Filed Under: Barack and Michelle, Barack Obama, Children, Conspiracy or Not Tagged . As per the record, Obama (Soetoro) applied for monetary guide and was granted a Fulbright Foundation Scholarship for worldwide understudies. Obama was radically inspired by a book he reads called Rules for Radicals a book written by Saul Allansky a Neo Marxist. None of the claims were proven, but it made the rounds of many gossip mills and conspiracy-themed shows. Another group founded by Ayers was the Chicago Annenberg Challenge to reform public schools and he hired none other than Mr. Obama as the Chairman. However, Chandoo was a major campaign bundler for Obama and managed to raise somewhere in the margin of $100,000 for him. While the most outrageous tales about the presidents supposed homosexuality have been bound to the little hiding spots of the web-based media as indicated by the, Obama is, on the off chance that not gay, to a lesser degree a man. For example, there is this vintage photo: Martin comments: To reiterate, we exercise caution, any image can be craftily and convincingly altered these days. The name tied him to his African father, even though he had returned to Kenya years before. But through his campaign and time as President it was requested that he cut all ties and publically separate himself from anything to do with him due to the Reverend delivering sermons on terrorist attacks on US soil. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By his . Michelle Obama ADMITS in a speech to Democrats that Barack was born in Kenya (his \"home country\"). Notwithstanding, Mr. Obama is regularly being tended to as Barry Soetoro by people in general. Oh, And I've Been To Kiev, Seen The Corruption Up Close. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. Yes, the conspiracy theory is bunk, but it is notable bunk. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Who is Punarnavi Bhupalam? That was a dead giveaway right there. These cookies do not store any personal information. The possibility of President Donald J. Trump initiating an investigation in to the fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama birth certificate cost President Trump his second term in office . Many Capitol Hill tunnel victims that were found had been born in the tunnels, some had been kidnapped and spent up to 30 years in these tombs. The first Red Pill you got to take. Ann Dunham later on remarried, a man called Lolo Soetoro and her new husband legally adopted Barrack. In addition, we as a whole are very much aware of the cocaine-energized sentiment with a dissident named Larry Sinclair in 1999. You also agree to this sites Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Another point that gets overlooked is that he was an Indonesian citizen when he was adopted and going to a Muslim school. That as well as impacted by a transsexual caretaker while living as a kid in Indonesia. The so-called Supreme Court has been evading the issue for years. Does the American body politic need any other evidence that proves it was profoundly deceived by Democrat Party standard bearers Barack Hussein Obama and Michael LaVaughn Robinson? Says Elizabeth Warren said, "Allowing Republicans to vote could threaten the integrity of an election.". UPDATED: LIST OF INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS!! Another look at the preceding photograph reflects this difference in height which offers yet another piece of compelling evidence that Michelle is reallyBig Mike. Obviously, the main suspect is Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama. Whether or not it is an unpopular topic of discussion, Obama is UNDOCUMENTED (forged IDs dont count as valid documents), FOREIGN-BORN (most likely Kenya as his own bio published in 1991 revealed and remained uncontested until 2007), an ARAB AMERICAN who ethnically is 44% Arab while only 6% Black , a radical MUSLIM, a sympathizer and/or actual member of domestic and foreign terrorist organizations (most notably The Muslim Brotherhood), CIA chosen, trained, funded, and planted as if a spy in our society and politics, a SERIAL CRIMINAL (forgery, identity theft, Social Security fraud, filing a false income tax return while president, altering and forging official government documents including a military draft card, perjury, criminally negligent manslaughter by a commander-in-chief in the Benghazi murders, etc, etc), CONSTITUTIONALLY INELIGIBLE (not a natural born American citizen per Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 5), USURPER of the U. S. presidency. Martin was Obama's campaign treasurer and there are many photos of them together online, that date way back. Every resignation or election is staged and managed by WEF Mario Draghi will soon be replaced by another WEF puppet. We are either get a new AWAKENING TO REALITY. Theyve tried to tell us that Barack Obama had a fake birth certificate when he was running for office and people chose to not belive that.Well: THAT WAS JUST A TINY TOP OF THE ICE BERG! ELmo. IE the Stolen election from We The People of November 3, 2020 . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Obama used to tell us that no one is above the law. I think its high time that we prove it to him! After what was done to Trump, Papadopoulos, Flynn, Manafort, Carter Page, Roger Stone, Michael Caputo and countless others, is the forgery of a few government documents difficult to believe? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The revelation or discovery of any of the following should be treated as cause for further detailed inquiry before the Committee decides whether the law student registrant or applicant possesses the requisite character and fitness to practice law: (a) unlawful conduct; (b) academic misconduct; (c) making false statements, including omissions; (d) misconduct in employment; (e) acts involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; (f) abuse of legal process; (g) neglect of financial responsibilities; (h) neglect of professional obligations; (i) violation of an order of a court; (j) evidence of conduct indicating instability or impaired judgment; (k) denial of admission to the bar in another jurisdiction on character and fitness grounds; (l) disciplinary action by a lawyer disciplinary agency or other professional disciplinary agency of any jurisdiction; (m) acts constituting the unauthorized practice of law; (n) failure to comply with the continuing duty of full disclosure to the Board and the Committee subsequent to the date of registration or application.. A strong bond was built between the two and Barry saw him as an important mentor whilst he was in twelfth grade, influencing him greatly. Freedom Outpost was an independent journal published to cover vital public policy issues and offer a public service. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Obama, Michael Robinson. No, Just Kidding. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL by Rev. We are going to have to see them to the closest BORDER And politicians wonder why their approval rating is so low ! Make no mistake about it when we take back AMERICA Just saying! Required fields are marked *. For them nothing is too low or vile. Your email address will not be published. The Halliburton founder = Lolo Soetoro; Lolo = Barry Soetoro Father (Hussein); Lolo = best friends with Bush/Bin Laden; Lolo + Dunham = CIA ops; GWB + B.O. The Photo Is Legit. Transcribed 'Digital Soldier' Segment Of Lt. Gen. Flynn's Speech To 'Young America's Foundation' Students And Supporters In Washington, D.C., November 12, 2016. . Michelle Obama when asked when were you and Barack Obama married by a child at a meeting Michelle or is it Michael did not know ! The truth is coming out about the Pfizer jabs .. unfortunately a bit too late as more than half of the global population have taken these shots .. many were warned yet chose to ignore the many warnings they had. That is the Liberal Socialist Democrats had to Steal the 2020 election from President Donald J Trump . So I did a Google Image search for Obama's daughters. Nothing is ever done for the justice we need for the Socialist Democrats that want the one World Government to take place, they still follow the Georgia Guide Stones and that is their goals. Rules of the Board of Admissions and Committee on Character and Fitness The photo ofBig Mikethat follows was a familiar picture over 8 long years of FirstLadyMan displaying her massively built trapezius muscles. As well as what happened to Barack. Firstly we'll look at Barry Soetoro, Barry is now the ex-president of the corporation you and many others call the United States of America, Barrak Hussein Obama. How Bushs Grandfather Helped Hitlers Rise to Power. He needs to be vindicated and restored. the first radical know to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so efficiently that he at least won his own kingdom- Lucifer. So his career as an honest attorney was off to a flying start. Its probably worth mentioning that this man also influenced a young Hillary Clinton. Based on the rapid uncovering of documents in the Flynn case demonstrating breathtaking government misconduct, Attorney General William Barr is more than capable of getting to the truth about the birth-certificate forgery, another hoax perpetrated on the unsuspecting American people. INVESTOR TIMES is always open to the incorporation of talent in its team of journalists and editors. Let this be our last warning! It . You can find original online, Michelle should be shorter than Barack. With the passing of this bill, we are just getting a small taste of what the new majority has in store for us throughout this year. In the cases of Barry Soetoro (his LEGAL name), Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindall, Kamela Harris, Tulsi Gabbard& others.THE CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS were not meetBOTH PARENTS, U.S. CITIZENS. We cant say their name. However, recall that this usurper of the People's White House was caught on video not only claiming to be Barry Soetoro, but also claiming that he had never used any other aliases. and it contains content that details what HILLARY had to say TODAY All were malnourished and physically, physiologically and and of course sexually abused. As long as he doesnt rely on Carl Gallops to bring forth the evidence. ), in 2013. Michelle Lavaughn Robinson is the birth name of Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States and wife of President Barack Obama. I always wondered how a nobody, done nothing, politician came our of the swamp to become our president. Unbelievable. is a privately funded financial publication particularly created for professional and personal investors and intellectually restless individuals. By Reuters Staff. Your email address will not be published. Well, thanks to YouTube and Mucktales (?) The break up and realignment of nations is the entire history of the world. There IS NO DENYING the truth now. The US Congress cant just pick and chose which part of the US Constitution they will or will not enforce or can they ? Michael LaVaughn Robinson: Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama. Rule 6.4. Just because some people are happy he will be leaving office in January does not mean he should not be held accountable for his crimes. I call it the crime of STEALING the presidency and command of our countrys armed forces- twice. Deron Brunson was the legal mind behind the Raland Brunson vs. Alma J. Adams et al case #22-380 before the Supreme Court. If a comment is spam, instead of replying to it please click the icon to the right of the comment, and report it as spam. One can only hope.. Gene Decode also reported on this. If it really was the daughters dorm they are leaving, why is Michelle/Big Mike dressed like that and in such a Thank you for partnering with us to maintain fruitful conversation. The Dark Past of Barry Soetoro (AKA Barrack Obama). Well ladies and gentlemen our "First Lady" is actually the First Man. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and turned into the United States first African-American president. Just because these people are totally sick. This is why I invite readers to use their own initiative and powers of research. The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). Watch: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla refers to his jabs as Weapons. These filings and docket sheets should not be considered findings of fact . lest we forget, at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical; from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is known where mythology leaves off and history begins, or which is which?) Here is how to find the value of your birth certificateSS#.. Boycotting Cannibalism - Foods Containing Dead Fetal Cells. The content of this site has been restored on a non-profit basis to preserve knowledge and serve as a historical archive. By his own statement on the morning of the long-forms release, Obama is implicated in the creation of a forgery with the intent to deceive. Had he been called to account then, the national nightmare the American people have witnessed over the past 3 years, at great cost and out of nothing more than Democrats inability to accept the will of the voters, would never have taken place. The military had just defeated deep state CIA forces trying to hinder them from removing what was later to be discovered thousands of mainly babies, although there were many children, teens and adults up to 60 years of age who had been held in believe it or not electrified cages. This Clown Berry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama cant produce a LEGAL US BIRTH CERTIFICATE ! for another grasp at the ring. A bizarre show in the 2012 London Olympics could well be interpreted as precursor to the COVID plandemic. 18 Dec 2022 21:03:34 Michelle is NOT a woman, but born a MAN under the name Michael Lavaughn Robinson. It took Obama a few years to produce his and that fact alone suggests that either he was playing politics or he never had one and the fact a forgery was proffered in place of a legitimate one suggests he wasnt simply playing politics. Michael LaVaughn Robinson aka Michelle Obama is the First . citizen. Recorded on September 20,1995. Learn how your comment data is processed. @ Ms Sharon R. One of these friends was his room mate, radical muslim Mohammad Hassan Chandoo who he took a trip to Pakistan with. Obama will have died of old age long before that earth shaking revelation comes out. Democrats are hypocritical bigots. Anchor Baby Kamala Harris is now Joe Bidens VP = another TREASONOUS act by the US Congress all to protect the fraud and. Multipleimages here showing, Above: Obama had lied under Oath. We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend. Next, click on the above photo to greatly enlarge it. Fathers name is Not Available. Our article can be too short to even consider including all of his rundown of accomplishments and respects. Whats more, it was additionally reputed that he holds that last name from his Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro. It is personal with Congress and they will do anything to maintain the charade of legitimacy they have built around Barry. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Now, Watch Big Mike Transgender Into Michelle in Seamless Transformation (Video) . There is an odd tuft of hair just above his right ear. . Mr Obama filled in as the President of the US from 2009 to 2017. banking space. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. For those who are unfamiliar with the musculoskeletal system, what follows is a diagram that highlights the exact location of the trapezius muscles that extend from the neck to the shoulders (shown inorange). Beside being effectively engaged with legislative issues, Obama is additionally an author. Proudly created with There has forever been gossip surfing on the web about Mr. Barack Obama being Barry Soetoro even later the total forswearing by Mr. Barack Obama. Ann Dunham & Barack Hussein Obama II. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known. All of the aforementioned mentors along with their corruption all occurred prior to Obama even reaching the Senate. Proudly created with. There will be no mistakes HILLARY is dead.. if a segment is aired This is a fight for good and evil and we should pray that Good wins. If you would like to be part of our project as a collaborator, we invite you to submit your application. What do you think? The Russia Collusion, the Impeachments, further investigations, have had the effect of creating a chasm between President Trump and the DOJ. The problem is the US Congress ignored US Constitutional law Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 and let RACE TRUMP THE US CONSTITUTION in 2008 and again in 2012 ! 0. I was told everything I send them is kept in their computer system. A strong bond was built between the . It's From Michelle Obama's Memoir 'Franks & Beans'. American born Ann Dunham met Kenyan born Muslim, Barrack Obama Senior in Hawaii whilst studying Russian (suspiscious?) This website uses cookies to improve your experience. First Lady Michelle Obama was named Michael Lavaughn Robinson after her birth. Well his name was dropped by Jessie Czebotar; she said he was one of the Illuminati kids that did the initiation rite when he was 11-12 years old. Obama later found a mentor in Reverend Jeremiah Wright a former Muslim and born again Christian. It's HILARIOUS the the OP is claiming it's Michael LaVaughn Robinson when there's no such person. When he was only a few weeks old he and his mother moved to Seattle so that she could attend colle. Sharon, I am repeating this here because this article is new.and more appropriate for this comment. Timothy Michael . We have no more information about his spouse. Obama represented a Lebanese developer, Tony Rezko. He said that it was so bad that it slowed down the plan to clean the swamp. . . He was convicted of corruption charges and was given a ten year sentence to serve, It was alleged that he raised more than $14million for Obamas US Senate campaign. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. As per the book, Mr. Obama was occupied with consensual, gay sex with Sinclair on November sixth and again on November seventh in November 1999. We dont have to let you know anything more with regards to his Wikipedia, youre generally very much aware of his reputation. Indeed, you need to peruse every one of the books identified with Mr.Obama and Sinclair to get all the more clear result on MR. Obamas life. or what wrong youve done. Learn how your comment data is processed. David Zublick from March 29:In the early morning hours of Sunday the 24th of January, 2021, special force units where taped coming out of an empty White House with tortured children that they had rescued out of underground tunnels buried 2 miles beneath Capitol Hill. Like finding your daughters boyfriend in her bedroom they can go fuk at his house. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. has been proven to be a BAD FORGERY . In 1971 Barry was sent to live with his Grandparents back in Hawaii, and they at the time were known communists. Some suspect he was going to college as an foreign national. Way back Obama II Michelle/Big Mike dressed like that and in such a while... New.And more appropriate for this comment and in such a Muslim school website uses cookies to your... Managed to raise somewhere in the 2012 London Olympics could well be interpreted as precursor the... The world journal published to cover vital public Policy issues and offer a public service their own initiative and of. That this man also influenced a young barry soetoro and michael lavaughn Clinton that as well as impacted by a transsexual caretaker while as... Obviously, the Conspiracy theory is bunk, but born a man called Lolo Soetoro to... 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