(3) Phoenicia.It was from the Phoenicians that the Mediterranean peoples learned seamanship and skill in navigation. The storm not abating, they were driven past the Pillars of Hercules, and at last, by some special guiding providence, reached Tartessus. On another occasion, when the crowds were still greater, He went into a boat and sat "in the sea" with the multitude on the sloping beach before Him (Mark 4:1 Luke 5:3). (1 Kings 10:21) Tarshish remained a viable and identifiable location for many centuries, until at least the 6th century BC. hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? Attempts have been made to identify it with Tarsus of Cilicia, but they are not convincing. In fact, in ancient times, the British Isles were known as the Cassiterides, which means Tin Islands.. Tarshish is also the name of a modern village in the Mount Lebanon District of Lebanon, and Tharsis is a modern village in Southern Spain. Spain colonized South America but Britain colonized the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many more places. Usually reference is madeto the ships of Tarshish or themerchants of Tarshish. It was the birth pains of a nation being re-born that had not existed in over 2400 years. TARSHISH tr' shsh ().KJV alternately THARSHISH thr' shsh. What is Tarshish called today? The USA, Western Europe (Tarshish) and Saudi Arabia (Sheba and Dedan) are allied today, just as portrayed in . Spain is economically weak and is only a small part of the EU. Limited Time Offer! Throughout the Bible Tarshish, the word itself used in different contexts, appears many times in the Bible.In the context of the city, however, Tarshish is both the city (or perhaps city-state) where Jonah made a concerted attempt to flee and where Solomon had a trade agreement. 2 Chronicles 9:21 For the king had ships that went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram; once every three years came the ships of Tarshish, bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks. "The flag proper," says Davidson (ad loc. [20], According to Rashi, a medieval rabbi and commentator of the Bible, quoting Tractate Hullin 9lb, 'tarshish' means the Tarshish Sea of Africa.[21]. The first time it is mentioned in scriptures as a place, it states that King Solomon sent his ships there to trade. For "ship" The Wisdom of Solomon 5:10 has naus. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. What does the phrase "the merchants of Tarshish" mean? "When Jonah, also, arose up to flee unto Tarshish, he sailed from Joppa on the coast of Syria, and the circumstances mentioned (in Jonah 1,) imply that his voyage was of some length, and coupled with the intention which led him to undertake it, makes it probable that the Tarshish he sought was the Cassiterides, or Tin Islands, the most distant and least known colony of Tyre. The friendly cooperation was continued by Solomon, who availed himself not only of the cedar and the fir at Hiram's command on Lebanon, but also of the skilled service of Hiram's men to bring the timber from the mountains to the sea. Throughout history the family of Javan have been merchants, traders and colonizers. [5] Cross read the inscription to understand that it was referring to Tarshish as Sardinia. Sheba, Dedan and the Merchants of Tarshish. The evidence would indicate that Tarshish in ancient times was Great Britain for the following reasons: [su_box title=Conclusion style=bubbles box_color=#e09900 title_color=#000000]We therefore conclude that Britain, as the Tin Isles of ancient times is Tarshish, and that the merchants of Tarshish and the young lions thereof are the offshoots of Britain that will have a major role during the Tribulation period. They gave it an English name! This view is supported by standard Hebrew language reference books.. 8. The Hebrews and the Sea.The Hebrews were a pastoral and agricultural people, and had no inducements to follow a seafaring life. Tarshish, a port trading in precious metals. = We have already noted the historical record which assumes that Tartessus was in Spain and that Tarshish was Tartessus however, it also acknowledged that tin was sourced from Cornwall as follows: Tin came primarily from Cornwall in the British Isles, and was brought back by the Phoenicians; it was combined with copper, abundant in south west Spain, to produce bronze. Tarshish is mentioned in the prophecies of Scripture as having an important role in the last days. [32], Bochart, apart from Spain (see there), also suggested eastern localities for the ports of Ophir and Tarshish during King Solomon's reign, specifically the Tamilakkam continent (present day South India and Northern Ceylon) where the Dravidians were well known for their gold, pearls, ivory and peacock trade. The main problem is that Tarshish has been used in a variety of ways in the Old Testament. It was the farthest limit of the western world as known to the Hebrews. Both are now located in Lebanon, with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and only 12 mi north of the Israel-Lebanon border. Tarshish is thought to be located in modern-day Spain or Portugal. In this case, knowing the location of Tarshish unveils little known prophecies in Psalms and Isaiah that were not fulfilled until the twentieth century.If you look up Tarshish in different biblical commentaries, you will get different answers about its location. commonassociation of the metal withthe western Mediterranean. Thecommodities that came Tarshish are listed above and this gives us a clue as to where Tarshish was located. The same book notes it as a striking example of the case of a divine and beneficent Providence that "men entrust their lives to a little piece of wood, and passing through the surge on a raft are brought safe to land" (Wisd 14:1-5). Marayong NSW 2148 1 Kings 22:48 Jehoshaphat made ships of Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they didn't go; for the ships were broken at Ezion Geber. 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. The king of Greece being signified by a "shaggy" goat. Meshech (also spelled Meshek) and Tubal were sons of Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah who survived the flood with him ( Genesis 10:1-2 ). 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. Works on the monuments like Layard, Nineveh, II, 379;; Maspero, Ancient Egypt and Assyria; Ball, Light from the East, and Reissner, Cairo Museum Catalogue, "Models of Ships and Boats," 1913, contain descriptions and figured representations which are instructive. Thompson, C.M. (Book 3, para 115). It may be that the ships of Tarshish brought minerals from Spain but it is unlikely that they brought tin from Spain since its source wasCornwallon the south west of Britain. At the end of his story, Jonah specifies his reason for resistance: "That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. The names Tyre and Sidon were famous in the ancient Near East. commentators have thought Tarshishwas Tartessus which appears inGreek mythical writings. Tarshish was a nation that was rich in minerals and supplied the known world in the 6th century BC through the markets at the coastal city of Tyre. (2) tsi (Numbers 24:24 Ezekiel 30:9 Isaiah 33:21), tsi 'addir, "gallant ship"; Daniel 11:30, tsiyim Kittim, "ships of Kittim. [1], The existence of Tarshish in the western Mediterranean, along with any Phoenician presence in the western Mediterranean before c. 800BC, has been questioned by some scholars in modern times, because there is no direct evidence. The Queen of Sheba is the monarch mentioned in the Bible and then in later works who travels to Jerusalem to experience the wisdom of King Solomon (c. 965-931 BCE) of Israel first-hand. Thus we read: The southwesternpart of theIberianPeninsulawasenormouslyrich inminerals,andEzekielsreferencereflects a For even not when countries in Europe or on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea where tin is found are very few; and in reference to ancient times, it would be difficult to name any such countries except Iberia or Spain, Lusitania, which was somewhat less in extent than Portugal, and Cornwall in Great Britain. AUSTRALIA, There is no doubt Cornwall was the source of tin from the earliest times and that, It is possible that copper was mined in Spain but tin from Britain was mixed with it to make bronze. In this feature, unless otherwise indicated, we use the term "Tarshish" as synonymous with Tartessos in Spain. The prophecies concerning Tarshish best fit Britain. Robbers by land on three sides, pirates by sea on the fourth, in a confederacy . Reference to the minerals silver, iron, tin, and lead has been linked with Spain since extensive mining has been conducted in the mountains of south-western Spain. One view locates Tarshish to the East, accessible from Solomon's great seaport at Ezion Geber on the Red Sea. Elle avait une suite fort nombreuse, et des chameaux portant des aromates, de l'or en grande quantit et des pierres prcieuses. It is fitting, therefore, that in his dirge over the downfall of the mistress of the sea, Ezekiel should represent Tyre as a gallant ship, well built, well furnished, and well manned, broken by the seas in the depths of the waters, fallen into the heart of the seas in the day of her ruin. Most modern scholars associate Tarshish with a place known as Tarshishah in southern Spain. It is not to be supposed that the author of these passages in the Chronicles contemplated a voyage to Tarshish in the south of Spain by going round what has since been called the Cape of Good Hope. Ships in the New Testament.1. Isaiah 23:10 Pass through your land like the Nile, daughter of Tarshish. Thy borders are in the midst of the seas, thy builders have perfected thy beauty. General References:Of general references to shipping and seafaring life there are comparatively few in the Old Testament. In the Acts of the Apostles:It is Paul's voyages which yield us the knowledge that we possess from Biblical sources of ships in New Testament times. Later, the prophet Jonah "fled to Tarshish" to escape God's call to preach to the people of Nineveh (in modern Iraq). However, seemingly insignificant things in the Bible are sometimes the key to unlocking its greatest treasures. If it's Spain, the young lions would have to be Mexico, parts of South America, etc. The Jewish-Portuguese scholar, politician, statesman and financier Isaac Abarbanel (1437-1508 A.D.) described Tarshish as "the city known in earlier times as Carthage and today called Tunis." One possible identification for many centuries preceding the French scholar Bochart (d. Does Nineveh exist today? SHIPS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT AND THE APOCRYPHA1. Some think there was a Tarshish in the East, on the Indian coast, seeing that " ships of Tarshish" sailed from Ezion-geber, on the Red Sea ( 1 . Beth-Togarmah is Turkey. Where is Tarshish today? There seems to have been a special relation between Tarshish and Tyre, as there was at one time between Tartessus and Phoenicians. [20] Some modern scholars identify Tarshish with Tartessos, a port in southern Spain, described by classical authors as a source of metals for the Phoenicians, while Josephus' identification of Tarshish with the Cilician city of Tarsus is even more widely accepted. American scholars William F. Albright (18911971) and Frank Moore Cross (19212012) suggested Tarshish was Sardinia because of the discovery of the Nora Stone, whose Phoenician inscription mentions Tarshish. Daniel 8:22. The Assyrian monuments contain representations of naval engagements and of operations on the seacoast. During the winter the vessels were laid up, or remained in the shelter of some suitable haven. "(4) skaphe, "boat" (Acts 27:16, 30, 32, where it means the small boat of the ship in which Paul was being conveyed as a prisoner to Rome).Cognate expressions are: "shipmen," 'anshe 'oniyoth (1 Kings 9:27); nautai (Acts 27:27, 30 the King James Version, "sailors" the Revised Version (British and American)); "mariners," mallachim (Jonah 1:15 Ezekiel 27:9, 27, 29), shaTim (Ezekiel 27:8 the King James Version, "rowers" the Revised Version (British and American); Ezekiel 27:26, the King James Version and the Revised Version (British and American)); "pilot," chobhel (Jonah 1:6 Ezekiel 27:8, 27, 28, 29); "sailing," "voyage," plous (Acts 21:7; Acts 27:9, 10, the Revised Version (British and American) "voyage" in all verses).I. It was in other directions that Israel made acquaintance with the activities of the sea. Gomer is the people who settled in Germany. Egyptian ships on the Red Sea about the time of the Exodus, from reliefs of the XIXth Dynasty, had one mast and two yards, and carried also one large square sail. It took three whole years to make the trip, and the merchant ships came, bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and monkeys (2 Chronicles 9:21 NKJV). Unique Circular Format - see more in less space. (2003). Both Britain and Spain have had many colonies and have been great maritime powers but the British navy defeated the Spanish Armadas and Spain isno longer a great maritime powerwhereas the US began with British colonies and has seven navies that rule the worlds sea lanes. (After the capture of Jerusalem the emperor Titus returned to Italy in such a vessel, touching at Rhegium and landing at Puteoil.) Other candidates for the name "Tarshish" in Biblical-Prophetic terms exist include America as discussed below. Contrary to translations that have been rendering Assyrian tar-si-si as 'Tarsus' up to the present time, Thompson argues that the Assyrian tablets inscribed in Akkadian indicate tar-si-si (Tarshish) was a large island in the western Mediterranean, and that the poetic construction of Psalm72:10 also shows that it was a large island to the very distant west of Phoenicia. The Merchants of Tarshish. 2. Meshech (whose name means "long, tall, or drawn out by force") is the sixth son of Japheth. They themselves quitted the island; and, anxious to reach Egypt, made sail in that direction, but were carried out of their course by a gale of wind from the east. "Ships of Tarshish" is an expression sometimes denoting simply ships intended for a long voyage ( Isaiah 23:1 Isaiah 23:14 ), ships of a large size (sea-going ships), whatever might be the port to which they sailed. "Ships of Kittim" are mentioned in Daniel (11:30). Speaking of Yahweh's wonders to be performed toward His people after Babylon had been overthrown, the prophet declares: "Thus saith Yahweh, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and I will bring down all of them as fugitives, even the Chaldeans, in the ships of their rejoicing" (Isaiah 43:14). The end of the known world in his day was beyond the Pillars of Hercules which stand on either side of the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic which was described as the ocean. Isaiah 2:16 For all the ships of Tarshish, and for all pleasant imagery. Bochart, the 17thcentury French Protestant pastor, suggested in his Phaleg (1646) that Tarshish was the city of Tartessos in southern Spain. One of these minerals was tin. Ezekiel, in 587BC described all of the commodities sold in the market place of Tyre and stated that. Now Caesarea has disappeared; and Joppa has only an open roadstead where vessels lie without shelter, and receive and discharge cargo and passengers by means of boats plying between them and the shore. This seemingly rules out Spain as Tarshish and the Latin American countries as the young lions. In the Gospels:It is the fishing-boats of the Sea of Galilee which exclusively occupy attention in the Gospels. One of them is that the merchants (of Tarshish) are concerned about the motives of the invaders. [22], Rufus Festus Avienus the Latin writer of the 4th century AD, identified Tarshish as Cadiz. In addition, Tarshish and the young lions must be connected to Sheba and Dedan (Arabia) in the last days. Jeremiah 10:9 There is silver beaten into plates, which is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz, the work of the artificer and of the hands of the goldsmith; blue and purple for their clothing; they are all the work of skillful men. (1) Eponym of a Benjamite family (1Chronicles 7:10); Rhamessai, A and Lucian, Tharseis. In his great series of Nature-pictures in Psalm 104, the Psalmist finds a place for the sea and ships (104:25;), and in Psalm 107 there is a picture of the storm overtaking them that go down to the sea in ships, and of the deliverance that comes to them when God "bringeth" them into their desired haven" (107:23;). Gen 10:4-5 And the sons of Javan; Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. They will be the first to bring the redeemednation of Israel back to the landwhen Christ returns (Isaiah 60:9). Itineraria Phoenicia. You were filled and very glorious in the midst of the seas. The articles which Tarshish is stated by the prophet Ezekiel, ( Ezekiel 27:12 ) to have supplied to Tyre are precisely such as we know, through classical writers, to have been productions of the Spanish peninsula. Daniel 8:21. Experts have positioned it as far away as India in the east and the far coast of Spain in the west. (2) ploiarion, "a little boat" (Mark 3:9 and two other places, John 6:22; 21:8). This boat is said in Luke's narrative to have been Simon's, and it seems from references to it as "the boat" on other occasions to have been generally at the disposal of Jesus.2. The Spanish Empire was a dominant world influence between the late 15th century and the early 19th century. Gomer is Southern Russia, and Germany. SHIPS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT1. The first century A.D. Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus, wrote that it was the same city as Tarsus, in modern day Turkey, which is the Apostle Pauls hometown. Most Bible maps showTarshish somewhere on the westcoast of Spain. [In] Gitin, et al. Salem Media Group. Oil is transacted in US dollars. The record states: Coincidentally, there is a town named Tharsis 50 kilometres north of Huelva; the th combination, however, is a linguistic curiosity and alien to the Spanish language. Javan listed as the fourth son of Japheth. He found a ship bound for Tarshish as far toward the West as Nineveh to the East. (Tin came primarily from Cornwall in the British Isles, and was brought back by the Phoenicians; it was combined with copper, abundant in south west Spain, to produce bronze. [/su_box], Enter your email to receive new articles straight to your Inbox, The Herald of Hope : Southern Phoenician hacksilber hoards and the location of Tarshish. In the late Bronze Age and into the early Iron Age, tin was a necessary ingredient for making bronze. She is freighted with the most varied cargo, the produce of the lands around, her customers, or as they are called, her traffickers, being Tarshish in the far West, Sheba and Arabia in the South, Haran and Asshur in the East, Javan, which is Greece, and Togarmah, which is Armenia, in the North. The location of Tarshish has been lost to time and has given rise to much discussion. The question as to the locality of Tarshish has given rise to not a little discussion. Ezekiel also, foretelling the overthrow of Egypt, speaks of messengers traveling with the news on swift Nile boats to strike terror into the hearts of the "careless Ethiopians" (30:9). The builders of the second temple also got timber from Lebanon and conveyed it to Joppa. [20], The context in Isaiah23:6 and 66:19 seems to indicate that it is an island, and from Israel it could be reached by ship, as attempted by Jonah (Jonah1:3) and performed by Solomon's fleet (2Chronicles9:21). Tartessus, an ancient city between two mouths of the Guadalquiver, in the south of Spain. TARSHISH (Heb. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The Greeks excelled with colonies in the Black Sea, Asia Minor and around the Mediterranean. , thy builders have perfected thy beauty Kittim '' are mentioned in scriptures as a place known as in. Will be the first to bring the redeemednation of Israel back to the East supported by standard language... ) are allied today, just as portrayed in conveyed it to Joppa John 6:22 ; 21:8 ) limit the... ) ploiarion, `` a little boat '' ( Mark 3:9 and two places! East and the Latin American countries as the young lions would have to be located in Lebanon, with 20... ( 2 ) ploiarion, `` a little boat '' ( Mark 3:9 and two other places John. 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