The PSNI alleged then that it was an orchestrated attack by the New IRA. VICE News reporter Alex Miller speaks to members of the Republican Action Against Drugs (RAAD), who formed the coalition with the Real IRA, and meets supporters as young as 13 who are being. In April 2022, following a Saoradh-organised event at a Derry cemetery, PSNI officers were attacked. Since the killing of Lyra McKee, Saoradh has come into public focus in a way it did not do so before, particularly in the wake of Easter commemoration marches in Cork and Dublin. Why should ANY murderers repent? Several men are currently awaiting trial charged with the murder. He was recognised by local people in the Waterside who could not publicly identify him for fear of being murdered themselves by the IRA as informers. He was a traitor. This guy McFadden must have had some brass neck to say a thing like that knowing that he too was an informer.. She appealed the conviction but it was upheld in June 1970. Why should IRA murderers repent? You can obtain a copy of the New IRA boss Thomas Mellon demanded three nights of hijackings in Derry city in response to the arrest of a teenager who is close to one of his lieutenants. News you can trust since . 1 minute ago. The Derry Brigade was organised in three different levels. , 400px wide McFaddens former acquaintance said: About a year ago I was in County Donegal and out of curiosity I drove up to the spot where Denis Donaldson was killed. The Derry Brigade IRA Sinn Fin has grown immensely wealthy and capitalist on the British payroll system, mired in nepotism, cronyism and alleged financial corruption, with millionaire members jetting off to Dubai to holiday on yachts owned by pals such as the wealthy Royal Navy Officer friend of Raymond McCartney. The IRA have revealed for the first time why they shot dead one of Ireland's most notorious criminals, The General, Martin Cahill. 12 August 1969 Battle of the Bogside (Derry) The Orange Apprentice Boys of Londonderry hold a parade. In January 2017 it wounded a police officer aged in his 20s when it fired up to 10 shots from an automatic weapon at a filling station on the Crumlin Road in north Belfast. He was arrested at Heathrow airport in August. Perhaps these deaths may help to unite all people in our community who are prepared to take a public stand for Christian values. There is an old saying often touted at police officers in the North and garda in the South: that IRA activists only need to be lucky once. 24 October 1990: in a proxy bomb attack, the IRA forced a British Army civilian employee (Patrick Gillespie), by holding his family hostage, to deliver a bomb to a British Army checkpoint at Buncrana Road, 17 September 1991: a horizontal mortar attack on a British Army/RUC mobile patrol occurred in, 6 November 1991: another horizontal mortar attack, this time on a UDR mobile patrol at. Lyra McKee was covering riots in Londonderry when she was shot dead The IRA movement could not tolerate a situation where its would-be teenage volunteers whom it required to fight its cause would be brainwashed and diverted from the true IRA struggle by foreign notions of pacifism. The New IRA is distinct from the Provisional IRA, the Republican paramilitaries who fought in The Troubles. Derry had a taste of the IRA way and preferred it. 23 May 1994: an IRA team used a motor boat stolen from Foyle Search and Rescue to cross. ", 8 March 1989: two British soldiers were killed and six others badly wounded when their vehicle struck a massive IRA landmine on the, 28 January 1990: a civilian (Charles Love) was killed when he was hit by debris when an IRA bomb exploded on Derry's walls during a march to commemorate Bloody Sunday. A statement linking dissident republican group the New IRA to the shooting of senior PSNI officer John Caldwell has appeared on a wall in Derry. . These divisions over strategy intensified during the August 1969 unrest in Derry, when the IRA was unable to deploy volunteers and arms to defend Catholics from Loyalist . 23 January 1993: an RUC officer was shot and killed while on a foot patrol at Shipquat Sreet, Derry. | The NUJ Glasgow branch held a vigil for those wishing to pay their respects for the slain journalist. As soon as it became possible to vote for those virile IRA persons who had made their contribution to the IRAs campaign of mass murder of civilians without even counting the number of police or soldiers murdered Derry people gave a handsome electoral reward to the men and women of murder, largely dumping the impotent and pacifist SDLP party that had operated without guns, bombs or murder Thanks for everything, John, but no thanks.. Carlin, from Derry, was a mole inside Sinn Fein providing intelligence to MI5. The IRA rejected claims that the killing was sectarian, stating: "The man's religion is of no interest to us. Henry Hensey McKenna, who died on the 18 January, 2023, was the last member of the Provisional IRA murder gang who kidnapped, tortured, murdered and secretly buried school boy Columba McVeigh. Around 100 IRA and INLA members were then arrested in Derry on his evidence, of whom 35 were charged with terrorist offences. CCTV footage issued by the PSNI shows the driver (centre left) running away from a car parked outside the courthouse on Bishop Street in Derry before it exploded on Saturday night. This was the era of The Cold War and spies and The Berlin Wall. Derry City warmly embraced the transfer of protest from the Civil Rights movement to the IRA when the youthful face of Derry Brigade IRA Adjutant Martin McGuinness was televised. Derry was not a slum, but it has become a political slum since the populace has embraced the unrepentant murderers, bombers and torturers of yesteryear as their political representatives in preference to the unbloody and pacifist politicians of the SDLP and other groupings. This page was last edited on 7 December 2022, at 17:09. Consumer confidence nudges up - but is it a blip? July 21, 1972: Twenty-plus IRA bombs explode in Belfast, leaving nine dead and 130 injured on what will come to be called Bloody Friday. The Strange Case of Witness O at the Birmingham Pub Bombings Inquest, Thomas Ashe Mellon III the new Martin McGuinness. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, Bishop Edward Daly repeatedly told me over the years that he would never believe Martin McGuinness over Rose Hegarty in relation to McGuinness false promises that alleged informer Frankie Hegarty would not be harmed by the IRA if he returned to Derry. The Belfast and Derry IRA For various reasons, including some difficulties with infiltration in Belfast, the IRA altered its units in Belfast and Derry city into smaller cells by the. The three IRA members were working on an incendiary device at McCools home at Dunree Gardens in the Creggan in June 1970 when it exploded prematurely. Henry McDonald Official IRA Terrorist, Workers Party Agent? A 10th suspect, Issam Bassalat, 62, a Palestinian doctor based in Scotland, has also been arrested and stands accused of preparation of terrorist acts. News images provided by Press Association Defeated Army instead of IRA undefeated Army in the Creggan area of Derry close by the scene where journalist yra McKee was fatally shot amid rioting on April 18. Several other RUC officers were injured. The first use of IRA dates back to the 1919-21 Irish War of Independence. In a statement at the time of the group's formation signed off by the "IRA Army Council", they claimed Irish people had been "sold a phoney peace, rubber-stamped by a token legislature in Stormont". There was a palpable feeling abroad in middle-class Derry that the Civil Rights movement and Peoples Democracy were infiltrated or led by communists and dreaded university students were widely held to be the foolish bearers of revolutionary communism and Trotskyism. The Derry Brigade along with the Belfast Brigade, East Tyrone Brigade and the South Armagh Brigade were the four most active IRA Brigade areas during the conflict between 1969 and 1998.[2]. On the night of the explosion, they were attempting to make an incendiary bomb in response to the arrest of Mid Ulster MP, Bernadette Devlin (McAliskey). For instance,a Real IRA factionin Cork refused to amalgamate into the new organisation. The New IRA was formed in 2012, and authorities believe it is politically affiliated with the Saoradh group, which was formed in 2016. Guerrillas Destroy A British Cargo Ship",,,,,,,,, "IRA launches mortar attack on security patrol",,, "A Draft Chronology of the Conflict - 1994",, Peter Heathwood Collection of television programs: 1994, "Derry man handed 10-year jail sentence for IRA terrorist offences -", LAST UPDATE In January 2019, police blamed the New IRA after a bomb placed in a van exploded outside the courthouse in Derry. He was shot by the IRA in 1994. Tales of a Soviet Russian submarine that landed weapons in Lough Swilly were around in 1970 and 1971. The formal . This is a list of members of the Irish Republican Army. In 1986, the Provisional IRA also decided to allow Provisional Sinn Fin members sit in parliament, prompting another splinter dubbed the Continuity IRA. It carried out a car bomb attack that severely injured PSNI officer Peadar Heffron in 2010, and the same year was behind the car bomb attack on the British army's Palace Barracks in Hollywood, Co Down, which houses MI5's headquarters in Northern Ireland. PH: (01) 6489130, Lo-Call 1890 208 080 or email: While in prison he turned against the republican movement and has become one of its greatest critics. The security forces described his death as a "freak accident" as he was a quarter of a mile from the bomb, which was targeting security forces. [1] The armed group has been linked to the murders of journalist Lyra McKee in 2019, Pc Ronan Kerr in 2011, and prison officers David Black in 2012 and Adrian Ismay in 2016. Also in the crowd that day were a number of plain clothes Special Detective Unit garda taking note of and walking alongside attendees. People turned out to pay their respects to the Belfast born journalist Lyra McKee, 29, who was shot dead by members of the New IRA whilst while covering riots that were happening in Derry, also known as Londonderry. RME133W1 - Feb. 26, 2012 - IRA Members London Derry, . He states that of the IRA and INLA members he knew, almost half were dead or missing by the end of the conflict. A small IRA battalion existed in Derry since the Troubles began, but it never had a steady amount of volunteers until Bloody Sunday, which saw an influx of new recruits. The real antagonism between the IRA leadership and the Civil Rights' movement is captured in a 'Guardian' press report from Belfast when IRA members forcefully crashed a Civil Rights' platform and took over the meeting. Jody is held captive . IRA members who supported the treaty formed the nucleus of the Irish National Army founded by the IRA leader Michael Collins. Notable events involving the Derry Brigade include: Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. People have regularly expressed to me that the Patsy Gillespie Human Bomb horror must have been the final nail in the IRAs coffin in Derry surely locals would never again offer support to the IRA movement after such a terrible Human Rights atrocity carried out by IRA volunteers well-known in the republican community and authorised by Martin McGuinness? There is currently a significant sharing of information between the PSNI and garda for instance, on Wednesday night garda moved armed units into border crossing zones as the PSNI warned them the gunmen were suspected to be heading south. The Provisional IRA declared a ceasefire in 1997 and formally ended its armed campaign in July 2005, although security assessments in 2015 and 2020 revealed it still existed. It says it is a standalone political organisation, but it is viewed as reflecting the views of the New IRA, a connection it did little deny with the paramilitary trappings on view in OConnell Street in Dublin on Saturday. Open Letter to Professor Peter Finn, St. Marys University College, re Hosting the Hypocritical Pat Finucane Annual Lecture, Sinn Fins new Ethel Lynch Cumann in Derry and the Cult of Lies. When the IRA worked out Carlin was the spy, members of the organisation's Internal Security Unit, the so-called . Derry people gave the impression for many years of believing in John Humes creed that no political aim was worth a single drop of blood or a single human life, but that was just another lie. The deaths of the two McCool children were also the first females deaths in the Troubles although they were not the first child deaths. Announcing the move, then-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Brandon Lewis warned it was "not a time for complacency", saying "there is still a minority who wish to cause harm in Northern Ireland". The two officers were interrogated and released unharmed 18 hours later. The IRA later did everything it could to stamp out the movement of women and mothers that became known as The Peace People anybody remember Mairead Corrigan-Maguire and Betty Williams and their ill-fated Nobel Peace Prize cash? It has also targeted many more PSNI officers with gun and attempted under-car booby trap bomb attacks. So, dont be surprised that Derry is the incubator of the IRA that murdered a female journalist recently. One man unconnected to the New IRA or Saoradh who knew McFadden and often drove him around Northern Ireland, said the Glaswegian came across as a hardline true believer in the dissident republican cause. The real antagonism between the IRA leadership and the Civil Rights movement is captured in a Guardian press report from Belfast when IRA members forcefully crashed a Civil Rights platform and took over the meeting. THE family of former IRA man Eamon 'Peggy' McCourt say they have "cut all ties" with the republican movement following a row over adding his name to a 'Roll of Honour' in Derry. A few months later I was in the car with Dennis McFadden and I showed him the pics of Donaldsons cottage. Today, SDU detectives will be chatting to contacts and visiting suspected New IRA members at their homes, while analysts will be going up on phones to listen and monitor dissident activities. No-one recalls the IRAs sectarian murder of unarmed Protestant Jeffrey Agate, MD of Du Pont, whose company gave some of the best paid jobs to Derry. considering the fact that McGuinness was the second-in-command of the IRA in Derry. Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times, Bemusement among those opposed to Brexit as Sunak hails prize for Northern Ireland in his deal with EU, Peace Proms return with strong message on harmony and inclusivity, What is the DUP up to now? The New IRA have claimed responsibility for the attempted murder of Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell in Omagh last week. A number of police officers have been forced to move home as a result of such incidents. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Author and speaker, Shane Paul ODoherty, here examines the activities of the IRA before, during and after what is known as the [Irish] peace process with particular reference to the IRAs unacknowledged Human Rights atrocities and victims. Thomas McCool died along with his daughters, Bernadette and Carole. In advance of the formation of the New IRA some of its members are believed to have been involved in the 2011 murder of PSNI officer Ronan Kerr in Omagh, and two years earlier in Antrim in the murders of British soldiers Patrick Azimkar and Mark Quinsey. Northern Ireland a putrid little state? It was an orchestrated attack by the IRA that murdered a female journalist recently last week almost half dead... A Soviet Russian submarine that landed weapons in Lough Swilly were around in 1970 and 1971 Detective! 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