- Gives the curse of the maze effect for the current floor. Soul Hearts that are used to charge Spirit Shackles will not be added to your health as normal, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as The Forgotten, Taking damage reveals a random room on the minimap, and automatically opens certain doors in the current room. Im not really at the point where i need them yet, but if anyone reading this knows somewhere i should look, hit me up, This is super helpful. - Spawns one blue attack spider for every enemy in the room. The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is a massive expansion to The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ that makes the game feel like a completely new roguelike with its sheer amount of features. However, some are a little more hidden, including what might be Repentance's most interesting series of unlocks. ?, Soul of the Lost, 4 rooms: Rune of Ehwaz, Rune of Perthro, Black Rune, Soul of Isaac, Soul of Eve, Soul of Eden, Soul of the Forgotten, Soul of Jacob and Esau, 6 rooms: Rune of Dagaz, Soul of Samson, Soul of Azazel, Soul of Apollyon, Soul of Bethany, 12 rooms: Rune of Jera, Soul of Lilith, Soul of the Keeper, Tears have a chance to fire a fungus tear that sticks to enemies. At the full 12 charges Isaac does a massive shout, dealing 356 damage to all enemies on the screen, Larynx gains 1 charge every time you take damage (also charges as normal), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Beast as Tainted Samson, Recharge time: 12 rooms (Can be used with partial charges), This item gives you a familiar version of The Lost character which dies instantly upon hit, If the familiar survives an entire floor you get one of: 3 soul hearts, 2 eternal hearts or a random item/angel room item, Regenerates at the start of each floor if dead, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as The Lost, Bombs now spawn a puddle of red creep upon explosion, dealing 2 damage per tick to enemies touching it, While at 0 bombs, you can also place further bombs now at the cost of 1/2 of a heart (kills The Lost if used like this). Item Pool: Item Room, Super Sloth Miniboss, Bomb Beggar, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bob sloth, rocks), Item Pool: Item Room, Devil Room, Greed Mode Devil Room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, luigi board, weeja board, paper, grown, Automatically gives you 1 bar of charge after using your spacebar item, Fully recharges your current spacebar item when picked up, Any items which are normally a 1 room recharge are now timed instead, * shop room pool, shop item pool, battery, black, brown, When Isaac takes damage, the dead bird will spawn and attack nearby enemies in the current room for 2 damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, starting, grey, gray, Tears are replaced with the ability to charge and fire a powerful laser that travels in a straight line across the room, dealing a lot of damage (tear damage hits for 9 ticks per laser) to any enemies it comes into contact with, Does not directly affect your Damage stat but hits enemies 9 times per charge, Synergizes very well with a lot of items including Tammy's Head, Tiny Planet, Inner Eye (Triple Shot), Mutant Spider (Quad Shot) and many others, If you somehow manage to get a second Brimstone, the laser becomes massive and deals double damage, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, infinity, red, black, Has a chance to drop while playing any Blood Donation machine, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by playing the Blood Donation machine 30 times, Item Pool: None (Blood Donation machine only), Gives you a high rate of fire in exchange for a damage down, * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Thin Odd Mushroom, brown, purple, grey, gray, REPENTANCE - Odd Mushroom (thick) is now a larger damage increase (equal to that of Steven/Pentagram), but now also a larger speed downgrade (from -0.1 to -0.2), * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, purple, pink, brown, thick odd mushroom thick, When you only have half a red heart remaining or less, you enter a curse state which adds +1.5 damage and +0.3 speed, When playing as Eve, this item activates with one FULL heart remaining or less AND also removes her 0.75 damage multiplier, raising it up to 1.0, The effect is permanently active for characters with no red hearts (e.g. the eternal hearts that drop in angel themed super secret rooms, All heart drops from Ace of Hearts will be Black Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Azazel, *, black, devil, pointy, daemons tail, demons tail, demon tail, Dying in a sacrifice room while holding this trinket will unlock The Lost character, After The Lost is unlocked, dying anywhere with this trinket will bring you back to life as The Lost and the trinket will be deleted, When playing as Tainted Lost, you don't swap to being regular Lost, it simply acts as an extra life, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Dark Room with Isaac, Everytime you pick up a coin, you fart, inflicting poison damage to nearby enemies, Greatly increases the chance of coins dropping from poops, Tears now move forwards at right angles, shifting left and right across the room, Increases your range stat by +10.0 while held but due to the fire pattern, your tears travel a similar distance to normal, Your tears now whip across the room at a very high shot speed, Shot speed gives your tears more effective range, but doesn't increase your range stat directly, Has a 22.22% chance to respawn with 3 Soul hearts as Blue Baby when you die, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Satan with Lazarus, Everytime Isaac takes damage, one blue fly will spawn, * , the lost item pool, green, red, bloody, dead, Isaac's tears have a chance to poison enemies, The poison effect leaves a damage over time, which deals 4 or 6 damage per tick, The chance to poison enemies is affected by your luck stat and at +18 Luck it will activate every time, Isaac now has a chance to make a spectral and piercing tear, The chance to fire a piercing tear is affected by your luck stat and at +18 Luck it will activate every time, While held, this trinket gives a random mushroom effect each room, Possible mushrooms include: Mini Mush, Odd Mushroom (Thin), Odd Mushroom (Thick), The Compass, *, ping, pong, paddle, grey, gray, mushroom, While at 1/2 a red heart of health, you gain a Little Steve familiar that follows you and shoots homing tears, REPENTANCE - Umbilical Cord now has a high chance to spawn a Gemini familiar for the room when Isaac takes damage. poop, pots), Counts as 1 of 3 cat items needed towards the Guppy transformation, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Cain, Item Pool: Devil Room, Curse Room, Red Chest, Spawns a Keeper familiar, that shoots triple tears and follows your exact movements as you walk, The keeper has 3 health coins and can die if it takes enough damage. Defeating Mega Satan as one of the B-side characters unlocks a whole new object a la Lucky Pennies. In exchange it gives you +0.05 Speed Up and Damage Up for every half a heart this item removes, The amount of Damage Up is (0.15 * FullHeartsRemoved ^ 2), If Isaac is already at half a red heart when stabbed, no damage or speed increases are given, The damage from being stabbed can be avoided with invincibility, however no damage or speed stat increases are gained if you do, Your individual tears each gain a random effect from either: Poison, Fear, Slow, Freeze, Charm, Burning, Homing, Bleeding, x2 Damage or Reduced damage, Allows you to walk on harmful floor effects without taking damage (e.g. Every challenge you beat unlocks an item on that save file. This includes key blocks and secret room doors, +1.0 Damage Up, but each rock tear has a random damage modifier that can go up or down (x0.5 to x2), Allows Isaac to charge by double tapping the same direction, dealing damage to any enemies caught, You are invincible while charging (doesn't include self-damage like Blood Donation machines), The dash deals x4 your current tear damage + 8, Doesn't have to be in a straight line, you can hold another button to curve it, Has a 3 second cooldown before it can be used again, While not moving your speed rapidly increases up to a bonus of +0.5, While you have this +0.5 bonus, moving will cause Isaac to fart around the room, spawning poison gas clouds, The farts stop spawning once you reach your regular movement speed, Poison deals damage equal to half your tears per tick, Isaac is immune to Poison from enemies, such as Gasbag, Gives you a wide circle halo which grants 7 orbital tears upon entering a new room, The tears orbit for 13 seconds before dropping off, Has a chance to absorb any enemy tears and add them to the orbiting tears. With poison effects, the damage over time poison will last for much longer. If there are no enemies this pill spawns 1-3 blue spiders instead, One makes you smaller - Reduces Isaac's size and hitbox size, One makes you larger - Increases Isaac's size, but does not affect the size of his hitbox, Percs - Causes Isaac to only take half a heart of damage from all sources for the current room (The Wafer effect). Items for 15c, hearts for 3c, sacks for 7c, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating challenge #44 (Red Redemption), Activates a random effect from a Dice room, See the dice icon above for each possible effect, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Cain, All enemies in the current room are slowed and take double damage, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Samson, You turn into the Keeper, gaining triple shot, -0.1 Speed Down for 30 seconds, Enemies drop random coins while this effect is active, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Keeper, Activates the Book of the Dead effect, spawning a bone orbital or charmed Bony for each enemy killed in the current room, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Forgotten, When used, this card activates 5 random pill effects one after the other, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating challenge #45 (DELETE THIS), Activates The Bible effect (granting flight) and gives a Seraphim familiar for 30 seconds, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Azazel, Spawns 6 clusters of rocks and objects that normally appear on this floor, Rocks have a pretty good chance to become tinted rocks, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Apollyon, Removes your oldest item and spawns 2 pedestal items from the current room's pool, Can remove either passive or active items, Doesn't remove your character's starting items, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Isaac, Teleports you to the ultra secret room on the floor, The ultra secret room is a red room containing an item from the angel room item pool.
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