Orin, through Sanaya, has created over 200 audio journeys and courses in spiritual growth which are available at www.orindaben.com. If you are interested in learning to channel, you may want to read "How to tell if you are ready to channel" to determine if channeling might be your next step. . With your love and support her blessing is becoming almost tangible for you and all of us. I could not have imagined that a book could have changed my life so much. They first showed up when my life was falling apart. What a celebration could happen in the higher realms because of Sanaya's coming, and for the great work for humanity and other life forms. While the personality cant help but feel sad over Sanayas passing, at the same time my heart is filled with immense gratitude, and I feel honored to be called upon to assist in her transition, even though I didnt know it at the time. Even if we werent able to hold an intentional focus then hopefully working as a group, as we have been doing, means that connection has been a comfort and support to her energetically. I just read about Sanaya`s transition and while first feelings of shock and sadness, I also felt the warmth, strength and Light, Love coming through. I was in such a bad state that life was really not a possibility for me, when I saw a flyer in a store for a day of meditation to meet your spirit guides. In deepest gratitude always filled with blessings to Sanaya, Orin, Yourself and DaBen. The ability to reach this state of awareness is an ability that everyone possesses. I was so sorry to hear of Sanayas passing. The strangest thing happened which made me wonder if I did have a connection with Sanaya as on Monday 27th December night I dreamt of a woman that looked like her. The moments Ive spent holding a space for her so far, Ive sensed some energy on the top of my head, which I interpret as a got-it wink. Sanayas departure from the earth plane came as a physical shock. I am with you in spirit. Thank you seems like such an understatement Sanaya. Her contribution to my life is unmeasurable. I started looking for everything I could absorb related to Sanaya and Orin. P161 Sanaya Roman Understanding Energy One. $ 4.19 - $ 13.69. My limitless thanks for all the light and love she has given! Her book Spiritual Growth is my bible, always right on my nightstand. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. Sanaya Roman CHANNEL FOR ORIN. Yes, you are way ahead of us, yet, all of us will meet with you on our own God, Goddess, All That Is Time for sure. Blessings. As I was lighting a candle for Sanaya and holding a space for her, I was lifted by the energy around me and I felt like Sanaya came to me and said: "You will always be in my heart". As usual, Im learning to not take anything for granted. You can view more information on these Divine Will courses and links to written material. I have followed many courses from Sanaya and Orin. I feel very blessed and grateful for finding your work: Sanaya's book literally fell from the top shelf in a library onto my head :) Your work and light have completely changed the course of my life. I thought, what if Sanaya had never released her work, her books, her meditations with Orin, her music with Thaddeus? I feel deep love for this work! Im able to help others in a way I never knew was possible. Just yesterday morning, before I heard about Sanaya, I received my word for the new year 2022. Everything Id say is already in these! Every time I read their books, I felt a deep and profound energy healing while absorbing their wisdom. The gratitude I feel is beyond anything I have ever felt for anyone. I love you, and am forever thanking you/Orin and Duane/DaBen from the bottom of my heart. Search. Defence barrister Chris Dane QC argued the evidence of the mother's postnatal depression . Sending love to you all. They provide me with the skills to share loving energy in therapy sessions with everyone I meet. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. She has worked with Orin to write Living With Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, and Spiritual Growth. Thank you for sharing such joy with us. I love you beyond what I can describe with my words, and I am grateful to have met you in this life in a way that I cannot express. I feel immense gratitude to all she brought to the world and all the lessons she has provided. Being able to receive love and to express love is all I wanted. I send you all my love, and feel so grateful through her work, that she continues to live on for me. The LuminEssence family is the family of my heart. I am writing to you from Ireland, and am currently participating in the awakening the light body course. It is my most delicious gift I have ever received. The paper, thus, will follow these key turning points related to death in Greco-Roman and early Christian culture. Thank you so much! It was you. At this point we have a small group of clinicians who are exploring the Creating Money, Attracting Abundance meditations together. I live in the house of Light, she said, and that is how I think of her now. Of course I began to think of her body of work - the books, the meditations, the music, and I felt so grateful. I feel inspired to be the best that I can be, to hold more and more love and light, and to find joy in every moment. I just learned of Sanayas transition when I visited the website. I had decided to explore a new career path, but I didnt have a solid plan. If I can do what she did for just a few people a day, how amazing that can be. People have written us with wonderful stories about Thaddeus' music. Love and Gratitude. Finally, I would share appreciation at how well suited she was to reading the audiobooks and audio courses that she made, that she reads so well, giving feelings of wonderful calm and refreshment as she informs. I feel Sanaya to be released and more in a sphere like Orin now. Even in your transition, you inspired me to pursue my dedication in my own life and into my contribution through teaching and healing sessions. This has stayed with me down the years through all the other Orin teachings. Massage therapists say it helps people relax and makes their bodywork more effective. You have been an absolute Blessing in my life and I feel so sad to think that you have passed. (Scroll down page.). Another time I was approaching the front of the room, where many of us were giving brief testimonials to our experiences with a course. Like so many of us I feel the separation but I know that its temporary and that Sanaya will continue to lead us and usher us into the correct spaces and stages of our lives together with the collective for our continued evolving souls. Also my gratitude to you Duane. I am holding a space and sending energy to Sanaya. The combination between Orin and DaBen and you with Sanaya is the most valuable thing in my life. The woman who owned the store guided me through the Awakening Your Light Body course and my life was forever changed. Orin and DaBen's book Opening to Channel will teach you skills to assist you to channel a guide or your higher self. As well as for Duane. Her work with Orin has been a strong influence in my life from the time I was a teenager. She deeply influenced my way of existing on this plane. Not one time but twice. I feel so blessed to be able to teach this program and witness the continued awakening in my students as a result of what you have brought into the world. Your meditations are fantastic! Star Journeys, Emotional Flow, Sacred Journeys, and Ascent to Heaven are beloved favorite albums. Sanaya was a gift to this planet. The awakening the light body meditations helped me create an inner life that has provided a sense of security and inner reliance to balance the happenings in my outer world. I also pray and hold space for you as you grieve and process this tremendous loss. 2.1. I do this to let her spirit know that I appreciate everything that she has done for me. Now I'm a lot older and have identical twin boys. Well, crazier than normal, lol. May you expand even more in spiritual growth and be surrounded with Love. A couple of days before I found out, I had felt guided to work with a meditation where one is led to blend one's consciousness with that of a role model, with their special gifts in mind. Sending love from Berlin. Personal Power through Awareness was introduced to me by a friend around 2009. I was moved by every page, I truly felt my Soul wanted me to read the book and I was one of those Orin called. Previously I was struggling financially, was 35 pounds overweight, and very unsure of my ability to create a world that worked for me. Thank You Sanaya. With our sensing abilities more aware, expanded, and precise it is such a gift to be aware of Sanaya and Orin in even more of their fullness and the beauty of Light more fully then ever with Sanayas shift. And now and then I have deep joyful moments without a reason! To have two teachers such as you and Sanaya is a blessing of enormous import. She was married to her third husband, William Ross Wilson, until her death in 1999. She and Orin continue to transmit light and love to all who connect with their meditations and books, and through the music she created with Thaddeus. Thank you! Your faithful student. At his death, the Roman Empire had the greatest extent it would ever have, encompassing an area of 2 million square miles (5.18 million sq. Love. She has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and spirit, learning to channel, and . This is the dream I carried inside. Acknowledged. Likewise, the Orin books and meditations provide such a loving blueprint for finding the essence of what is happening, and for holding a space for people to discover that essence. Thank you for sharing such wonderful ways to be loving and wise with ourselves and with the people we meet each day. Police said investigators were "no longer looking for anyone else in relation to this investigation", but refused to go into further detail about the allegations surrounding the woman. In Love and light. Sanaya Roman Cause of Death Sanaya Roman Quotes By Mou Sumi June 27, 2022 Sanaya Roman is an American author and spiritual teacher who is known for her work in the field of channeling. Sanaya, your world service and impact, is truly beyond description. Jose Roman Death - Obituary: On May 26th, 2022 Deathsfanatics learned about the death of Jose Roman through a Social Media post. Ive thought for some time about sharing a few unforgettable subtle experiences Sanaya gave to me. Thank you! She was my first experience with channeling, which now showed me and guided me to channel. You cannot put a price tag on a teacher that wants you to be "defiant" and to laugh at any box that the world tries to put you in. Two months down the line, in October 2021, I felt ready for the light body course. I have found everything I experienced with the material I bought contained the highest forms of light and integrity. Channel Sanaya Roman presents Personal Power through Awareness, given to her by Orin, a timeless being of love and light. I, myself, is about to work less hours and gradually retire. Creating Money: Keys to Abundance. Your books, meditations, and guidance have transformed my life and guided me to be filled with more light and love. We all play our part in life, she did so exceptionally and I send you all my love and best wishes. Royalty-Free Use of Thaddeus' music I am deeply saddened by this news. I have been holding Sanaya in Light and Love since I heard the powerful news of her passing. I like to think those were all the Star Gods welcoming her home. And although I only met her twice, she meant so much to me! Your contribution to the world and all the beings you touched with your loving crystal clear bright voice and light is universal, my most profound prayers for you and family, thank you for the rainbows you taught us to build, may the bliss and love of the father and mother carry you for eternity. Thank you Sanaya for your endless commitment to us and the spirit world. I loved her Southern drawl and easy way of explaining complicated spiritual principles. May love and thanks rise to Sanaya now from all corners of the earth, accompanying her on her further path. I am very thankful for what Sanaya and Orin did for me and all the other students. Sanaya, thank you for all the light you brought into the world and into my life, personally. Please know that she is not gone as she breathed life in each of us who are reading or listening to her work. Halfway through the journeys a thought came to me Maybe I can do this on a regular basis. Her courage in opening the light body for us mere mortals took great courage. I am forever grateful. Thank you Sanaya and Orin. After doing the Light Body course my life changed dramatically and continues evolving in amazing ways. The downs are going away faster and I have definitely more ups. I believe we are all soul family and Thaddeus is my higher self. (I try to make it happen more often). My Immense and Eternal Gratitude for Sanaya. More about Orin: For more information on Orin, read about him in the Living with Joy book excerpt or more about him in the Spiritual Growth book excerpt. I read the first couple of chapters and knew I had to have my own copy. Thank you. I am happy and like myself most of the time and before I honestly did not even think was possible. Please allow me to share my thanks and deep gratitude for all the light that Sanaya, together with Orin, brought into the world and into my own life. For Those that Don't Believe in Dark Entities Sanaya and Orin taught me a life-changing lesson: in order to manifest my dreams in life, it is better to work with the higher energetic planes to create the energetic form of creation than to try to force manifestation through the physical plane through hard work, power or lack consciousness. From my heart I want to share my gratitude for Sanayas gift of music by Thaddeus. You may listen to this music as much as you want for pure enjoyment and to receive the energies being transmitted. Explore your favorite quotes and the links below for more. I cannot express the love and gratitude I feel for Sanayas and Orins, Duanes and DaBens work and what it has done for me. I believe it was the blessing she mentioned before her passing. Weekly Intuitive Astrology and E I thought I am getting crazy. Theres so much gratitude to share for all of Sanayas gifts and creations, and for bringing us Orin. Without making false promises, without offering quick fix, without I lost the only home my son had ever known to foreclosure. Many divine blessings for your transition. Honestly, I was looking forward to meeting Sanaya at the next seminar, unfortunately, she is gone from this world. Thank you, thank you, thank You! You are in our thoughts. Sanaya Roman. Living With Joy became my focus instantly, I took it with me everywhere. In the process of manifesting, Orin through Sanaya taught me that focusing on creating a physical object or form is often a limiting form of manifestation because the physical forms envisioned are situated in the limited consciousness of the physical plane; they taught that my focusing on working with the energetic experience on the higher planes and bringing this back into the physical forms, the joy and abundance experienced can be beyond what I imagined or could conceive of. With so many years studying and working with Orin and DaBens teaching, I always thought it would be forever. I feel sadness at one level but I also along with many others I know that she has moved into a greater expression. Sanaya shaped my view on the world with Orins messages. Thank you for everything! I knew the Word of God and recited it over my life. Sanaya and Orin were able to articulate and transmit Divine knowledge with ever more clarity, passion, and warmth. She was a bright light to so many, showing us/them the way forward and so strong to start her path in a time that this wasn't accepted by society. I found Orin's teachings in around 1999 when I was in deep suffering and depression. I begin to sense the rhythm and timing of my life and follow the guide from my soul and the Divine Self. She has been an inspiration for me for many years now and she continues to be so. And then I learned to channel, and then I taught an Opening to Channel class. I just wanted you to know that I was in the darkest point in my life when I found Sanaya and Orin. I felt lost and hopeless. You gave me love, light and strength, / And the tools to evolve, / But I was blind, In deep appreciation. From the very beginning I felt attracted to the energies of Orin and DaBen from the Light Body. I can hold down a job with ease and I have a great relationship with my husband of 9 years. I first came in contact with Sanaya and Orin's work in August 2021. But I did. I don't have to say what a magnificent light she was, because you all know that, and she still is. Orin's newest set of courses are his Path of Self-Realization series, linking you with your innermost, Divine Self, increasing your illumination, and using this illumination as a way to transform your personality and transcend your ego, so that you can experience more peace, harmony, joy, and able to stay in your center no matter what kind of energy you are around. I sure did feel a deep connection to The Work right from the start. Thank you, Universe. That we truly are interconnected. The books and the work have been life changing. People said that you were gone, / But how can that be, when you're always with me? Today in Australia, I have read with tearful shock the departing of dear Sanaya. Blessings. Her legacy will live on forever. Humanity is the beneficiary of her gift during her time on this plane of reality. Orin joins with DaBen to offer you the light body course to assist you in taking your next evolutionary steps, and to empower you to fulfill your higher purpose of knowing that you are an infinite, eternal, and endless light, that your soul and Divine Self are who you are. The journey has been enriching, rewarding, exciting and continues to be so with you and DaBen! I have been listening to her meditations, music and reading her books for over 30 years. So much love to you and your guys' family during this time. I feel blessed to be part of the wider community. Words really cant describe how I feel about this body of work and the wonderful experiences that I have had and will continue to have. Smile. From then on I began to try to learn and try to connect to my soul. For their dedication, for their time and energy, for the moments of bliss and humor (I will never forget a hilarious journey with the gas beings), for making possible conscious contacts with The Great Ones, Masters, Angels, Guides, and with all the compassion and the love that are available for every single creature. Even though I know that you are still living but on another dimension. To tell me Love of my soul has never forsaken me, and it never will. I was at that time always thinking: "I want to find myself ". But there was always a slight preference to the energies of Orin and Sanaya. Sanaya was the only one person on earth that I wished I had met personally! From the very first beginning I participated at the first online group: The Divine Will group. Sanaya and Orin have been a major influence in my life since the 80's. I had a strong desire to visit you in USA. It was nothing like I expected. I am so grateful to her teachings which have reshaped and re-orientated my life. Creating Money, Living with Joy and all her work, including her loving voice has been a healing influence on me and a consistent source of inspiration. My feet have taken me to your website every day. I read all emails; all voice mails are heard. Thank you for all youve done, and for all that you do. I was shocked to read that Sanaya had died. Having been accompanied by LuminEssences offerings for about 25yrs now, the frequencies seem to amplify still and get clearer and more intense every day. I now have all the books, and their ebook versions and audiobook versions and listen most days! Orin changed the way i look at my family and my dearest friends, her meditations elevated my soul to higher dimensions of which i had glimpsed before. That book irreversibly changed my life for the better. I first read Living With Joy in the late 80s and have meditated to so many of your powerful meditations daily since that time. Sanayas voice, her energy, Orins energy has been my guide for many years, since then. I was first introduced to Sanaya and Orin around 2009 when someone I had met had given me a book to read called Personal Power Through Awareness. I signed into the Orin DaBen website to get information on using Thaddeus Music for a video project when I saw that Sanaya had passed. You and she have impacted my life in such a way as to have shifted my soul path for eons to come. Ive been connecting with you all on the inner planes ever since I heard the news, holding you and Sanaya in the light of love. I am deeply saddened by the news. You attract situations into your life to learn from them. I am deeply sorry to hear of Sanaya's passing. She is very well loved here and above. I just found out about Sanaya last night. It is hard for me to accept that I will not be seeing Sanayas radiant presence in the flesh. People/CharactersSanaya Roman. She was always someone who was there if you had a question, always interested in everyone and so compassionate. So there it was, the blessing that was promised if you tune in! When you have the intention to serve another person's higher good with what you say, your words have an increasing ability to shift that person's consciousness. Ho' Oponopono / I love you. What a legacy she left. Namaste! So I wanted to be more loving, kinder, more open and more generous with my time and energy, and at the same time opening to receive more love, time, and energy from others. I was previously a Reiki Healer and Ive been able to incorporate Orins light work with the Reiki and Shamanic healing principles that I already knew. It wasn't a really comfortable time because a lot of things happened, friends disappearing from my life, difficult situations at work. They are a treasure trove that just keeps on giving, and best of all they reveal the treasures of my own Self - the wonders and mysteries, the radiance and beauty, and boundless potential. I feel his contact as if I have expanded into a world of light and joy. Quick Order: if you know the product #, About Sanaya About Orin About Thaddeus. My personality is very different from 2010 and I am very, very happy about that. Truly she has made an impact on my life and countless others and the world is a better place because she took charge of her purpose here on earth. 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