of up to three years or fines as large as 500,000 ($4,534), and third-party distribution can draw up to a years imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 ($2,720).14 The man originally argued that he was defamed by false information.15, The Internet Hotline Center (IHC), operated through the SIA as part of a contract with the National Police Agency (NPA), cooperates with ISPs to solicit reports of illegal or harmful content from the public.16 Overseen by government officials rather than an independent body, it offers no protection for whistleblowers who reveal wrongdoing.3. Google reported 145 requests for user data between January and June 2020 and produced some data in 83 percent of cases.16 Finally, the amendments established the Personal Information Protection Commission (PIPC) as an independent authority under the Cabinet Office, replacing the Consumer Affairs Agency.8, Changes to the legal frameworks surrounding privacy and surveillance are often considered in the ongoing digitization of citizens personal records. Facebook reported 66 government requests involving 82 accounts between July and December 2020. Twitter complied with 29.4 percent of the requests.7. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and its toll on everyday life, the country has transitioned to new political leadership. In this case, a man asked Google to remove search results documenting a crime he committed over five years earlier.11 See all data, scores & information on this country or territory. A Myanmar citizen has filed a complaint at the Norwegian Data Protection Authority against Telenor Group under Article 77(1) of the European Union . They include televisions Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization and the Internet Content Safety Association, which manages the blocking of child sexual abuse images online.2 the use of Googles Person Finder web application to facilitate rescue and recovery,2 A 2012 legal revision targeting copyright violators applies to any internet users who download content they know has been illegally copied, as opposed to just those engaged in piracy for commercial gain.3 The National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGHM) announced that it was the target of about 5.3 million ransomware attacks in 2020, compared to 1.2 million incidents in 2019, though they reported that sensitive research and personal information was not compromised during these attacks.12. Donald Trump's claim that his anti-BDS order "targets antisemitism" was presented as fact in the New York Times headline ( 12/10/19 . Under the guidelines, anyone can report material that infringes directly on their personal rights to the service provider, either to have it removed or to find out who posted it. Censorship can be a constant factor, or it can be enacted during emergencies (or particular . Increasing smartphone use has made the mobile market more competitive and resulted in improved pricing options, although the cost of service can otherwise be quite high. COVID-19 patients and individuals who allegedly tested positive for the virus also faced harassment on social media.2. This law doesn't make any sense and it just have the opposite effect. In March 2019, the Yokohama District Court acquitted one defendant, ruling that the cryptocurrency mining program did not constitute a virus.6 Japans Supreme Court protects privacy in part through its interpretation of Article 13 of the constitution, which provides for the right to life and liberty.1 In June 2019, the movements organizer, actress and freelance writer Ishikawa Yumi, submitted an online petition, which then bore almost 20,000 signatures, to the Health Ministry calling for an end to the requirement.4 The IHCs website offers online forms for reporting objectionable content, such as material that features obscene images, child sexual abuse images, illegal drugs, or prostitution, as well as a referencing system that allows users to look up the status of submitted reports. Censorship of pornography in Japan, be it animated, photographed or filmed, has always been superficial, focusing on blocking out or blurring the sex organs. Happily, if history is a guide, this accelerating spread of censorship will. The future of an independent NHK is crucial given the increasing demand for impartial, objective and trusted sources of information. Do state or nonstate actors employ legal, administrative, or other means to force publishers, content hosts, or digital platforms to delete content, particularly material that is protected by international human rights standards? Authorities typically do not order service providers to block or filter content in Japan. Media scrutiny of reportage involving the 2011 disaster has continued. A new player, e-commerce company Rakuten, which seeks to become Japans fourth major mobile service provider, launched its mobile service in April 2020.2. Increasingly, however, if we want to find direct government censorship of speech, we don't have to travel far. Criminal sanctions for misusing personal data and restrictions on the transfer of personal data to overseas jurisdictions that lack equivalent safeguards were also strengthened.7 Acknowledging that "one might think this is simply conjecture by the ACE Economic Research Center," Yasuda then cited five specific Western-oriented changes he believed were instrumental in contributing to the brand's slow march towards self-destruction: 1. competitors and others criticized the acquisition, saying it was contrary to the intent of the 1999 NTT Law. No citizens faced politically motivated arrest or prosecution for their online activity during the coverage period. The court has up to six months to decide whether to order a content provider to disclose the senders information, and can also order access providers to retain senders information during the proceedings. Do national regulatory bodies that oversee service providers and digital technology fail to operate in a free, fair, and independent manner? NTT, formerly a state monopoly, was privatized in 1985 and reorganized in 1999 under a law promoting functional separation between the companys mobile, fixed-line telephone, and internet services.5 Individuals who are half-black and half-Japanese, continue to face racism online. Though exceptional, such incidents still exert a chilling effect on Japanese online expression. In 2007, the MIC ordered mobile service providers to install filtering software that would enable parents to control the content seen by their children. Otherwise, individuals or police ask ISPs to administratively delete contested or illegal content. Japanese and American Legal Systems. It is a troubling sign of the times in Japan when the government fails to unequivocally condemn threats of violence that target freedom of expression while politicians grandstand on censoring art. In 2021, Japan faces some of the biggest social, political, and economic changes of a lifetime. In May 2020, many celebrities voiced their opposition to a draft bill that would allow the government to delay the retirement of senior prosecutors, arguing that the bill undermined the constitutional separation of powers.3 However, the ordinance did stipulate that the city would take measures to prevent the spread of hate on the internet.17 According to the Inclusive Internet Index 2021 report, Japan ranks 12th out of 100 countries surveyed for affordability, defined by cost of access relative to income and the level of competition in the internet market.1 Due in part to strong infrastructure, internet access is widely available to users in Japan. However, in June 2018, Okamoto Kenichiro, known as Hagex online, was murdered in Fukuoka after presenting a seminar on best practices to deal with online disagreements and abuse, among other topics.7 22 of 2021 on Environmental Protection and Management ("GR No.22/2021"). Some tabloid newspapers and online news outlets have reportedly harassed journalists who disagreed with the government more broadly.4, Women also continue to face targeted online harassment. There is full competition in the ownership of gateways to the international internet.1 In January 2021, the revised Copyright Act, which criminalizes the downloading of unlicensed manga, magazines, and academic publications, took effect. Mobile service operators are expanding the market for handsets designed for children and the elderly, with easy-to-use, large button designs. Four of its women characters, Jean, Amber, Mona and Rosaria, would be getting new "alternate . In February 2021, protests erupted against then chairman of the Tokyo Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Yoshiro Mori, after he said "board meetings involving many women are lengthy and that women on the organizing committee all [knew] their place. Protestors, particularly women, used the hashtags #WomenWhoRefuseToKnowTheirPlace and #DontBeSilent in a show of solidarity and in defiance of sexism. Due to Tokuras previous position and his lobbying efforts on behalf of JASRAC, his appointment sparked concerns about his ability to balance protecting the rights of artists and creators while also ensuring the freedom of individuals who use copyrighted works.8. Many people lost service for days or weeks, and mobile phone usage dropped by almost half in the affected areas.10. Critics say the law does not prevent the systematic storage of intercepted communications or protect innocent parties.10 There are some known cases of the government or powerful groups proactively manipulating online news or other content. Share Share. China. In April 2018, the government asked internet service providers (ISPs) to block manga piracy sites, including Mangamura, AniTube!, and MioMio, prompting a public debate that highlighted tensions between the protection of intellectual property on one hand and users rights to private communications and the constitutional ban on censorship on the other.2 Social Media Platforms; Prohibiting a social media platform from willfully deplatforming a candidate; providing requirements for public contracts and economic incentives related to entities that have been convicted or held civilly liable for antitrust violations; providing that social media platforms that fail to comply with specified Individuals can generally use the internet anonymously in Japan. The Agency for Cultural Affairs has jurisdiction over copyright law and provides guidance and supervision to copyright management organizations, including JASRAC. The book also examines the conflict between the obscenity law, introduced in Meiji times when Japan was importing Western models, and the freedom of speech law, which was put in place by the US occupation administration after World War II. Japanese man arrested for stealing women's shoes and replacing them with new ones; Japanese office disaster: man pees in drink bottle of woman coworker because "he liked her" Japanese Twitter reacts to Logan Paul's "Japanese Suicide Forest" video; Man travels 100 kilometers in middle of the night in Japan to punch another dude in . The reporting claimed that the government deployed a clandestine online surveillance program, dubbed MALLARD, to observe communications passing between satellites.16 Those who violate the revised law face up to two years imprisonment, a 2 million ($18,138) fine, or both. Customers in small cities, towns, and villages paid an average monthly price of nearly 3,024 ($29.04). Changes to broadcasting laws in 1950 prohibited the government from direct interference with programmingthough its board of governors is still appointed by the prime minister and its budget approved by the Dietand permitted the establishment of private commercial broadcasting stations. In May 2019, it was revealed that the national government and Fukushima Prefecture paid over 24 billion ($217 million) to an advertising agency to manage public relations, including in online outlets, after the disaster.6. Japan's laws on censorship have become a more frequent topic of discussion among anime fans in the past few months. Under voluntary guidelines drafted by four ISPs in 2005, service providers automatically inform police of internet users identified on websites that endorse suicide, and comply with law enforcement requests for information related to acts of self-harm.13 The origin of the term "censor" is traced to the office of censor created in ancient Rome, around 443 BC. With the space for such advocacy under threat in many . A number of laws regulate online activity, including by imposing civil and criminal liability. Ahead of the Okinawa gubernatorial election in September 2018, misinformation again spread online.4 While cyberattacks against journalists and activists are rare, private companies have been targeted in previous coverage periods. Under the guidelines, anyone can report material that infringes directly on their personal rights to the service provider, either to have it removed or to find out who posted it. The information collected is reportedly stored for around two months, during which it is analyzed to determine if it is of interest to the DFS. What kind of destruction? An earlier Intercept report from 2017 analyzed leaked documents that suggested Japanese police and intelligence agencies were involved in in regional surveillance operations managed by the US National Security Agency (NSA). A number of initiatives sprang up in response to the 2011 Fukushima disaster. Article 3. One book is by Hokusai and the other is by Utamaro.8 An American scholar of Japanese descent 43 We're doing our best to get things working smoothly! Political bots have also permeated the Japanese internet. Digital activism in Japan has been highly effective at both the local and the national level, and online mobilization tools are freely available. Government statistics show that the average cost of internet access for households with two or more people across Japan in 2020 was 3,601 ($34.59) compared with 3,753 ($36.05) in 2017.2 Mosaic destruction. Heightened awareness of nonconsensual sharing of intimate images and online harassment culminated in the adoption of a law criminalizing such activity in 2014. Are individuals subject to extralegal intimidation or physical violence by state authorities or any other actor in relation to their online activities? In 2017, the Japanese video website Niconico took down two videos posted from an internet protocol (IP) address in Osaka after municipal officials flagged them for violating a local ordinance regulating hate speech.3 : spring pictures) that are banned in present-day Japan and were printed and published in the USA. Some Japanese security agencies may have equipment enabling the blanket collection and monitoring of communications data, though it is unclear how such technology has been used, what laws govern its employment, and what, if any, safeguards there are. Besides benefiting Japanese consumers,9 Under that law, providers must comply with takedown requests within two days.8, The threat of official content restrictions looms periodically during public debates about child safety, though carriers and content producers have successfully resisted intrusive regulation. The society at large prefers harmony, and people avoid criticizing the role of Japans emperor, especially when connected with historical events like World War II. In June 2020, the founder of news site Independent Web Journal, Yasumi Iwakami, had his appeal dismissed regarding a fine he was required to pay for allegedly defaming former Osaka prefectural governor, Toru Hashimoto. In 2017, the Japanese Supreme Court ruled in favor of Google and established criteria for delisting search results that same year.10 With seemingly no judicial oversight and potential access to millions of users personal devices, NOTICE has raised serious privacy concerns. Germany, which has. politicians who violate the existing restrictions face a potential fine of 300,000 ($2,720) or one year in prison; imprisonment would strip perpetrators of their right to vote or run for office. The provider notifies the individual who posted the content and fulfills the request with the posters permissionor without it if the individual fails to respond. In addition, individuals who knowingly receive secrets from an administrative organ risk up to five years imprisonment if the disclosures are found to be intentional, and one year for disclosures made through negligence.1 In 2016, Makoto Sakurai, a personality known for anti-Korean rhetoric, opened a channel on online television station AbemaTV; a rush of online criticism followed, and the channel was deleted.4, Social media platforms occasionally restrict content at the governments request. The changes allowed the NICT and the MIC to carry out the NOTICE program, authorizing them to attempt to access domestic internet-enabled devices for up to five years in an effort to strengthen cybersecurity (see C8).4 which attempts to crack the passwords of about 200 million internet-connected devices in homes and offices, starting with webcams, routers, and sensors, in order to better secure vulnerable devices with stronger passwords. After a three-month delay in rollout due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Rakuten Mobile launched 5G services in September 2020.4 Update: February 8, 2022 A ccess Now and civil society organizations from across the globe are calling on the international community and technology companies to stand with the people of Myanmar and resist the coup both physical and digital. although the program continued. The city has considered measures to deal with online hate speech, but did not implement a specific ordinance to address this activity. In one significant instance, government officials and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) withheld data about pollution after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Today, however, this concept is, in our view, distorted and fought against. In a 2008 report by the UN Human Rights Committee, they expressed concern about discrimination against LGBT people in several areas, including housing. Musician Takemura Kiriko authored a Twitter post in favor of the campaign that month, but deleted it after some social media users left negative comments. There are periodic reports of arrests under the copyright law, which carries possible prison terms for both uploading and downloading content without the permission of the copyright owner (see C2). Analysis of about half a million sample tweets posted before and after Japan's 2014 general election revealed that most posts were near-duplicates or retweets of those posted by bots, including many that disseminated nationalist or progovernment messages.3 In June 2018, police announced that they arrested 16 website operators for allegedly using a service called Coinhive to mine cryptocurrencies via visitors computers without their consent.4 Former President Donald Trump late last year signed a law that requires US-listed companies to be held to American auditing standards and establish they are not owned or controlled by a foreign. Chinese groups BlackTech and Tick were reportedly behind the breaches.7 Some self-regulatory bodies also manage content and other issues. According to a summary by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), since 2014, there have been fewer severe outages - specifically three to eight per year- compared to the previous decade.8 The article does not define what constitutes obscenity, leading to concerns that it could be invoked against artistic expression or used to curtail the rights of LGBT+ people.12. In June 2020, Japan passed amendments to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. Amid rising concerns over misinformation online - including surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, especially vaccines - Americans are now a bit more open to the idea of the U.S. government taking steps to restrict false information online.And a majority of the public continues to favor technology companies taking such action, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. In the future, says one pundit, that will change. 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Philip And Carol Quast, Articles J