In fact, if you want to do good for the district you have grown up in, being a police officer can be a great way to do so since you will have plenty of influence and can also advise young people to stay away from things that might get them into trouble. In fact, it can even make you much stronger and overcoming our fears is crucial to really grow in character and to develop a more stable personality. Its the nature of the beast. Moreover, I also dont think that people want to be supervised and controlled solely by machines. Its dreadful, really. Between January 2021 and September 2021, 59 police officers in the United States were killed in the line of duty. For instance, one mistake on your side can take away lives. Though each day is going to be different as a police officer, some people might rather have a more predictable, mundane type of job. Hence, depending on the area you live in, you may really struggle to build wealth as a policeman and many police officers will never be able to afford buying their own homes while judges and many other people who make really good money dont have to worry in this regard. Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. There is just that much insecurity involved in this job that you will never know when you are called to the next operation. If you are thinking about becoming a police officer, you should first consider the many advantages and disadvantages of this profession. Many people will also secretly admire you for what you are doing for them. Specially empowered security officers can relieve public police of spending time and resources to address crime against private businesses. In many states, police officers can retire as early as in their 50s, even though they have to accept a reduced pension in such a case. This is quite sad and I just want to give people a more objective picture of how a fulfilling career could look like. It means that police in their blue uniforms often act as a line between lawfulness and illegal acts. Imagine a world without police. What is police discretion? In turn, you can improve the quality of life of many people and can help them out in difficult periods of their lives. One important advantage of being a police officer is that cops have a pretty high reputation in society. Bureau of Labor Statistics: OOH: Police and Detectives, Police One: The Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer. In fact, most people know how hard the jobs as a police officer can be and will greatly appreciate that you keep their neighborhoods safe. Of the 60,105 assaulted officers, 31% sustained injuries. While police officers can make a decent salary in many states, they will simply not make as much money as a doctor or a lawyer. The salaries are relatively handsome. This can be rather annoying, especially if you have a family and dont know how to manage your private life since you often dont know the exact hours of your shift. America has created its own monster. If the judge decides on life imprisonment, they can decide whether or not the convicted party will ever get the chance for parole, and after how many years they will be eligible for parole. In fact, you will only be called if there are problems to solve and you will not see many nice things during your career as a policeman. Consequently, be aware of the fact that people will not respect you that much anymore and that you will have to deal with insults or even attacks sooner or later in your career. At the beginning of your career, you will likely be rather intimidated and insecure regarding how to handle difficult situations. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. direct and indirect speech past tense exercises; tarantula sling not moving; flitch beam span chart; sylvania country club membership fees; bs 3939 electrical and electronic symbols pdf; ninaki priddy date of birth; offspring chris havel wife; airigh 'n eilean; ontario bar exam results 2020 Consequently, make sure that you are also willing to do this kind of work before deciding to become a police officer. Many police officers also suffer from sleep deprivation or even insomnia. Sometimes, you will also not be able to choose the neighborhood you have to work in and you might get unlucky and have to work in a rather bad one. Officers are afforded the opportunity to use their best judgement and knowledge to make decisions. WebPolice officers have played a major role in society by protecting us from crime. If you are still not sure yet, you may have some friends who are police officers and can give you some additional information on this topic. Some employers Quite often, you will also spend your leisure together and some police officers even spend plenty of time together after they retire. If you make mistakes, people may even sue you. succeed. Being a police officer also implies making difficult decisions. The Police Association notes that if officers are required to have a college degree, then the professions status will be enhanced through increasing educational standards. Quite often, police officers are confronted with situations that are pretty unpleasant. College-educated officers are also less likely to shoot their guns. However, some police officers quit their jobs after a while due to the dangers they no longer want to be exposed to. Leana Bouffard does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. In fact, shifts of 10 hours+ are quite common and this can be really exhausting, especially at nighttime when you will often count every minute until it will eventually be time to go home and fall into your bed. Another said they felt safer while walking home. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Policemen not only have to work at nighttime, they also have to work on holidays. Iowa State University and University of Nebraska Omaha provide funding as members of The Conversation US. They do not find comic relief in a tragedy. Of course, to succeed in this regard, you also have to build a strong network over time. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. Imagine that Officer Bob is on patrol in an area known for drug trafficking. Officers who have an understanding of scientific methods, as taught in college, are better positioned to adjust their departments policies. [Youre smart and curious about the world. The Disadvantages of Being a Police OfficerDanger Is Everywhere. The biggest issue with being a police officer is the simple fact that it is extremely dangerous. Pay Is Disappointing. You would think that with all of the dangers associated with being a police officer that the pay would reflect that, but sadly, it doesnt.Crazy Hours. Training Is Crazy. Since their job can be quite dangerous, many police officers also develop significant paranoia over time. Because of the high level of responsibility, police are held to high standards by internal affairs and the general public. Officers get to work on an individual basis as well as in a team environment. We cant sit still nor do we seem to have the mindset at times to settle down at home. The use of police discretion helps to foster the best use of police resources. In fact, not all police officers have good intentions and you should be quite careful in case your boss tries to push you in such a direction. Policemen can also retire earlier than people in most other jobs. You can make a huge difference in many peoples lives over the span of a careerand in In fact, especially if you have children, it can be quite hard to go to work as a police officer since you know that you might never come back and so do your children and your wife. You always feel secure.. With this knowledge, it can be pretty hard to make rational decisions and you may even have to take away the lives of people on some occasions to protect yourself. Law enforcement officers exercise police discretion when deciding whether or not to draw their weapon, make an arrest, shoot someone, search someone, render assistance to someone, or issue a ticket to someone. Cons of a Career as a Probation Officer. Since you will have to resolve conflicts on a regular basis and also have many stressful days during your career, chances are that you will stay in shape. Police officers toe the thin blue line, the line between lawfulness and illegal acts. In fact, it is not easy at all to be a police officer and to deal with all the emotional burden that comes along with it. Police work affords theopportunity for giving back both on duty and off. Consequently, it may also be hard for police officers to build trust with others and to make really good friends since they may always mistrust people right from the beginning. The disadvantages of police officer discretion are that it can escalate a situation or violate someone's rights if applied improperly. Police Subculture Overview & Examples | What is Police Subculture? Also make sure to check out the following articles: Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a dentist, Advantages and disadvantages of becoming an actor,, It also gives them the chance to get to know the communities they will police. Another downside of becoming a police officer is that you will also have to work at nighttime. Expectation versus reality probably exists for all of us in different forms and fashions. Disadvantages of Security Officers. Always remember that one wrong decision in this regard can also take away your own life. This will also be quite hard for yourself since you will never know whether you will see your kids again or not. Others may feel the risk is not worth the benefits that come with being a police officer. Crime Measurement Programs: History & Nature, The History of Women & Minority Members in the Police Profession, Recruitment of Women & Minorities in Policing. In fact, your colleagues will become your second family since you simply spend so much time with them. Create your account. So are The Conversations authors and editors. It requires hours of sitting and driving, which can cause weight issues and other health concerns. Police officers are given the freedom to use police discretion and make decisions on the job and in the heat of the moment. Due to the bad things and the difficult decisions they have to make during their shifts, many police officers also suffer from serious sleeping issues. Police officers run the risk of misinterpreting a statute and violating someone's rights. It is awkward at times, but we think we are funny. There are advantages to police discretion, such as allowing officers the flexibility to perform their job, allowing officers to make quick determinations when Many people also underestimate the amount of paperwork police officers have to deal with. Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Northern Illinois University. Officer Bob sees the person assault a passerby and must now use his discretion to decide whether he will intervene and possibly draw and use his weapon, or call for back up assistance. Yes, there are people who simply dont like them. This is not an exhaustive list - it is just illustrative to give you a sense of when an officer can use their own discretion. Copyright 2023 You will have to pass many different tests and many people fail those tests. Research has also shown that police officers themselves recognize the value of a college degree. In the long run, this can lead to serious health issues since constant stress is just not good for us. Being a police officer is more than a profession. However, once they get older, they will notice that every goodbye can be the last one. Denying reality gets you killed. Danger at Work. Most police officers get paid to work overtime, and many receive hefty pensions when they retire. If officers had to ask permission from judges for every decision they were faced with, this would be inefficient and costly. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. This could mean that you will not be able to celebrate Christmas or other important holidays with your family and your kids will be quite sad and may even resent you for that in the long run. Hence, dont think that your job as a police officer is entirely safe. Being a police officer also means that you will face a high level of insecurity regarding how your day will really look like. It also allows the police officer to quickly interpret the applicable statutory law and then act upon the determination. Especially if you cant forgive yourself for mistakes you made in the past, you will have a really hard time with being a police officer. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. You may also have to work quite long shifts as a policeman. Along with the good, we get hit with the bad. You may also be quite scared since you know that you will have to deal with armed people sooner or later. WebPolice discretion presents a clear danger to society because the average officer can make a poor decision and affect the life of a person or persons. You should really be convinced about it and should take your mission quite seriously. Therefore, there is the possibility that the police could make an unnecessary and unauthorized search. While there are many benefits of becoming a police officer, there are also some issues related to it. He notices that the person is carrying a gun. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_18',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');While many other jobs can be automized in the near future and many people will lose their jobs due to that, this will not be true for police officers. Fraternal relationships in law enforcement are very strong. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Police1 is revolutionizing the way the law enforcement community In turn, you will never know how exactly your day will look like and what you will experience the next days. Also, the prosecutor can determine if there are aggravating factors that make a crime even worse. Webadvantages and disadvantages of scatter graphs advantages and disadvantages of scatter graphs For instance, if a police officer erroneously decides to search someone's car, this may violate that person's. Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. A police officer can also impact the area they serve as a whole. State and local agencies and governments can do more to encourage officers to seek a college degree, including through incentives, like the Nebraska Law Enforcement Education Act, which allows for a partial tuition waiver or the Quinn Bill in Massachusetts, which provides scaled bonuses depending on the degree an officer holds or tuition reimbursement scholarships like those offered by the Fraternal Order of Police. Add to that the ability to help people on a daily basis and this line of work can be very fulfilling. Some people may find this overwhelming, and others may find great joy in being responsible for helping others. A high fitness level is not only crucial to stay healthy in the long run, it can also help you in the dating market and makes your life easier in various other aspects. No day will be like the past one and you will always have to adjust your expectations. Conversely, such discretion can result in the misinterpretation of statutes and the abuse of the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches. If you are looking for a fast-paced, exciting career that will allow you to make a difference in your community, you may enjoy being a police officer. There will also be the possibility that you have to work at nighttime as a police officer. In turn, you will become much more relaxed. This could mean that they think that somebody follows them to their house when there will actually nobody be there. In fact, many police officers have an inner motivation to protect the people they already know from early childhood. I conducted various interviews with employees to give you a good impression of what working in different fields will look like and that you can make the best possible decision regarding your future career choice. Community policing and problem-oriented policing require problem solving and creative thinking skills that the college experience helps develop. As a police officer, you can also work in many different fields. Officer Bob receives a dispatch alert that there is a suspect on foot in the area who just held up a bank. As a police officer, you have the power to significantly improve the conditions in your neighborhood since you can send people who behave in a criminal manner to court and many of them will end up in jail and can no longer have a bad influence on your neighborhood. Select the option or tab named Internet Options (Internet Explorer), Options (Firefox), Preferences (Safari) or Settings (Chrome). Being fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not only wise, but it is crucial for an officers physical and mental states. While some people like this insecurity since they get a certain level of excitement out of it, others who need a structured day hate it and if you are the kind of person who wants to play way ahead, chances are that becoming a police officer will just not be the right way to go for you. Police officers can keep their neighborhoods safe, Police officers get high levels of responsibility, Plenty of different fields you can work in, You learn how to deal with difficult people, Police officers get action on a regular basis, You will become really good friends with your colleagues, Most police officers have a high fitness level, Police officers can retire relatively early, Many people have lost respect for the police, You can lose your job due to one big mistake, Being a police officer is not the safest job, Police officers have to work at nighttime, Many police officers suffer from sleeping problems, Some police officers cant deal with events from the past, Especially problematic if you have to work in bad neighborhoods, Police officers have to deal with plenty of paperwork, Top 10 Being a Policeman Pros & Cons Summary List, salary, prospects, future outlook, educational requirements, duties, responsibilities, work-life balance and job satisfaction of police officers, 10 Smart Things To Do After Failing An Art Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing An Economics Degree, 18 Things To Do After Failing Your Communication Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Education Degree, 19 Things To Do After Failing Your Engineering Degree, 19 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Biology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Psychology Degree, 18 Smart Things To Do After Failing Your Business Degree, 33 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Casino Dealer, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being An Underwriter, 30 Noble Pros & Cons Of Working For A Hedge Fund, 32 Nerdy Pros & Cons Of Being A Data Scientist, 31 Key Pros & Cons Of Being A Loan Officer. , you also have to work at nighttime as a police officer, there many! 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