Mary is inclined to agree to it, but Francis exhorts her not to do it, as he is dying and once he does, her power will be diminished. Mary disguises Catherine as young boy and takes her out of the castle so she can avoid the trial until Mary can clear her name. They bond over the burden of being a royal and talk about how they're going to rule France and Scotland one day. They're worried that he knows of Francis' illness, and as a Bourbon, he'd have the best claim to the throne after Prince Charles. Bash thinks it's rather convenient that she's coming forward after sleeping with him, while Francis struggles to see how Cond would be dangerous. Its a win-win-win. A man comes out of his tent and calls for the people outside to quiet down so that he can hear the spirits speak to him. that requires that she go there. says the actress. While Elizabeth and her guards are awaiting Mary's ship on shore, they leave the castle unguarded, allowing Martin and his men to kidnap Catherine and bring her before Mary and Francis. Here's what the real Francis looked like: Image Source: Bibliothque nationale de France. When Catherine is accused of poisoning Francis, Lola is shocked when Mary thinks Narcisse framed Catherine in order to become Regent of France. By noon they are both downstairs again ready to part ways. After paying a visit to Francis embalmer, Bash realizes the guy was paid off and fled so quickly, he never actually embalmed Francis. Marys such a good friend! He wants to fight with her. Cedric the Secretary is the one loose end in Narcisses rat cover up, so, naturally, the poor kid had to go. They all returned to the castle and waited for Mary to make her choice. Francis soon gently wakes her as they have arrived at the place where Madeleine will arrive. Mary's conscience becomes conflicted when she learns that Narcisse and Catherine have rekindled their affair. Now he cannot go back. They quickly took back the city. Outfit of the Week: Though my head knows that Mary rocked some serious gown game this week (and tiaras! King Philip (Brother-in-law), Natalia (Ex-mistress) Queen Mary: Those particular Scots may serve France, but they obey me, their queen. Catherine told him Sebastian never made it to Spain. After Charles' meeting with Catherine, he unknowingly sends a coded message to Lord Germain. As the troops are away, Francis is left with no choice but to order Bash to put together a team from the castle, despite the fact that they aren't trained for that type of mission. We live in a world that undervalues women. Coincidentally, Mary's mother died in June of that year, so Reign's storyline is partially factual. After the battle, Francis collapses. He asks her to wait and see how things go for France, but Mary reminds him that they need to take her own country into account. I may be guilty of favoring my sons over my daughters, but I love you, I swear. Mary affirms it and adds that she can't get back together with Francis, as there is too much painful history for them to overcome, while Cond is untarnished. Before the conversation could get too deep, Francis was pulled away by his mother who interrupted them. Francis and Sebastian The Dauphin of France, Sebastian (Half-brother) The case began in 1675 after the trial of Madame de Brinvilliers, who was accused of having conspired with her lover, army captain Godin de Sainte-Croix, to poison her father Antoine Dreux d'Aubray in 1666 and two of her brothers, Antoine d'Aubray and Franois d'Aubray, in 1670, in order to inherit their estates. Cond received the deed to the lands, but he doesn't feel worthy of it. Later that evening, Mary informs Francis that she was reunited with her half-brother, James Stuart, who informed her of a crisis in Scotland. He also let them knew, that he already knew King Henry was unstable. It hurt to see the happier life he could have. He is to fill the shoes of a man the nobles once feared. She doesnt want to take Elizabeths bait, and would rather try for a diplomatic resolution. Lola refuses to accept the fact that Narcisse could be behind the rat in her bath and the note in its mouth. Mary instantly charms him and shares a dance with him. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. She feels alone, but Francis reassures her that she isn't. Mary and Francis sign Elizabeth's peace treaty and send Sir Nicholas back to England to procure Elizabeth's signature. As with all things on Reign, the heart wins. He agreed to fight for the Crown and win back Calais, but in return, he wanted the position of Lord Majesty of France. To try and convince Charles, Catherine tells him that Madeleine has her own giraffe, and if he's good, then once they are wed she will get him his own giraffe too. Francis finds Narcisse and attacks him. When Lola lays eyes on the baby of the Von Amsbergs, she points out how ugly it is and how it takes after its equally hideous parents. When Francis approaches her, she rebuffs his touch. Later, Narcisse spins some lies about Cedrics disappearance, but Lola begins to connect the dots. However, they are informed that the Queen of France is to be beheaded within the week and Francis is eager to return back to French Court to save her. He soon manages to let Mary leave. Mary receives information from her new counsel from Scotland, Lord Cunningham. Francis warns his father to stay away and returns to his chambers. Thanks to Mary and a flea-infested disguise (That sock just moved.), Catherine escapes the castle. "So, after a [few] good innings, Francis finally bit the bullet," Regbo posted to Twitter on Sunday night,. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from, If your plan doesnt work, I want to shove this cloth down his throat. Catherine always has a Plan B when it comes to protecting Mary. Portrayed By Katie Boland Appearances Season (s) 1, 2 First Appearance Pilot Last Appearance Reversal of Fortune Clarissa was a strange and almost feral young woman who hides in the shadows. He is annoyed at her for finding him at first, but they soon start talking. That evening at Elisabeth and Philip's Wedding, everyone is seen celebrating as Elisabeth and Philip have their first dance. Such doubts start wars. Francis finds Mary praying. Elizabeth is Protestant and The Pope doesn't want to lose a nation to Protestantism. Catherine wants to kill the prince, but Mary wants to tell him the truth. Here's what really happened. Although Francis cared about his country and his people, he was blackmailed into signing edits that persecuted protestants. Francis was the first in a series of four French princes, children of Henri and Catherine de Medici, all of whom died young. Mary is ready to leave, but Francis tries to detain her by warning her of the danger she will be in if she goes. House of Valois Catherine, out from under the weight of regicide, has fire in her eyes again and shes coming for Narcisse. I will beg for word from you, for a letter, for a visit just as I am begging for your forgiveness now. Mary, desperate for some fun to cheer up her bored ladies, convinces her friends to remove their shoes and dance. Claude doesnt want to play Narcisses game. Lola gets a letter from her mother telling her that her father and brothers have been taken hostage by the English and Narcisse promises to return her family safely. The MCUs tiniest heroes are kicking off its biggest phase yet, setting up the next several years of storytelling. The Cardinal informs the King and his Deputy that a noble lady named Cond as a traitor who bore The Devil's Mark. In all fairness, Catherine was being poisoned herself she was hanging out with her ghost children, it was a simpler time but the damage has been done. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. Henry says he will do as he pleases. The Duke of Guise arrived and was greeted by Francis and his niece Queen Mary. It had not been his fault, and she didn't want anything to happen to him. Carissa Pavlica at February 6, 2014 11:46 pm. If they don't accede to Narcisse's demands, they will enrage the nobles, and a full scale rebellion may follow. She warns him that if he does not claim him, there will be a distance between father and son for all their lives. She managed to get a mistrial twice after trace evidence was lost while conducting the tests for poison each time. Bash wonders how the Cardinal would explain the brand if a loyal Catholic were branded. Catherine insists Mary still accept his proposal. This means Francis body is still intact and theres no way the poisoned liver Cardinal Morel brought to court could actually belong to the dead king. He finds her after she has given birth. Francis reminded her that his mother was no longer against them. But he doesn't, so Bash is worried the Cardinal may not truly care for Randall after all. When he is taken into custody, the Cardinal goes to Sebastian and Francis and defends Randall's honour and loyalty. ", January 10th Back at the castle, Bash and Francis talk about how Mary swooped in and saved Cond from the Vatican. They want to get their minister an audience with The King and Queen. While Mary decides to leave to Scotland immediately after being pressured by her brother, Francis is busy torturing the footman in the dungeon and attempting to bribe him to give up information regarding who he's working for. Catherine suggests Mary consider marrying Don Carlos, even in his condition, to save Scotland because Narcisse does not honor the alliance between their countries. He claims that he needs to prove to the nobles that he is a capable and legimimate ruler, which he can't do if his wife is doing it for him. Dawn comes around and the drawing and quartering is being prepared as Mary and Francis speak. But is he want to prevent them from suffering the same fate as his nephew, they need his help, Francis has sent a letter to Rome, asking the Pope to recall his Inquisitors. When she leaves, Francis gives the baby to the nanny. Catherine visits Claude to say goodnight and learns that Claude has been summoned to the inquest about Francis' poisoning. Mary wants to use pirates, led by the Martin de Lambert, to steal gold for the crown. Later the Duke met with Francis, and he began the negotiation of sorts. Speaking of dead bodies, after Lola suspects that Narcisses secretary, Cedric, is the same person who wrote the threatening note left with her bath rat, Narcisse takes Cedric for a long walk off a short pier well, actually, its a big shove off a castle wall, but you get the picture. Francis tells Mary he was being blackmailed over regicide by Narcisse into making decisions that favoured Catholics. Mary, Queen of Scots, faces political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court. As it turns out, framing Catherine for murder is the one horrible thing Narcisse hasnt done; the whole scheme was put into motion by Cardinal Morel, who was acting under the orders of a very nefarious looking dude. At least his bride has a country and an army, should he need it. I want to say a massive thank you to you, the fans, who make it so worthwhile. We miss him already and so does the cast. When Mary returns to the dying down celebration, Francis goes over to talk to her. He is scared of what is going to happen and didn't want to be at French Court when Mary and Sebastian were married. They almost share their first kiss but Francis ends up walking away. She had not named her successor but many believe the rightful heir to the English throne should be Queen Mary Stuart. Francis quickly told her that they could now be together. When that doesn't work, Francis has the guards surround Mary and throw her in the tower, where they argue. Born: 13 April 1519, Republic of Florence Died: 5 January 1589, France Parents: Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino, and Madeleine de La Tour d'Auvergne Known for: Being the queen mother of France during the reign of her three sons Husband: Henry II of France Children: 10, including Francis II of France; Charles IX of France; Henry III of France . Once Francis promises to pay him handsomely and allow him to leave with his life if he gives up the information, the footman reveals that he was paid by a group of people who wanted to assassinate Mary on her voyage to Scotland. Royal Blood I get it. A little different than the Francis we're used to, right? People are advancing on them. Why? After things die down, Madeleine presents herself as a perfect lady, but the shy Charles stands back. The official synopsis for "Reign" season 2 episode 14 titled "The End of Mourning" reads: "As Mary (Adelaide Kane) and Francis (Toby Regbo) investigate who was behind the poisoning of King Henry, they unearth secrets of the past which force Mary to confront her feelings for Cond (Sean Teale) as she attempts to move forward. Mary uses that as even more of a reason that Catherine should be charged with treason, but they decide to allow Charles to meet with his mother, after they've had a chance to speak to her first. While having a scribe dictate a letter to her mother, Lola questions him about his calligraphy and whether he might have written the note. Clarissa is also an antagonist. Catherine thinks he should follow Mary's lead and do what she asks. Those feelings lead me to stand here with you. He was not surprised given how they left things, and the two younger royals not to bother with niceties towards him, as he is not interested. Mary sees the glint of lying in Narcisse's eyes and knows that Catherine is teling the truth. Mary storms in and orders procedure to stop. Later, Lord Narcisse rides by and introduces himself to Francis. Inquisition - (Mentioned) In order to finally get this regicide inquest tied up and Catherines fate handed over to the Parlement de Paris, Narcisse plays his trump card: Claude. Catherine points out that this imprisonment only further clears her name how could she have poisoned her son if she was locked up? Lord Narcisse informs Mary and Francis that some of their previously loyal supporters have been turned against them and they risk losing Scotland. There are border skirmishes happening in Scotland over barley crops and hostages have been taken. The Price Queen Mary: It's a miracle!And our downfall. King Henry II announced the Tudor Queen was dying. Queen Elizabeth reaches out to Mary with an offer: if Mary and Francis grant her an engagement to Prince Charles, she will reduce her aggressions on Scotland. "So, after a [few] good innings, Francis finally bit the bullet," Regbo posted to Twitter on Sunday night,. Sebastian rides up on his horse and orders everyone to stand down, explaining that the French ship that was carrying Madeleine took on water and was helped by the English. The only way to prove this, however, is to exhume Francis body. She taught me to trust where my feelings lead me. Francis tells Narcisse that he is his puppet now. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. However, she also wanted Francis to promise to keep his brother safe. Catherine promises to support him in whatever he decides. Francis has left the castle to be by Lola's side as she gives birth to his child. Just take him back to your country and water him. She goes to sleep and Francis joins her, with the baby in between them. Before she can get into too much trouble, Bash, who, at Marys request, has been helping Catherine investigate (of course) the accusations, arrives with some news. He just wants to save his mother and then leave again. There have been a lot of theories about exactly who Clarissa might be - but . Reign Episode 408 "Uncharted Waters Trailer" (screen grab) CR: The CW, Reign season 3 finale recap: Spiders in a Jar. But the Duke knows he got what he wanted. Queen Mary, Francis and Sebastian are all wondering why King Antoine is back at French Court. He married Queen Mary of Scotland, to whom he had been betrothed to since they were children. By her third trial, there wasn't much physical evidence left. Francis uses his new lease on life to teach Mary how to sail on the boat he built during his sickness. After waking up and being apprised of the situation in Scotland, Francis announces his decision in regard to his response to Mary and Catherine. Francis asks about the grain and Ducasse informs him that it's ready for shipment, but he fears Narcisse. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Once again she makes a tough choice in order to save her country: Mary will marry Don Carlos. She is intent on living separate lives. He agreed and they kissed again. While fencing, Sebastian advises Francis to put Mary first and reassures him that it's okay to be a bad king sometimes. He is also refusing Francis because of his recent decisions. He is almost overcome by the assassins but manages to rally his strength and fight back, killing another. Mary comes to Francis as he's dividing Narcisse's lands. He continues with knowing how painful it is, but the idea of separate lives hurts both their marriage and their duty to their countries. Those babies were so incredulous they almost went vertical. Reign: Created by Laurie McCarthy, Stephanie Sengupta. Catherine explains that they need to have a sumptuous coronation in order to appear strong and stable before the people from visiting nations. Hours later, Francis and Charles are talking quietly in the carriage as Mary has fallen asleep against the window. When the footman refuses to talk, Francis calls in the torturer. Mary is hurt by both his words and his apparent dislike for her and walks away. Bash informs Francis of the prisoners starting a riot because they foresee death by his command. Francis admits that he will only marry her if it is right for France, regardless of his feelings for her. Perhaps a few words from (former) star Toby Regbo will help to mend your broken heart. Francis wants to be a part of his life which Mary accepts as long as he doesn't officially claim him. Francis II of France. Prince of France Prince Francis is told to go and welcome her, along with Charles, who asks if Bash can also come with them. Let it end here. As the writers promised, King Francis (Toby Regbo) has died on Reign. Francis tells him not to lie to him as they are brothers. She has come to pay off the debt her brother's substantial debt, which would originally have sufficed, but now that the housemaster has laid eyes on her, he wants her for the night too, as extra payment. Unfortunately, Lola refuses to accept that her husband could be so evil because Lola is blinded by love and Narcisses sweet new haircut. The King and Queen meet with the parents of the boys in The Throne Room, where they assure them that they are doing everything in their power to get their children out safe. Back in the office, Bash comes in bearing news that the hostages are scattered throughout the monastery, making it impossible for them to rescue all the boys at once, and the radicals have gunpowder. What episode does Francis die in Reign Season 3? How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. . John Philip is sick and Lola doesn't feel comfortable leaving him with the nannies since the attack on the castle. Lady Madeleine is arriving by ship. Lord Narcisse: Please, God. When Francis starts to cradle the baby, it stops crying, much to Lola's relief. As they dance, feathers fall from the ceiling, bringing memories back to both Francis and Mary, who used to have pillow fights when they were younger. But she may have an idea where Narcisse fled. That night Francis came to his and Mary's room. Trumpets sound as the entire French Court flock outside to line the path to greet the Scottish Queen, who is arriving. When they are alone he tells Mary that Simon is only doing this to see her reactions, so she cannot react. However, he is detained and killed. Francis and Mary walk arm-in-arm down the line of castle members towards the King and Queen of France for a proper introduction. Francis reveals to Catherine that he's dying and she tries to convince him that she loves him, but Francis is distrustful of her intentions. It didn't seem to help too much, and to his dismay, Mary brought up Sebastian. Still have a tickle in your throat after Fridays Reign? Luckily for Francis, he draws a King and wins. Both appear happy at the physical appearance of the other. He remembers Mary and calls her pretty and it's clear he has no memory of the previous night, nor can he remember anything else. Suddenly, a man is seen running away from a guard. Armies she'd been gathering for years. After he loses the first time, he tries again, this time the wager has been raised to 16 times the original debt and the housemaster draws a Queen. Less than a year after. Not long after that was Francis standing in front of an altar waiting to marry Mary. 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