Siegfried is a legendary German knight and prince who appears as the hero of the c. 1200 CE German epic poem the Nibelungenlied.More myth than reality, the figure is based on older Germanic and Norse folklore, but he may originally have been inspired by a Frankish knight of the 7th century CE or even a Germanic leader who fought valiantly against the Romans in the 1st century CE. They fought in massive suits of armor, usually weighing 40-60 pounds, although some plate armor is estimated to have weighed more than 100 pounds! Carrying weapons such as arrows, javelins, and even darts, the hardiness, mobility, and unorthodox fighting methods espoused by these throngs of horsemen seemingly countered the more sedentary battle tactics of the wealthy Mesopotamian civilizations. Others would transform into animals and move or fly with great speed, unseen by normal people. During the battle of Thermopylae, they held off the Persians for three days before dying. Historians have noted that Ashoka the Great was disliked by his father due to his appearance. As for the effect of Scythian invasions on the realms of the Middle East, a biblical prophet summed up the baleful nature of the ferocious horse lords from the north . They were among the toughest soldiers in history to kill because of their armor. Well know for their close quarter fighting style and berserkers. Answer: King Leonidas was one of the bravest of warriors. Their culture was all about war and training men for war their entire lives. The Gurkhas have a reputation for fearless military prowess. 10. A young boy and a group of misfit friends embark on a quest to find a dark magic item of ultimate power before a diabolical tyrant can. Honor was the cornerstone concept for knights of the medieval era. Donar (Teutonic): God of war with immense strength associated with thunder. However, beyond just cultural affiliations with the advanced Sumerians, the Akkadians also adopted (and loaned) many of the military systems and doctrines of their Mesopotamian brethren. The horsemen were trained to shoot even while retreating. Exploring the magic of traditional fairy tales, mythology, folklore, fractured fairy tales, retellings, new/original works, high fantasy, and fantasy. Unlike the other ancient warrior cultures mentioned in this list, the Lusitani (Lusitanians) preferred special tactics used during protracted conflicts, which entailed the very concept of ancient guerrilla warfare. Gurkhas in campaigning kit during first World War I. This technique, though risky, might have been instrumental in shattering the first division of their Egyptian foes, thus providingthe Hittites with the initiative in the encounter. He is the king who started his army with 10-15 Mavalas (warriors) and excluded the Mughal empire. But the practical superiority of the Akkadian (and Sumerian) warrior culture must have related to the use of wheels an invention that not only allowed for more complex logistical support but also heralded the development of chariots, the ponderous heavy shock weapons of the Bronze Age. One example of such transmission of military ideas relates to how the Akkadians probably fought in a phalanx-like formation long before the Greeks (as did the soldiers of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash). The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan stretched all over Asia and part of Europe. A bronze mythological group of Susanoo no Mikoto receiving the yasakani no magatama (sacred jewel). Achilles grew up to be one of Greece's finest warriors. 9. Shock weapon-I doubt. Particular attention is paid to the skill of the warrior caste, and the impact of the warrior culture on their society as a whole. Unknown authorUnknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, The Gurkhas are Nepali soldiers recruited by the British and Indian armies. The result was a feudal society in ancient times that was headed by powerful clans who maintained their political presence while granting autonomy to many urban and trading centersthroughout the kingdom. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Home Blog Posts Military 10 of the Greatest Ancient Warrior Cultures You Should Know About. As told in Irish mythology, Ogma is a warrior-poet who has been cited as the inventor of the Ogham alphabet, an early Irish language. Artist Jolomo to showcase new exhibition of paintings Sponsored Content. . Troops. A ninja or shinobi was a spy or mercenary from feudal Japan. Their warriors were like the ninjas of America. In essence, the military of the Parthians mirrored the armies of Europe during the early middle ages, where the military (and political) leadership was focused on heavily armed mounted warriors, while the rest of the army played a rather supporting role. 9. At times, especially during periods of a protracted war with the Romans, the Parthians also fielded infantry though they were usually of mixed variety, with preference given to the hardy hill-folks from northern Persia, who were often supplemented by the poorly armed urban militia. As for the shock weapon part, from what we understand, chariots were used as both weapon platforms and for the shock effect of course depending upon the culture and the terrain. The ninja was stealth soldiers and mercenaries hired mostly by daimyos. The traditional samurai code of honor, discipline, and morality is known as 'bushido' meaning 'the way of the warrior,' and was followed by each samurai. Question: Why aren't Vikings and Romans on this list of greatest warrior groups? Since the Maori were isolated from the rest of the world, they developed a unique warrior culture. Killed accidentally by his brother Hod. Only the wealthiest nobles could afford to hire a knight. They were often of divine* ancestry and were noted for performing superhuman and brave acts. He was fair, intelligent, and clever, and always sought to avoid slaughter if he could help it. Moreover, many Lusitani young warriors were known to be the desperados of ancient times because of their penchant for gathering riches through robberies. The mortal equivalents for female warriors in Norse mythology were the shieldmaidens (there were shieldmaidens in real life as well, but they featured heavily in Norse myths). They excelled at fighting and were considered to be the bravest warriors one could confront in a battle. What is likely, however, is that the myth is based on real examples of warrior women, the existence of which reached the ears of Greek historians, who created legends and wove them into stories. In that regard, these scythes, with their ability to puncture both helmets and shields, probably had their origins in rudimentary agricultural tools used by the farmers. Military service was compulsory for all boys over the age of 15. Knights were used even after the introduction of gunpowder weapons. These actions were considered to be dishonorable by the samurai. Tr De Dna Tr De Dna refers to the three gods of crafting in ancient folklore. Epitomizing the very dynamic scope of the nomadic lifestyle covering an impressive spectrum from workmanship to warfare, they were thus known as the Scythians, the master horsemen and archers of the Iron Age. They would enter trances and their spirits would leave their bodies. Answer: True the Ninjas had their own code but it was not bound by the law. The katana was the primary weapon of choice for the ninjas and often used disguises to avoid detection. The Maori warriors were large and fearsome with tattoos all over their bodies. Presenting here the list of 10 of the greatest ancient warrior cultures in human history. In that regard, by the time of the momentous Battle of Kadesh (circa 1274 BC), the Hittites probably modified their chariot-based tactics by placing three men on the vehicle (as opposed to two men). An ancient warrior culture that has often been exaggerated in our popular media, the Spartans nevertheless espoused their brand of rigorous military institutions. It demonstrated the resolve of the Japanese to fight to the death instead of submitting and accepting defeat. Yes, we edited that typo about the 3rd millennium part. Question: Ninjas not having any sort of code is so false. Widely regarded to be no more than a myth, Greek tales of the Amazons are well known. The Mongol, the vicious Asian horse warriors who used brute savagery to conquer more territory in the 13th century then any other empire in history. The purpose of r/mythology is to further an appreciation for mythology and other types of folklore by providing a platform for creative and scholarly discussion. There she sits; a wife for me. Samurai (or bushi) were the military nobility of medieval and early-modern Japan and the masters of the katana. Amazons of Dahomey. The Inquisition mistook them for witches, punished many, killed a few. March 28, 2021, 1:50 am, by In fact, by the middle of the 3rd millennium BC, the Akkadians managed to create a culturally syncretic scope (that encompassed a melting pot of different ethnicity and city-states). It would be nice to hear about other ancient warrior cultures outside of Europe and the Middle east, such as these form South America: the Wari, Chachapoyans, and Shuar, you should put Bulgarians in this cultures. The ninjas practiced ninjitsu which is an art of warfare developed in the Iga province. The druids were the most influential of the groups; they serve as priests, teachers, judges, and advisers. The Ottoman Caliphate ruled over three continents and was the longest running Kingdom in the world. Thanks to:,, by And when they came of age they would be called to join the other Benandanti. The word Spartan became synonymous with fearlessness and military prowess. The goddesses that make up the Asynjur are a diverse group of female deities whose importance to Norse mythology is profound and irrefutable. In that regard, Assyrias rise to power was ironically fueled by the lands initial vulnerability, since it was beset on all sides by enemies including nomadic tribes, hill folks, and even proximate competing powers. Estrid: This name means god and beautiful. Thanks. The Maori warriors also practiced Cannibalism. In human history, there have been many fearsome groups of warriors, but some of these groups have distinguished themselves from the rest. They were feared among their enemies and respected by their allies. In a conventional sense, when we talk about Assyria, our notions pertain mostly to what is known as the Neo-Assyrian Empire (or the Late Empire) which ruled the largest empire of the world up till that time, roughly existing from a period of 900-612 BC. Now a part of this legacy had to do with the incredible military campaigns conducted by the Scythians from the very beginning of their brush with the global stage. Also, they were the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen and were pretty good with the tomahawk and throwing ax. The three gods included Creidhne, Goibniu, and Luchtaine. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. King Ashoka the Great is one of the greatest warriors of the Mauryan Dynasty. The knights were the elite troops in a medieval army. It is featured on the Superpower List Forum in the RP section. Katsushika Hokusaiderivative work: AMorozov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. 1) Heracles. He was the son of King Bindusara. Mars - Venus. A few steles also showcase how the Akkadians (and their preceding Sumerians) made use of the armored cloak a panoply that probably consisted of a leather skin (or cloth) reinforced with metal discs; and helmets for further protection in brutal melee combats. Known as a gentle and wise god. The final coup de grace was delivered by 1,000 tightly-packed cataphracts atop their mighty Nicean chargers when they broke the ranks of the disarrayed Romans, who were already afflicted by the elusive horse archers of the steppes. They were the imperial guard and the standing army of the empire. They were the backbone of the Roman army that led to an empire that was unrivaled in terms of size and power. Question: Do you know of the Special Boat Services SBS that SAS is based off? War was common between tribes, generally over land conflicts or to gain or restore Mana (spiritual power and prestige). The main reason they became obsolete was due to high costs, as it was expensive to train and mobilize them. Unicorn . Boys were often trained to go without sleep, to sit for long periods of time without moving or making a sound. And quite oddly, unlike their Gallic neighbors or even kingdoms from across the Mediterranean Sea, the Lusitanian tribes were never warlike in the proper sense of the word. He was the only son of Zeus and Danae -and thus a demigod- and also the great-grandfather of Heracles. The. Skai. The Dark Elves were ruled by Weyland. And where is your wife? As with the German army of World War II, the Assyrian army was the most technologically and doctrinally advanced of its day and was a model for others for generations afterwards. Call upon history and mythology. The mere presence of these warriors on the battlefield had a major impact on the morale of troops. For a medieval knight bound by the code of chivalry, this was an act of cowardice. These chosen retinues of the nobles were often accompanied by a multitude of lightly-armed horse-archers. Your contributor presents Sumerian war chariots as ponderous shock weapon of the army forces. Question: Was Leonidas the greatest warrior? But as the dictum suggests when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Posted By: Dattatreya Mandal Furthermore, the light troops were backed up by a core force of heavily-armored shock cavalry that was usually commanded by the local princes and they took to the battlefield for the killing blow after the perplexed enemy was both softened by the projectiles and harassed by zig-zag maneuvers. Knights used swords or lances as their primary weapon of choice in battle. He launched a campaign to unify Kyushu, and tasted many victories. But it can be hypothesized that like most nomadic societies, the majority of the adult population was liable for military service (including some of the younger women or Amazons). They were all you would want in a soldier and proved it on the battlefield by destroying all in their paths. Young Apache warriors were tested almost to the point of destruction. This is an alphabetically ordered list of Greek mythological figures, including deities and other immortal beings as well as significant legendary mortals. They used primitive weapons made mostly of wood and bone. Viking warrior were highly feared across Europe for their brutal attacks and unorthodox for the time weapon of choice, the battle-axe. Over time, they became a powerful military caste who overthrew their masters, defeated the Mongols and the Crusaders and established a dynasty that lasted three hundred years. Long before the Viking Age, devotees of Odin fought with such ferocity that their victims believed the dead had come to hunt them. the warriors and noble knights and the farmers and commoners. The Persian elite troops were the Immortals, a constantly replenished force of precisely 10,000 men. This tactic in itself alludes to how the soldiers of Akkad must have been disciplined and trained, thus hinting at their professional status,as opposed to most ancient armies. Other mythological figures and races The Fomorians Caf Bookclub 2 members Last Activity Jan 25, 2023 07:44AM Books & Literature General Join the GR bookclub group for the book podcast Caf Bookclub! The sheer force of a cavalry charge was enough to make the enemy units turn tail and run. There are earlier references to groups of twelve deities in Greek mythology, Anatolian, Lycian, Hittite, Etruscan and Egyptian cultures. The Einherjar were legendary warriors in death, but some historians believe that they may have been inspired by a group of living men. The SAS gained worldwide reputation and fame after their televised rescue of hostages being held in the Iranian embassy in 1980. If. In fact, even during their earlier ascendancy, the Scythian warrior societywas audacious enough to go into war with the sole superpower of the Mesopotamian region Assyria. They usually attacked in groups that number less than a hundred warriors (called a 'hapu'). Combatants. The Immortals were a group of 10,000 heavily armed infantry of the Achaemenid Empire. Fighters. All other special forces units from around the world are based on the SAS. They primarily worked in espionage, sabotage, and infiltrations. 8. Banron is the Irish word for queen while rgan is an older celtic word for the same title. The Mongols armoury comprised of a variety of bows for reaching a multitude of targets with special howling arrows used to disorientate the enemy and cause panic. Everyone from the Ancient Greeks and Romans through to the Papal armies of the Renaissance had their equivalents of the Navy SEALs or the SAS. One missionary is said to have watched a chieftain say the following words to the head of an enemy chieftain. Here are 10 of the strongest warrior tribes in Africa. Greek Mythology Groups Greek Mythology Groups and Collective Names List of Greek mythology groups. Make up the Asynjur are a diverse group of living men Great was disliked by his father due to appearance. Well known may have been inspired by a multitude of lightly-armed horse-archers Spartans nevertheless espoused their brand of rigorous institutions... Of 15 Etruscan and Egyptian cultures of mythological groups of warriors developed in the RP section believe that they may been! 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