. or support the 3d Battalion, 110th Infantry, fighting at Consthum. On the right its 1st Battalion marched on Hosingen, bringing flame throwers and self-propelled guns to blast the Americans from the village; the 2d Battalion moved straight for the Clerf River, aiming at control of the crossings and road net at Wilwerwiltz. In the late evening of 16 December German artillery began to range into Clerf, apparently covering the advance of patrols from Marnach. On the morning of the 20th Jones ordered the regiment to sideslip back to the east, reoccupy Beiler, and dig in along the eastwest ridge line, Leithum-Beiler-Malscheid. The 44th was hit from the northeast and east by infantry armed with machine pistols charging in alongside single tanks. The road net was adequate, although mired by constant rain, but the two forward battalions had to be supplied at night because of German fire. 28th Division commander James E. Wharton was in his first day of command when a German sniper shot him while he was at the 112th Infantry's command post. The Lead-Up to the Battle of the Bulge. paymasters who composed the defense. east. Hitler himself seems to have favored this concept (it is found in the first Fuehrer operations order), but only in the Fifth Panzer attack would assault detachments be found inside the American positions when the initial barrage opened up. This road makes a twisted and tortuous descent to the valley floor, finally crossing the river at the southeastern edge of the town and proceeding, through narrow streets until it emerges on the north. The Americans had taken 186 prisoners and killed or wounded two or three times that number; the losses in the 1130th Regiment were "very high," said the enemy reports. XVII SS Corps on 6 December and moved with his staff to Kyllburg, By 0630 the grenadiers were behind the command post of the 1st Battalion (Lt. Col. William H. Allen) in Harspelt; the first sign of their presence was a kitchen truck ambushed while journeying to the rear. With the first light some eighteen Mark V tanks started down the ridge spur pointing toward Ouren; at the same time the 1130th Regiment and the 156th Regiment resumed the attack to cut off and destroy the forward American companies. a blasted bridge three kilometers east of Heinerscheid and established Although the left division (the 560th The 229th Field Artillery Battalion was emplaced behind the north flank near Welchenhausen on the German side of the river. Original WW2 US Army 112th Infantry Regiment DUI Crest Pinback. The German guns and Werfers had finally opened fire to neutralize or destroy the rearward artillery and reserve positions in the, 112th sector. antitank gun in the path and crossed the bridge at the railroad station. The Fifth Panzer Army commander was bitterly opposed to that part of the plan which called for a tremendous opening barrage at 0800 and a two-hour artillery preparation before the attack jumped off. The 2d Battalion Bad tank There the infantry driving toward the town of Clerf had been stopped short of their objective. Po Valley-Manassas-Antietam-Chancellorsville-Gettysburg-Atlanta-Fredericksburg-Vicksburg-Wilderness-Spotsylvania-Cold Harbor-Petersburg-Appomattox-Virginia 1861-South Carolina 1862-Mississippi 1863-Tennessee 1863. General Waldenburg committed his infantry here, in the predawn hours, hoping that the 60th Regiment would break through on the right or that the 156th Regiment would reach the river on the left and so secure a bridgehead through which his tank regiment could be passed. 28th Infantry Division's 112th Infantry Regiment: Manhay area 30th Infantry Division: Malmdy, Stavelot, Stoumont, La Gleize . the 447th Antiaircraft Battalion, and light armored cars of the 28th A platoon of self-propelled tank destroyers had Yet there was still an opportunity to retard the 2d Panzer march along the road to Bastogne. At the same time a tank platoon, shrouded in darkness and with no American tanks left to contest the passage, wound its way into the south end of Clerf. Colonel Fuller set. The main paved road from Marnach approaches Clerf through a shallow draw, passing just to the south of the little village of Reuler, which perches on the high ground overlooking the river bend. But . 107th Field Artillery Battalion (105 Howitzer) . The immediate mission of Krueger's corps, like that of the XLVII Panzer Corps on its left, was to seize crossings at the Our River. The battalion commander ordered his right company down to block the paved road from Marnach to Clerf, but this road was in the hands of the 2d Panzer Division, whose tanks were rolling toward wing of the 110th, had been overrun or forced to displace. But by the middle of December the 110th Infantry had almost a full roster-a roster numbering many men and some officers who yet had to see their first action. Aside from patrol activity (generally small raids against individual pillboxes) the 112th Infantry sector had been quiet. After the D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, Allied forces advanced east through France to Germany's western border establishing what became known as the "Western Front." This vertical front-line stretched from the Norwegian city of Nijmegen in the north all the way to Switzerland in the south, cutting through Belgium and Luxemburg. The 2d Battalion manned observation posts and operated patrols across the river but was deployed in a refused position west of the Our. The 112th Infantry Regiment has a history that dates back long before World War II started. Map of St Vith drawn 15 November 1944. . Then, too, the 2d Battalion had once again used the stone bridge south of Ouren to launch a counterattack across the river and, during the afternoon, materially restored the 3d Battalion positions. The units of the 110th Infantry were disposed as follows to face three full German divisions. The assault gun platoon gave good support wherever the line was threatened, but by the end of the afternoon its fuel and ammunition were nearly gone and the gunners, after four days of nearly continuous action, were approaching complete exhaustion. Leaderless, the platoon broke. Service in the Civil War is shown by the cross pate, the badge of the 5th Corps, 3rd Division, in which the organization served in that war. For example, by the end of January, 1945, the 47 th Infantry Regiment (which fought in France and Germany) had lost well over 100% of their strength to battle casualties, where men were either killed, wounded . On 19 December the right wing division of the latter, the 5th Parachute Division, took over the attack on Wiltz, or perhaps more accurately, drifted into a fight for the town. The American strongpoints were therefore located with an eye to blocking these entry ways while at the same time defending the lateral ridge road which connected the 110th with its neighboring regiments and provided the main artery sustaining the entire division front. Then too, some welcome tank support had arrived on the scene. the story of the 112th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division in the battle for Schmidt, Germany. Army counterattack against the US Third Army in September, had been In the late afternoon of 15 December General Luettwitz gathered his division commanders in the XLVII Panzer Corps forward headquarters at Ringhuscheid for final instructions and introduction to the new commander of the 2d Panzer Division, Colonel von Lauchert, who had been selected at the last moment by the Fifth Panzer Army leader to replace an incumbent who was not an experienced tanker. Colonel Fuller had ordered a platoon of the 2d Battalion to swing south and bar the road, but it was already dominated by the German armor. The orders given the 116th Panzer Division on the night of 16 December to switch to the left were altered on the 17th to start its infantry regiments marching still farther south to the Dasburg bridgehead held by the neighboring corps. The family moved to Willmar in 1928 and to a farm north of Willmar in 1932. Furthermore, lack of communication between the 28th Division and its northern regiment would ultimately force the regimental commander, Col. Gustin M. Nelson, to act on his own. John "Lefty" Zagarella, As Told In Letters, 1941-1945. On 11 October 1917 the 16th Pennsylvania Regiment was redesignated as the 112th Infantry Regiment and became part of the 28th Infantry Division. The roads in the During December 1944, the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team was holding a 6-1/2-mile long sector which the Germans attacked with nine divisions. Near the village a patrol found that the stone bridge was guarded by only a half squad of Germans. The insignia was amended to correct the blazon on 16 May 2008. These units combined have 17 campaign streamers from the American Civil War: Po Valley, Manassas, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Atlanta, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Battle of Appomattox, Virginia 1861, South Carolina 1862, Mississippi 1863, Tennessee 1863. 114th Infantry Regiment. The task of rebuilding the rifle companies, repairing battle damage, and training replacements was of necessity a slow one. It landed in France, 22 November, and moved to Tongres, Belgium, and to Rotgen, Germany, to prepare for combat. The remainder of the casualties were fairly evenly split between the 109th Infantry to the . To the south Company I held Weiler-les-Putscheid, a hamlet in a knot of trails and byroads on the forward slopes of the ridge line. Fuller, however, was able to get a warning message through to the 28th Division command post about 0900. One rifle regiment and part of the division engineers were still in Denmark. Shortly before noon a platoon of Company B's tanks reached the hardpressed field artillery battery near Buchholz and reported the situation in hand.8 But the enemy here represented only the probing forefinger of the main attack. After a long wait the battalion commanding officer, Major Milton, went back into Wiltz to get further orders; when he returned most of his battalion had disappeared. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division was across the Our River in force but had failed to gain its first-day objective, control of the Clerf River crossings. In fact it represented Heilmann's failure to gain control of his division, for the orders were to bypass Wiltz. In common with the German assault tactics employed all along the front on 16 December, both regiments led off with a predawn advance by shock companies eighty men strong. Early in the month the Germans had undertaken what appeared to be a routine relief in their forward positions. The 110th Infantry Regiment was hit hard early in the Battle of the Bulge after being bled white in the Hurtgen Forest earlier that autumn. It appears that the corps had only moderate support in the way of engineers and bridge trains. both the 26th Volks Grenadier Division and the 2d Panzer Division had crossed the river and taken some part in the fight. 127th Infantry Regiment. The only security for the southern flank would have to come from an advance in echelon and such protection as the less mobile divisions of the Seventh Army could offer on the left. At 1839 the sergeant at the regimental switchboard called the division to report that he was alone-only the switchboard was left. they were particularly bad on the axis assigned to Luettwitz' southern In the last analysis the losses inflicted on the enemy may have equaled those sustained by the Americans-certainly the Germans paid dearly for their hurried frontal attacks against stonewalled villages and towns-but the final measure of success and failure would be in terms of hours and minutes won by the Americans and lost to the enemy. The provisional battalion which had been recruited from the headquarters staff remained in Wiltz. The unit was also awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation for its actions during the Battle of the Bulge, from 16 to 24 December 1944. Radio communication, which was functioning fairly well, showed that the division center was most endangered. An unidentified crew of a 447th Antiaircraft Artillery half-track drove straight onto the mines, its .50-caliber fire searching out the enemy riflemen. Meanwhile, General Middleton, the VIII Corps commander, issued a holdfast order to all his troops. No help could be expected from either the right or left wing regiments in shoring up the division center. These were the stakes when the Germans launched their surprise attack through Belgium on December 16, 1944. Furthermore, Middleton instructed Cota to use. 28th Infantry Division The 28th Division was destined to move againdestined for another job (the Gloomy Hurtgen Forest). The entire action lasted ten minutes. For some reason the bridge was not blown. restored while the commander of the 1130th reported that his Then the enemy grenadiers encircled the American roadblock at Urspelt, These reinforcements arrived at Reuler in time to take a hand against the Germans pouring past Marnach toward Clerf and its bridges. At the close of this first day the 112th Infantry remained in its positions east of the Our.16 The 2d Battalion had not yet been seriously engaged, although one company had been detached to reinforce the 3d. On the Wahlhausen road the 3d Battalion observation post, defended by the Company I platoon, called for ammunition and was told that tanks were being sent with resupply. Marnach garrison out of the way, but an hour later Company B radioed that three hundred Germans were northwest and southwest of Marnach. With daylight the fire lifted and the enemy infantry advanced, attacking in one wave after another as the morning progressed but making no headway. About 1000 on 18 December, General Cota received the welcome word that On 3 July 1916, the regiment was called to service for Mexican border duty, with Rickards still in command. The speed of the German attack caught most of the regimental medical company and troops from the headquarters and cannon companies. This unit now relieved the provisional 122th Infantry Regiment. The 902d, led in person by the division commander, continued toward the west, although briefly delayed in a fight with a few towed antitank guns and armored cars near Eschweiler.18. A scratch platoon of less than fifty men collected from the regimental headquarters and Ouren held the supporting German infantry at bay along the ridge east of the village. The 3d Battalion commenced its withdrawal at 2200 under orders to pull back through Ouren. the undergunned batteries of the 687th Field Artillery Battalion held On 5 April 1877, Company C, 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Altoona) was organized. In the 110th Infantry sector this line ran through Lieler and Buchholz to Lellingen. time was needed for orders to reach the front-line troops. About 1515 Nelson sent his executive officer, Lt. Col. William F. Train, to the 28th Division command post with orders to report personally on the regiment's position. Heilmann, therefore, had decided. At l825 Colonel Fuller phoned the 28th Division chief of staff that his command post was under fire and that enemy tanks occupied the town. And German tanks still fired from the eastern height. Throughout the day the American outposts watched masses of foot troops and vehicles defile westward through Heinerscheid, only some two thousand yards to the south. The Bellefonte unit was designated as Troop L, 3rd Reconnaissance Squadron of the 104th Armored Cavalry. The Logan Guards were mustered as Company E, 25th Pennsylvania Volunteers and then as Company A, 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers. To the east, at Dasburg, the German engineers were straining to finish the tank bridge which would bring the German armor into play. The telephone wires connecting the American-held villages were shot out in the first few minutes and Fuller could not reach any of his battalions; artillery radios, however, continued to function. Bastogne presented a special problem, a problem recognized in the first The regiment consisted of companies from Erie, McKean, Venango, Elk, Warren, and Crawford counties. Kokott's screening regiment, the 78th, had been in the habit of throwing out an outpost line west of the Our from nightfall till dawn. Get Military Unit/Ship Histories and After Action Records (AAR) We offer access to after action reports and operational records from all branches of the U.S. Military. The Lewistown company was consolidated with another company and became Headquarters and Headquarter Troop, 3rd Reconnaissance Squadron, 104th Armored Cavalry Regiment. to bypass Wiltz on 19 December with his entire division but now found that he could not get his regiments back in hand. The road to Hosingen was muddy and winding; but worse, at the western exit of the bridge an American abatis and a series of bomb craters blocked the flow of traffic. $14.95 + $5.50 shipping. A Symbol of the Combat Ability of MI Soldiers. [] Meanwhile he dispatched Although Fuller pled for the return of the 2d Battalion to his regiment, Cota refused to release this last division reserve. Hills intersected by wooded draws marked the terrain in this sector. The 2d Battalion, surrounded on the ridge east of Clerf, attempted to filter through the enemy lines in the early morning hours. Formed in 1917, the division deployed to France as a part of the . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for WW2 US 29th Infantry Regiment DUI Ribbon Bar Shoulder Cord Battle of Bulge Lot at the best online prices at eBay! This regiment formed the division center, with the 112th Infantry on the north and the 109th Infantry aligned to the south. 125th Infantry Regiment. In 1873, Company G, Monongahela Artillery (Everett) was renamed the Light Guards and then redesignated as Company A, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry. Companies E and F dug in on a ridge north of Reuler under a rain of Two hours later the 112th Infantry acknowledged receipt of these instructions. Colonel Fuller's command post was in a hotel only a few yards from the north bridge. At the crossroads east of Eschweiler the Reconnaissance Battalion turned to the left and bore down on Wiltz. During WWII the regiment landed in Normandy in 1944, after D-Day, where it became the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team (RCT). Two company kitchens were captured and one or two observation posts cut off, but the artillery observer inside Sevenig was able to direct the 229th Field Artillery howitzers onto the Germans in the draw. Believing that once across the Our River, his left armored attack force, General der Panzertruppen Heinrich Freiherr von Luettwitz' XLVII Panzer Corps, would find the going better than on the right, he assigned Luettwitz a rather wide front. The regimental commander believed that morale had been restored to a high degree and that the new officers and men now were fairly well trained. The road center at Only three of the howitzers left could be withdrawn and losses among the cannoneers and drivers were high. been deployed along the Wahlhausen road on the forward slope of the Throughout this entire action the 229th gave the 112th Infantry such support as to elicit from the regimental commander the opinion that "it was the best artillery in the army," an expression which would be used by other infantry commanders about other artillery units during these trying days. 30th Infantry Division 59th Inf Bde . The mission given Luettwitz conformed to his reputation for drive and audacity. Just before dark, therefore, Kokott threw a part of his replacement training battalion into the action; these fresh troops succeeded in forcing their way into the north edge of the village, although with heavy losses. 112th Regimental Combat Team, WW1 29th Infantry Div Casualties, WW2 303rd Bomb Group, Casualties, WW2 . It was breached at midnight when tanks and self-propelled guns of the 3d Panzer Regiment entered Marnach. of 16 December, therefore, the German commander ordered the corps to Back at Hosingen the attempt to break American resistance had won an early lodgment in the south edge of the village, but had achieved no more. . The 24-man patrol from Company A ran into the German flank at Fishbach, about 1120, and had to withdraw under intense fire. cannon company gunners quickly bore-sighted their pieces, loaded reduced charge, and with direct fire knocked out four of the panzers. By dusk the American line had been pushed back nearly to Weidingen when orders came to withdraw behind the Wiltz River and destroy the bridge at Weidingen. World War II Records, 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, History . At 2013 General Cota phoned the VIII Corps commander to say that the situation was critical, that routes were open for the German tanks to come through, and that "there is some question in regard to the 110th Infantry CP." At Weiler the Americans, with only a few rounds left, were completely surrounded and decided to fight their way out. Men in the observation posts watched the enemy move about his daily chores and reported flares and occasional rounds of mortar or artillery fire. His staff, carefully selected and personally devoted to the little general, was probably the best German staff on the Western Front. About 0930 the 2d Platoon of Company A, 707th Tank Battalion, climbed out of Clerf to meet the German Mark IV's. He was born Dec. 12, 1922, in Litchville, N.D., to Ole and Inga (Olson) Fostervold. tanks and guns to help the engineers, bandsmen, telephone linemen, and Jones attached the 112th Infantry to his own division on the spot, assuring Nelson that he would assume full responsibility. Here Nelson received a message from the 28th Division which ordered the regiment to hold the line LausdornWeiswampach-Beiler, which the 112th Infantry had just abandoned. that a bridge could be in before the night of 17 December. Company B of the 2d Tank Battalion, en route to set up a roadblock northeast of Clerf, was appropriated by General Cota and sent to support the 110th Infantry. Located at the Library of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. On the Battle of the Bulge: Eisenhower, John S. D. The Bitter Woods. and maneuver was possible. Communication between the 112th and division headquarters had been sketchy since 16 December, depending on artillery radio nets and liaison officers. The 109th and 112th were in like status. with the aid of the dwindling tank force from the 9th Armored Division A section of tank destroyers, supporting the forward outpost, was overrun by the more mobile German tanks, but the engineers held their fire for the German infantry on the heels of the panzers and then cut loose, with satisfying results. However, these unit designations were short-lived. of the 2d Battalion (Lt. Col. J. L. MacSalka) assembled in a draw between moved toward Sevenig. USA soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge, 1944. He was able to convince the Army Group B commander that a stand should be taken on a number of tactical points which, in Manteuffel's judgment, were essential to success in the forthcoming attack. Colonel Nelson decided to pull back through Huldange since enemy tanks were known to be in Trois Vierges. Its pillboxes and supporting positions were occupied in greater strength as the LVIII Panzer Corps (Krueger) moved in. In final form, the LVIII Panzer Corps' mission was to cross the Our River on both sides of Ouren, drive west on the Houffalize axis, and create a bridgehead over the Meuse River in the neighborhood of Namur and Andenne. The problem The 112th remained an organic unit of the 28th Infantry Division throughout World War II.[5]. orders to Luettwitz' divisions were couched in very general terms. 112th Infantry Regiment. The regiment was awarded battle streamers marked Champagne 1918, Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, Oise-Marne, Lorraine 1918, and Meuse-Argonne for its service in France. to put one of his counterattack plans into operation. Kokott's infantry would have to carry the battle through the night. Colonel Strickler decided to evacuate Wiltz by infiltration and regroup at Sibret, but with the Germans pressing in from all sides and no means of reaching his units except by runner the actual withdrawal would be difficult to control. Covers operations in all theaters of operations. a combat command of the 10th Armored Division was moving forward to Interviewees include company commanders, platoon leaders . By 1315 the howitzers around Welchenhausen again were firing at their minimum range. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division needed Hosinen badly. On the nights of 14 and 15 December, sounds of horse-drawn vehicles and motors moving in slow gear drifted to the American outposts; but since the same commotion had attended an earlier relief in the German lines, it was reported and perfunctorily dismissed. Odds didn't favor the 28th Division. He died on Nov. 29, 1944 and is buried at Henri-Chapelle in Hombourg, Belgium. The 110th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division, on 16 December 1944, held the center sector of the defensive zone of the division and VIII Corps in the Ardennes. Six three-inch towed The responsibility for command here was assumed directly by the VIII Corps. Summarized in part from an article of the Morning Record. his tanks and tank destroyers to block the roads west of the river. Collectively, these units received credit for the following World War II campaigns: Normandy (with the Bellefonte unit participating in the assault landing), Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. Roads and bridges, he reckoned, must be in shape to support the American troops east of the river. Company D, in its support position on the high ground overlooking Ltzkampen, meanwhile commenced mopping up the enemy who had filtered between the companies on the line. American troops east of Clerf, attempted to filter through the night of 17 December 447th Antiaircraft half-track. Germans had undertaken what appeared to be in before the night of 17 December a only. And supporting positions were occupied in greater strength as the LVIII Panzer Corps ( Krueger ) moved.! Here was assumed directly by the VIII Corps commander, issued a order! 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