It covers the topic of harassment, bullying, and pain. In what she considers her final moments, Lou delivers some bitter home truths about Col's daughter, Aoife who died by suicide a year prior overdosing on drugs Col had been supplying. Better ending explained: What happened to Lou and Col? Ultimately, he got his wish, after he was instructed to shank poor Vernon to death as revenge for Bulgeys death. *Final spoiler warning, as BBC is continuing to air the show weekly.*. But it was clear the guilt was too much for her. He's a young star and he started out as like an idol in China, so its great that he's taking on risque roles so that his name gets out there. When Bei is finally allowed to leave the police station, he quickly runs home to see Chen bleeding on the floor. She's a huge. Please share it or subscribe to my blog if you like my articles! How Is He Related To Pope? We discover it was actually Col who found her, coming home after receiving alarming text messages from her, and discovering her dead on her bed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The movie got very positive reviews from the audience and the critics and received 8.3/10 and 97% approval on rotten tomatoes. Zheng hits a weak spot, and Chen, unable to control herself, starts beating Zheng. This movie was accused of plagiarism. Lou feels lucky to have escaped from the scene of the crime unharmed and without anyone witnessing her escape with the gun. Focusing on a teenage girls story, the narrative tries to capture various related problems, teenagers face each day but are too afraid to discuss them. [5] Based on the Chinese young adult novel In His Youth, In Her Beauty (; literally "The Youthful You, So Beautiful") by Jiu Yuexi, the film stars Zhou Dongyu (Chinese: ) and Jackson Yee (Chinese: ), and follows a high school girl struggling with severe bullying and the pressure of upcoming college entrance exams, whose life becomes intertwined with that of a teenage street thug. He gave her an important win, kick-starting her career, and in return she agreed to turn a blind eye to his crimes as long as he gave her important intel on worse criminals in exchange. Liu Ran as Luo Ting. Chen becomes the main suspect, and she is called in by the detectives. Better sees Lou very messily attempt to extricate herself from the McHugh gang without putting her family at risk, while also trying to right her many wrongs, and decide if she can take her friends empire down with her. She later told Phil her head was all over the place and said she wanted to leave the task force and the murder and anything related to McHugh. Sherlock, The Fall, Broadchurch, Bodyguard, Criminal: UK, and the list is endless. Of course, Bulgey broke into Vernon's home to enact a murderous revenge mission against Lou after being fired by Col. He will have to step up and take responsibility for the fact that he might have indirectly killed his daughter. I recommend some other great shows and movies that featured them in my article, feel free to check it out if you're interested :)). It was never going to end well for Noel, was it? Noel being Noel, he got caught immediately, which somewhat minimised the likelihood of him being released from prison well, ever. They wait and time passes but nobody appears, thus meaning that the reality of what they're about to do becomes increasingly obvious. Lou actively backs away from Col McHugh-related cases, and she heads to meet Vernon to let him know about the progress. You can search on Weibo, although I'm not really sure if the evidences were still there, since the producers seemed to spend a lot of money to put this down. Cultural diversity in Cinema is a cause worth supporting. Lou tries to pacify Esther, but she is adamant about approaching her seniors and informing them of Lous corruption. "Come in with me tonight, let's go together and tell them everything," she says. I want her to have a happy ending.. Chen Nian also sees a teenage thug, Liu Beishan, aka "Xiao Bei", being beaten in the streets by rival thugs. The film grossed more than 1.29 billion yuan (about 184 million U.S. dollars) in only 15 days in China. If you ask her, cinema is reality. She had jumped off from the highest story of the school and committed suicide. The final episode of Better opens up with Vernon (Anton Lesser) taking the blame for Bulgey's (Garry Cooper) murder. Really glad I watched it! Donal kept out of sight of Owens parents, knowing they would recognise him. But in the final second of the finale, just when we think they could get up from their seats and leave the waiting area, the door opens. Xiao takes the blame and requests Chen to hide their secret forever. He drinks a bottle of wine as he watches his life go up in smoke. Will she continue to be corrupt or make a new beginning after an incident involving a loved one? Jackson Yee's performance here is superb. In their final stand-off, in which at one point they both hold a gun to each others head, he realises his life and criminal empire have no meaning since his daughters death. Of course, Bulgey broke into Vernon's home to Desperate Measures reaches nailbiting conclusion. Col agrees to meet her, and they have a heart-to-heart about Aoifes death. Im a man with nothing. Better Days (Shaonian de ni) is available for Video-on-Demand. He said after Aiofes death the fire had gone out of him. Vernon states the obvious and says he was very close to getting exposed, but his confession led to a reduced sentence, and because he was a cop too, the law enforcement community let him go without any criminal record under his name. [16], The film was pulled from the Berlin festival's Generation section. The film is based on the Chinese coming-of-age novel,In His Youth, In Her Beauty, byJiu Yuexi. Better airs continues on Monday 20th February on BBC One, with the series also available to stream as a boxset in full on iPlayer. Leila Farzad, as DI Lou Slack, and Andrew Buchan as Col McHugh deliver one of the best performances, even though the screenplay had plenty of loopholes regarding the characters they were enacting on the screen. He used to paint a lot till that point, and with compromised motor skills, his ability to draw will be affected, but he is not losing hope. He also starts questioning Cols frequent visits to her amidst all the hospital rounds. Things got more tense as Vernon was quizzed over why he set his house on fire with the former copper saying he panicked. Set in Leeds and West Yorkshire, the five-part BBC drama follows DI Lou Slack (Farzad) on her quest for redemption when after almost losing her teenage son Owen she reevaluates her life of corruption. Either way, the finale and those final moments in particular prompt us to think of genuine morality and whether, if you're vastly well-meaning, will one always follow through? Meanwhile, Col has retreated into himself and takes to gardening in the rain, rather than continuing to make growth plans for his drugs business. WebSummaries A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, all while she copes with the pressures of I hate plagiarism and this shouldn't be praised so much. She stays alone without her mothers guidance but is treated as a teenager. Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1 Review The Apostate, Unforgotten Series 5 Review: Bleak, Angry, But the Old Magic is Still There, New British TV Series for 2023: BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Sky, Netflix, Prime Video, BritBox, TV Shows to Fill the Happy Valley-Shaped Hole In Your Life. The way he promised, to walk behind her, always. There's something about a brand new crime drama being released as a boxset on BBC iPlayer that inevitably means the more eager among us will tear through a series in no time. However, Chen keeps the secret to herself and walks off from the investigation. 20 years ago, Lou was a struggling new police officer, and Col became an informant on a case she was working on. Better Days Director Says Lead Actress Was Near Breaking D (Warning: spoilers! 1. Col would not suspect her involvement. Col and his associates dont suspect her yet at this point, and they generally feel that this is something that was out of her control and that it is okay to let Col McHugh feel that he isnt invulnerable to the cops. Col's wife slaps him, as she believes that Col loves Lou which he does, but as he states "not in that way". Cols henchman Noel is caught in a robbery case with the vintage gun that she had given back to Col from the scene of the crime. Detective Inspector Louisa, aka Lou Slack, is a reputed police officer with the Leeds police department, known for cracking many hard-core cases. BBCs Better Ending Explained: Did Lou Escape the McHugh Gang. Lou does not stop her, but she is terrified of losing face, and she is willing to do anything to make sure she isnt caught. But on top of that, the film is a wonderful piece of love and sacrifice that will touch your heart. They look out for each other in various circumstances, and she is paid a handsome amount to do so. There is no official announcement concerning Better Season 2, but keeping in mind the cliffhanger of season 1, it gives us some hope that there will be a season two. Red Rose ending explained What is Red Rose? It's an emotional goodbye but she then goes on to retrieve a gun she's hidden in someone's back garden. Hence, people stop clicking picturing of her dead body. A relationship that started off with banter quickly transforms into two people trying to fill each others void. When Chen was called for interrogation, one of the bullies, Wei Lai, picks up on Chen and mocks her too, so she doesnt rat on her. Meanwhile, Chen Nian meets a street thug, Liu Beishan (aka Xiao Bei). Chen really wishes to clear the exam and get admission to a university to quickly pay off her mothers huge debt. Thats why Lou convinces Col to surrender along with her. David chooses to become a lobster if he is not successful and seems quite at peace with the idea for the most part. Later, she tried to see Vernon but he refused to meet with her as tension mounted about whether she would also go down. I would never wanna speak for her. Her husband, Cer, is concerned about odd jobs other than the police job she has to do. Devastated by Vernon's fate, Lou decides to break Col's rule and confront him one last time, sending Ceri and Owen away for their own protection and leaving her to face him alone. Zheng Ye visits Chen before she leaves for Beijing. Lou couldnt pull the trigger on Col, saying he was like a brother to her, nonetheless, she confessed she was going to hand herself in and reveal her dodgy history with his criminal gang. After this police came to Chens house and tells her that Xiao lied about him being a minor and is sentenced to death, and Chen admits her part in the crime. If anyone is interested, there's English translations you can find online! Better Days was released on October 25, 2019, in China. It was released by Well Go USA Entertainment in Mandarin with English subtitles in selected theaters in the United States and Canada. [16] The film was pulled from the Berlin festival's Generation section. Their performances are grounded, mellow, and emotional. But Lou went even further than this and said Esther was nothing like her and if she returned to the service then she would step down and leave. Better Daysis a beautifully shot film that holds the essence of a novel. Smriti enjoys reading about cinema, she loves to know about cinema and finding out trivia of films and television shows, and from time to time indulges in fan theories. The film further explores Chen and Xiaos struggle to protect Chen from bullying. Lou is covering her tracks by making sure Col does not suspect her shifting allegiance, and that her team does not suspect too much of her life, sort of as a double agent. They grew close over the years, and then when Lous husbands business went bust, Col gave him a share in the building merchant he laundered money through to set him up with an income. Even though Owen has recovered from meningitis, it will harm his body and brain. Without his protection, Chen Nian is caught by the bullies who cut her hair, beat, and strip her, all the while filming her. Col tried to convince her to follow in his footsteps, increasingly pressuring her, which drove her to drugs, and her eventual overdose. This movie is based on the Chinese novel, "The Youthful You Who Was so Beautiful." It is amazing! She ended up left for dead, but Lou found her and took her to hospital. He explains that the only way for her to continue with her life and go to college is if he takes the blame for Wei Lai's death by saying he assaulted her and accidentally killed her in the process. Wei offers Chen anything that she asked for as long as Chen promised to keep quiet. More info, WARNING: This article contains major spoilers from Better. The final episode of Better opens up with Vernon (Anton Lesser) taking the blame for Bulgey's (Garry Cooper) murder. She asks to be removed from Col's criminal case, which is good because Col previously told her that he "never wants to see" her again. When she tried to stand up against the bullies she got brutally pushed down the stairs in from of many students at school. This is the only chance Lou has to gain Esthers confidence, and if her tip works, Col will be behind bars in no time. Throughout this time, Chen Nian continues to go to school and prepare for the college entrance exam; however, she gets cornered on her way home from school by the three expelled bullies who chase her with box cutters and a cage of rats. It is established the next day that Lou, though a well-known DI, is also a corrupt cop who is on the payroll of the drug mafia kingpin of Leeds, Col McHugh. In an interview with THR, series co-creator Peter Gould dissects the Better Call Saul series finale. Having nowhere else to go, Chen Nian goes to Xiao Beis house and asks him to protect her while she continues studying for and eventually takes the college entrance exam. A man discovers a body, and that body was of Wei Lai, police investigated Chen Nian as the main suspect for her murder. Molly and Deb at the Detox Center. It was released by Well Go USA Entertainment in Mandarin with English subtitles in selected theaters in the United States and Canada. During the birthday dinner, it is implied the amount of work Lou has done to make Col and his drug ring grow and prosper, and in the bid to legitimize his business, Col has got himself involved in the real estate and construction business to secure his wife and sons future. YES! When Xiao Bei is finally allowed to leave the police station, he runs home to see a bleeding Chen Nian on the floor taping her assignments together with her clothes in tatters and her hair cut. Better Days earned more than US$80 on its opening weekend in China. [16], The film won the Snow Leopard Special Jury Award at the 6th Asian World Film Festival in Los Angeles in March 2021.[27]. [12][13], Production started in July 2018 and ended on September 10, 2018. An engaging watch from the start till the end. This test will decide the fate of their future. She realizes even though she has no standing rivalry with Col at this point, the thought of losing her son makes her realize the number of wrong things she has carried out without questioning and realizing how much it has affected people of Owens age. Then the attackers continued to threaten both of them until they both kissed. Both Lou and Col were at an impasse with the police officer saying they could go in together and confess everything. The thoughts cloud Chens sensibility, and Chen pushes Wei Lai. A few days after her sons near-death scare, something changes in Lou. While Noel doesn't want to, he feels like he has to for the sake of loyalty and his own safety. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lou was expecting some light at the end of the tunnel kind of answer from Vernon, but all she comes to know is the practical reason stated by Vernon. Just in time, she escapes after retrieving the said object, and she is stopped by her fellow cops. After discovering her policing idol DI Slack is as bent as a two bob note, she ended up going off on long-term leave, saying she no longer believes she can make a positive difference in policing. Lou promises to stay away. In prison, the McHughs took their revenge, convincing their imprisoned former gang member Noel to shank him, and poor Vernon died before the medics even arrived. After one of her classmates of Chen Nian dies due to suicide, due to bullying, she finds herself the new victim of the queen bee and vicious school bully Wei Lai and her friends. The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 1: Recap And Ending, Explained: Where Are Mando And Grogu Heading To. One day when Xiao Bei is picked to be in a lineup, he misses to protect Chen Nian, and the bullies took advantage of this fact and attacked her, and cut her hair, beat and strip her, and filmed her too. My mom said that the advantage of getting older is that you begin to forget things. The menace reached his home, and Lou and Col blazing life truths at each other led to Col deciding to let her go from the syndicate if she stayed away from any investigation done on him from here on. This now means that Noel will now be serving a much longer sentence, but has remained loyal to Col. Once Lou is informed of this, she breaks down and we later see her attend Vernon's funeral and be handed his personal belongings. Chen, who is on the verge of becoming an adult, is stuck in between both worlds. WebBetter Days (Chinese: ; In Your Youth) is a 2019 Chinese romantic crime film directed by Derek Tsang and starring Zhou Dongyu and Jackson Yee. Pointing the gun at her, he asks for the note, and she confesses it doesn't exist. The detective said wanted to leave it up him to take down the big fish but he was unsure saying Sandy wouldnt have any of it. Their friendship stands the test of loyalty eventually, and they stand up for each other. A member of the police department, used to have a negative opinion on Chen Nian, later accepting Zheng Yes opinion. Her purposely deciding not to inform Col about the raids, will it catch on with Col and his close circuit? Police detectives Zheng Ye and Lao Yang investigate Hu Xiaodies death, and while interviewing Wei Lai, make it known that Chen Nian has reported being bullied by Wei Lai. Tonight Youre Sleeping With Me Ending, Explained: Who Does Nina End Up With? A Man Called Otto Ending, Explained: Does Otto Find A Reason To Live? Cer and Lou went out for a fancy dinner with the officer apologising to her partner for pushing them into this life together. For more Quality Content, Do visitDigital Mafia Talkies | DMT. Well Go USA Entertainment Lou lied about what transpired between her and Esther and where shed got in intel from when shed stopped Col McHugh only to come up with nothing. When Aoife made it clear that she hated her father in her suicide; the note rattled him for good, and he will probably never recover from that tragedy. [7][8][9] A critical success, the film was chosen as the official entry for Hong Kong for Best International Feature Film at the 93rd Academy Awards; it became the third Hong Kong entry in history to achieve the nomination (27 years after Farewell My Concubine, the second), and was the first nominated entry directed by a Hong Kong native rather than by a Mainland Chinese director.[10][11]. Their twenty years of friendship is based on nothing but the truth. Isekai Nonbiri Nouka Chapter 202: Release Date, Spoilers & Where To Read, Who Does Bay End Up With In Switched At Birth? He's questioned by Lou and her colleague, but later turns on her and orders her out of the room. Nevertheless, it was also really strong. They drive to the police station together at dawn and, in an exceptionally clever use of anti-climax, theres no-one on reception, so these two titans of good and evil end up having to sit in the waiting area until a police officer comes on duty. The show begins with Lou being assigned a job to retrieve an old, vintage gun from the scene of a crime. With equity release you could access a lump-sum of tax-free cash which can be used to enhance your retirement income, make home improvements, or even enjoy a memorable holiday. The detective then reveals that he was lying to her to get her to admit to the crime because the sentence would be lighter for both of them. Better Days holds some really intriguing conversations about teenagers and adults and how their mechanisms work differently. Chen, who is on the verge of becoming an adult, is stuck in between both worlds. She stays alone without her mothers guidance but is treated as a teenager. After the shooting, an uneasy truce is agreed between the two sides. Then they both go to jail. Xiao Bei is picked to be in a line up and gets stuck at the police station nearly all night. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Tricking him to a woodland by saying she found a suicide note with Aoife's body, the pair face each other one last time there. Vernon shot the henchman dead, sent Lou away and burned his house down, taking the blame for Bulgeys death (in quite some considerable style) to save Lou from having her corruption exposed. The finale picked up directly in the aftermath of the last episode, the next morning. Zheng Ye isnt happy with the story Chen and Xiao had weaved, and he keeps digging the truth. The BBC crime thriller's season finale ends on one hell of a cliffhanger. For more from the biggest stars in TV, listen to the Radio Times View From My Sofa podcast. In fact, both of them mean that it has passed. Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam Ending, Explained: Did James Remember How He Become Sundaram. Things go awry, which leads to Lou having to bring about peace between the gangs. Owen is kidnapped by Donal, Cols kid, and she is threatened with his life until she decides to meet Col. Donal and Owen become good friends; the only difference is that Owen does not know Donal is Cols son, and in the spirit of their new friendship, Owen ends up revealing his parents fighting over one man who has too much power over them. Lou will also have a hard time with her family since she decided to confess without consulting them, keeping in mind Owens deteriorating health condition. Mosby wasnt convinced by Lous words but she said shed found out either way. She asks that he don't go after their family and even hands over the gun to him. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Then Lou blamed her for leaking the safe house location to the cops, which prompted a visit from McHughs henchmen, who torture her to confirm she definitely didnt betray Noel. Vernon had befriended Lou as she searched for her own clean slate. She revealed what really happened with Bulgey and Vernon, saying she was all out of ideas about how to deal with Col but said she needed to stop him. In DI Slacks eyes, she was still a good cop because she was doing good police work with the information Col gave her. We then see Noel go into Vernon's cell and stab him, with Noel whispering to him that he's sorry. After stepping down from the task force, Lou and her husband Ceri Davies (Samuel Edward-Cook) had words about Esthers departure from the force and whether she would spill the beans. She is now more focused on supporting her team, but she finds ways to not let any breakthrough in Cols case come to her. Will someone else take over Cols drug ring, and what will Cols family do from here now that he is facing time for his crime? It didn't end well for him, with Vernon shooting him dead and wiping away any traces of Lou having been in the house. Lou will be saved without Col ever knowing her involvement. Pointing a gun at him, the pair stand off as they discuss the decisions that led them to that moment. Vernons death linked the whole case together and was the thing needed to take down the McHughs with the taskforce assembling. After this, there was no need for Donal to spy on Owen, and hed been scared off anyway, so he didnt return to the support group, leaving Owen confused and sad about why his friend had suddenly disappeared. Her friend, Hu Xiaodie, who committed suicide, was constantly bullied by three girls in school. That is, until they see that nobody is at the front desk. Better Days is adapted from Jiu Yuexi's novel In His Youth, In Her Beauty (; the novel was also translated as Young and Beautiful by some sources). Chen Nian, however, has a lot more to face. When she was on her way home, Xiao Bei grabbed her and asked her to tell the police that he assaulted her and accidentally killed her in the process. To save him and Lou from all the trouble, he burns his home down so that he will be charged only with self-defense. Wei Lai keeps digging out topics that pained Chen. He helps shave her head and meanwhile, shaves his too. The actions create an instant connection with Xiaodie. He helps her shave her head and then shaves his too. An ex public relations executive, films has been a major part of her life since the day she watched The Godfather Part 1. She escorts a nervous child to her home, and Xiao follows her like a shadow. A young police detective who plays a major role in finding out the bullies and tries to help Chen Nian. Please stop supporting plagiarism and respect original work. If you are wrong with your toughts, writing this comment can also be bad for the work. A couple of important things to note, with Lou and Cer want to help him regain his life in the best way possible from here on. Zhang Yao as Li Xiang. Bulgey attempts to murder Lou for Col "losing his head", but Vernon beats him to it. It doesnt look like it. But when Lou brought Gwen from the Yorkshire Resettlement Programme to visit him and talk about how she could support him in finding a job and a home when hes released, he refused her help, stating his intention to return to the McHugh gang. Donal passes on this information to his father, which leads to Col suspecting Lou and her husband, Cer. You & Me ending What happens to Ben and Emma? It piles up in the form of anger, angst, and sorrow. I'm surprised that Dongyu's already in her late 20's. The couple then discussed what they were going to do with 80,000 they had with Lou deciding to give it to the people who most needed it. The results come out, and Chen scores brilliantly. Masih jarang dibahas, mari kenalan lebih jauh dengan film asal Hong Kong ini lewat fakta berikut. What Happens To Him In The End? And then in a drastic change of heart, Col agrees. A final scene taking place a few years later shows Chen Nian as a teacher who notices a child who looks distressed. Vernon gave a full confession for Bulgeys death and was being held in a secure unit on account of his arm, which needed to be healed before he was allowed to mix with the rest of the prison population. Lou initially denies it but soon must reveal her long term involvement with Col and his gang. Chen Nian approaches the girl and they walk home together, followed closely by Xiao Bei. It was only a matter of time before it got deadly. She then started to give names relating to the McHugh crime syndicate as she wanted to turn over a new leaf. He interrogates Chen because she was the only one who came forward for Xiaodie. Curtis said he was happy to take care of things while Col was in his bereaved state. The story falls back to Anqiao City, 2011, where students are preparing for their board exams. She also witnesses a man being severely injured at the same scene of the crime, and he passes away in front of her within seconds of noticing her. That is, of course, the case with BBC's Better. Deciding what to do next, she convinces him to come with her to the police station and confess everything they've done, finally paying for the decades of crime. Laura is a freelance writer and social media pro specialising in entertainment, food and drink and charities. The detective then takes her to see Xiao Bei and they agree to take the lighter sentences, and both go to jail. He seems uncertain but lo and behold, the pair walk up to the police station ready to confess. At the facilities, they also find two Asian kids who were locked in, which also brings the human trafficking angle into Col and his drug ring. Hes also got another movie coming out called Little Red Flower. Still, Wei Lai keeps pondering in, making Chens life a living hell. The Traitors 2023: Will There Be Episode 12? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The character arc of Chen Nian is in a constant struggle to forget the bullying, move on with it. Lou is asked by Col to let the case go, but contemplating the changes that are happening in her mind and body, she arrests Noel by stating that the tip of Noels hideout was anonymous, and she has no option but to go ahead and arrest Noel. The attackers mock her trying to save Xiao Bei and beat both of them until they finally get Chen Nian to kiss Xiao Bei as a way to humiliate them. Can find online they both kissed who committed suicide questioning Cols frequent visits to her home, and is! And tries to help Chen Nian, later accepting zheng Yes opinion after an incident involving loved! '', but later turns on her and orders her out of the police station ready confess! The school and committed suicide wonderful piece of love and sacrifice that will touch your heart a shot! A negative opinion on Chen Nian meets a street thug, Liu Beishan ( aka Xiao Bei and they a... 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