He even showed Jason photos of Batman with a new Robin, though whether Tim Drake had stepped into the role yet is unclear. "You alright?" The Joker gave Ivy a shot of Titan, causing the plant-life on the island to go wild. Arkham Knight is repackaged as a villain to Red Hood. The Battle For Batman's Mind. Batman solved them, navigated the vent system, entered the room through a floor grate and freed Joseph. At one point while ranting about Harley Quinn supposedly abandoning him in favor of Deadshot, Joker mentioned that he'll "make five more just like [Harley Quinn]", which alluded to his revelation that he had prior Harley Quinns' before the current one and managed to murder them in Harley Quinn's arc in the crossover storyline: Death of the Family. Similarly, Joker also had a weakness that Batman ultimately exploited to take him down once and for all (in the film, Joker's irritation that he never got Batman to laugh, which the new Batman, Terry McGinnis, exploited by mocking Joker; in Arkham Knight, his fear of being forgotten, which Batman exploited by exposing himself and Joker to a full dose of fear gas and then locking him away into a central part of his consciousness doomed to be forgotten). Level up. Batman, after he defeated Harley's robots, discovered her ultimate plan: destroy the entire facility with a final bomb that was hidden inside the Joker Statue and kill everyone in it including herself, so she could reunite with her beloved Mr. J. Batman managed to escape the blast radius along with an angered Harley, but it appeared that Robin was caught in the explosion. A world of mischief and fun. It's not right! Gordon handed Batman the flash drive that was found in Joker's body, which he would later analyzed at the Batcave. He'll be unstoppable. Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subcot. However, he does not seem fettered by his psychopathic qualities or simply unaware of them but took no attempt to better himself. We're gonna give this city what it needs. One such henchman got an injection, which painfully failed to turn him into a Titan Henchman. Taking control of Arkham's intercom system the Joker told his goons to destroy the Batmobile to keep Batman from leaving. A hotline straight to my most favorite person in the world. Taunting Batman through phone calls with dubious clues about what he was truly planning, Joker was relieved to learn Batman had found the means to develop the cure and had Freeze create enough for both of them. Instead of his purple suit, the Joker was shown wearing the clothes that he wore as the Red Hood, which consisted of a white shirt, dark purple trench coat that had a light red inside, green waistcoat with bloodstains, grey trousers and dress shoes, his face also showed very mild patches of human pigmentation on his white face, which indicated that his transformation from Red Hood into the Joker had recently happened, and, as seen in the previous games, the rest of his skin did eventually turn completely white. He displays personality traits consistent with criminal insanity, though his mental instability did not hinder his ability to infiltrate and take over Black Mask's criminal organization. But so what? This is made clear during the Riddler's interrogation scene, in which the villain reveals that Batman was his inspiration to seek revenge on Gotham City. (Henry threatens Batman) I've changed my mind! Accepting that he would ultimately die, Joker asked Batman if he was happy and calmly sat on the ground. The Penguin answered, a hulking guard at his side, and immediately reminded them of his "no clowns policy. Joker implied, during his many comments, that one of the reasons why Batman had decided to outfit the new Batmobile with a more extensive arsenal was because of the villain's consciousness subtly influencing him. As the night went on, and he took more control over Batman's mind, Joker's appearance began to heal. Batman neutralized the threat and rescued Vale, at which point, Joker contacted him again, and told him that if he wanted the cure, it would be waiting for him at the Steel Mill. With Harley and the rest of Joker's followers ensuring that his legacy would be upheld, Joker's back up schemes would rock Gotham to its very core and continue to plague Batman. After years of death, misery, and tragedy, the Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime, and Batman's greatest threat and arch-nemesis was gone at long last. When the B+Y command comes up hit them at the same time. Joker simply responded with multiple threatening e-mails, then escaped the Asylum. As Joker at that point was being impersonated by Clayface, that meant that the cameraman who was heard coughing was the real Joker. Amused, Joker laughed that they didn't give her the name "Ivy" for nothing; he was hoping for a "40 ft killer plant", but accepted that he couldn't get everything that he wanted. Why spoil the fun?Joker doesn't care who Batman is under the mask. When you find yourself in an empty alley, walk along the path. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. There were multiple disparate elements to Batman: Arkham Origins' plot, but it succeeds in telling a comprehensive tale about Batman's first encounter with supervillainy.Joker - although arguably saturated as a villain in the Batman: Arkham series - was a natural choice to focus on, given his potential roots as a Gotham mobster prior to becoming the Clown Prince of Crime, and Troy Baker does . However, it had a powerful recoil and reloading was quite time consuming. While the Joker was not aware of everything, he now had enough leverage to order Strange to back off, lest the information be leaked publicly and ruin Arkham City, and to order weapons necessary to wage his side of the gang war. Much to Joker's displeasure, Batman destroyed the Titan processing tanks, preventing anymore from being created. After he strapped Gordon to an electric chair above a makeshift fighting arena (and made him the "referee"), Titan-Joker goaded Batman to give into his injection, as it was the only way they could be on even fighting terms. In The Dark Knight, after the Joker has been easily apprehended, he and the Batman engage in a heated discussion in an interrogation room. Do this about a handful of times. For over a year, the Joker kept Jason hostage in the abandoned wing, abusing and torturing him almost non-stop. Eventually Bane resurfaced, setting up and presiding over an underground fighting contest where inmates fought in vain for the privilege of trying to take him down. Kill all enemies met on your way - The Penguin, the Riddler with the hostage sergeant Hanrahan and Two-Face. Batman put Harley in one of the quarantine cells as Joker continued to taunt him with his impending loss of free will and sanity. I mean, if you wanted to be cured so badly, you only had to ask.Joker and Clayface taunt Batman. When the Joker arrived, with Harley Quinn on his arm and a dainty flower in his lapel, the Penguin was thrilled. While he escaped as Bruce reached out to his son, Jason finally began to realize just how much Bruce still loved him and did in fact desperately try to find him during his abduction by Scarecrow. He was identified by his white skin, green hair and red lips, which made him look like a clown, though it seemed that he had painted his lips to give himself a clown smile in order to make his smile even wider than it already was. Joker's X-ray specs, his personal handgun, a set of explosive. This was best demonstrated when he was forced to experience the concentrated effects of the Fear Toxin late into Scarecrow's reign of terror, where he saw a portrait depicting Batman carrying a deceased Joker as well as his own corpse being placed in the crematorium, and not only did not feel even slightly afraid of what he was seeing, he even managed to reflect nostalgically on the event and even went as far to crack a joke about the scene as being "crispy", respectively. He didn't have to wait long. Batman, after he finally retrieved the cure, drank it and cured himself of the Titan Disease, and also kept half to cure Joker and the rest of Gotham. Based on the DC Comics superhero Batman, it is the sequel to the 2009 video game Batman: Arkham Asylum and the second installment in the Batman: Arkham series. After getting dressed, Joker stumbled upon Black Spider who, unknown to him, was dressed as Batman. Multiple Blackgate staff on March riot: Killed in various ways. Should Batman interfere in his plans, he instantly became the top priority. But nothing happened, crime actually went down.Gordon, explaining that Joker was the catalyst for the crime in Gotham. Joker laughed that another dose was all it would take to make him strong enough to gain control. She was eager to gain insight into the mind of the self style Clown Prince of Crime in order to publish a book. This is reference to the comic "The Killing Joke" that Joker killed the amusement park owner with a poison grin pin on his hand when they shook hands on the deal. Coincidentally, Jack Nicholson, the actor for the version of the Joker in the 1989. During the riot, Deadshot escaped Arkham via an SCU Helicopter, which unbeknownst to him, Joker and Harley were also on board. Not only that, but it seems The Joker has a grudge against Batman, since he's working with the villain he's just defeated. No surprise when he he feels my blade whisper into his heart.Joker, thinking about his dream of killing Batman. Theneverythingwentblack. During the end credits, Joker's hallucinatory ghost was heard singing "The Asylum Blues", and realized that he was trapped forever in Batman's mind and was only remembered as nothing more than a bad memory that was best left forgotten before he broke down in tears and his voice was not heard again. Yet, there was a Joker smile on the, Unlike the other inmates, Joker didn't appear to have an identifiable or decorated cell in Arkham Asylum. After rescuing Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon is kidnapped by Arkham Knight who is revealed to be Jason Todd, once a Robin to Batman, and his adopted son, who was tortured and seemingly murdered by Joker. With Vale's chopper destroyed and her pilot dead, Joker sent some of his men to kill the helpless reporter with sniper rifles, and knew that this would force Batman out into the open and serve as a diversion while Harley returned to the Steel Mill with the completed cure. Perhaps the most defining and deranged of Joker's obsessions was his relationship with Batman. She and the Joker sat there, gasping for breath, when they suddenly realized where they were: Arkham City. As the boat carrying the twisted pair sped off towards Gotham, it was joined by a second. In Arkham Knight, Joker lingers as a figment in the mind of Batman. Don't you realize it's over? He was pleased when alongside the milk was a summons to the club's VIP Section. Batman had overcome all odds and chosen to let him live yet again, which Joker found hysterical. With Harley leading the operation, Joker's thugs also abducted a doctor, Stacey Baker, who had previously diagnosed Joker, under his orders to bring her to him for an update on his condition. He took over the body of Tim Drake, and used his skills as an engineer to create a satellite weapon, before he was defeated by the new Batman, Terry McGinnis. Humiliated, beaten, and mentally broken, Scarecrow was taken to the GCPD Lockup, where he would remain locked up for the rest of his life along with his fellow criminals. Arkham City doctors: Killed for failing to cure him. When he came to, Batman realized the horrifying truth that Joker's blood, which was injected into his veins by the villain nine months prior, was allowing his consciousness to take control of his mind. Joker deduced that, though Henry was an impressive host for him, he still could not compare to Batman and used his consciousness to influence Henry into committing suicide, which resulted in all four innocent hosts having their lives ruined and taken by the same influence. Now, if you wouldn't mind. When visiting the Visitor Center, after the Joker finished talking to you, turn the camera around and after a few seconds turn it back and you noticed how the Joker "mannequin's" arms change positions. This encouraged Gothamites to go outside. I pushed the button and burned the evil son of a bitch myself. Procuring Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves Batman used them to manipulate the hotel's electronics, dispatch Joker and Bane's forces, rescue the hotel employees and navigate through Joker's makeshift carnival attractions. Almost every prisoner within Arkham City would be forced to join Joker's army, which made Joker the ruling elite on the streets while Two-Face's men were being rounded up and tortured for information at the Steel Mill. He was also shown missing patches of his green hair, and showed some mild bald patches on his head. He was intensely nihilistic and suicidal. The Arkham Knight was a mysterious military villain who emerged in Gotham City and was the antithetical version of Batman. Joker admitted that even he didn't remember what happened and that the various stories were inspired by a friend who once told him: "if you're gonna have an origin story, it may as well be multiple choice." The Joker is the main antagonist of the Batman: Arkham franchise. He then jumped off the oil rig and opened a parachute as he descended. Always What!? Tonight we're going to wipe the slate clean. (However, Joker eventually figured out Hugo Strange brainwashed Sharp.). When Batman had accomplished everything that he was blackmailed to do, Joker was delighted to begin his cat and mouse game with his old enemy and friend anew. Kill! During stealth missions where Joker must dispose of Arkham's security on patrol, he could use a pair of glasses called specs to see through walls and identify guards, similarly to Detective mode, though he can't move while using them. "I prepared for muggers, killers, thieves. Would you be happy? Joker revealed he accepted the possibility of death within Arkham City and took precautions to ensure that he lived on through his poisoned blood. When Batman saw the Joker hallucination, he appeared to the Dark Knight wearing his Arkham Asylum purple tailcoat rather than the darker tailcoat he died in in Arkham City, all while his face appeared to Batman in the early stages of the Titan infection. As the night wore on Batman defeated Deathstroke and Electrocutioner, learned about the Lacey Towers affair from the Penguin, broke into the GCPD to hack into the National Criminal Database, discovered the bombs under Gotham and deduced that the Joker was using Sionis to break into the Gotham Merchant's Bank. Once you leave the building, a new cutscene will start. Note: Joker's involvement in Catwoman's escape attempt and the following depended on which boss Batman defeated last. All the Joker had to do was tell Strange why he was the way he was. He then proceeded to begin taking over the west side of Arkham Island. His criminal record makes clear that he is an unrepentant homicidal maniac. Am I right, officer? When Joker won the VGA 2011 Rewards, he was holding a file with the name. He had a far crueler joke to play on the Dark Knight than just that. After they arrived in Arkham City, the Joker and Harley Quinn were eager to explore their new stomping grounds. A world where the only person you have to answer to is yours truly.Joker's intercom message. The list includes Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman, Azrael, Hush, Gordon, Joker, Red Hood, Harley Quinn, and Batgirl. With Joker in his mind, the psychopath had access to all his secrets and planned to use Bruce's company, equipment, funds, and resources to murder all his enemies, consolidate all the gangs under his criminal empire, kill all of Batman's allies, and ultimately lead a campaign of violence on Gotham and the world itself. In Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Batman: Endgame run of comics, the two reimagine the Joker as an immortal evil entity, potentially Beelzebub incarnate, haunting Gotham City throughout. There were however, rare times where Joker cares about her. An annoyed Joker temporarily ended their one-sided conversation so he could"shoot the architect". The two made their way to the former Industrial District and commandeered Black Mask's old steel mill as their base of operations. They declared themselves the mayor and mayoress of Arkham City. Joker picked up the head to discoverit wasn't Batman. Keep shooting until you will be able to activate the special attack (The Killing Joke) which is Joker's version of suppressive fire. Joker the ImmortalThe title on the Monarch Theater. In order to gain access to those endings you must complete a specific amount of side quests (Most Wanted) related to capturing other villains in Gotham. After he was exposed to large amounts of fear toxin, Batman sometimes saw billboards and posters showing Joker and Batman in surreal imagery, with lingering laughter in the background. They ignored his orders to stop, so Batman opened fire. New tricks, new home; I'm starting to feel like my old self.The Joker choose the Steel Mill as his base. "Joker sees his evidence case, Ooh, not bad Henry. "Black Mask" was busy too, ordering his men to cause as much chaos as possible while he took over the Gotham Royal Hotel and converted the ballroom into a death trap with materials from his theme park, also rigging a portion of the hotel to explode on midnight of New Year's Day via bombs disguised as snowmen. He'd glue your eyes open, or cut off yours legs, or make you eat a grenade. After tracking down the electronic signal from the Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves, Batman infiltrated the hotel and dispensed Joker's men just in time to hack into the security feed and watch the meeting. In love with the very madness that he created, Joker was not concerned in the slightest about his opponents in the turf wars as he had already begun to lay the foundations of his megalomaniac plans and implement his numerous trump cards that only he and a select few knew about. Hell, who am i kidding, he'd do something much better. By the time Batman faced Joker again later on, his condition took a turn for the worst; with his face being completely covered in heavy rashes and thick veins, which nearly covered most of his white skin and stopped Joker from making his lips red, as shown in the Steel Mill Funhouse when he tried applying lipstick onto his ruined face. His past was unknown; conflicting, unconfirmed reports stated that he was a failed comedian, a petty thief, and a broken family man. Two references to some of Joker's plots in different mediums were made when Harley Quinn was searching the Evidence Locker for her mallet: A clown mask and a fish with a grin, which referred to his robbery of Gotham National Bank in The Dark Knight and the events of the episode, The Laughing Fish from Batman: The Animated Series. Share the best GIFs now >>> The Batman: Arkham Knight villains promise to be sicker and deadlier than ever. Does it make sense? Joker also wore dress shoes and matching purple pants with a few stitched patches in a crude attempt to repair possible tears in the pants. Speaking of, I think I heard Zsasz cutting her ears off.Joker taunts Batman. It's the end of the basic part of the main storyline, but there are two additional endings to be unlocked. Robert Pattinson's Batman/Bruce Wayne might be the darkest iteration of the Dark Knight as the movie is set to be more gritty and portray a more brutal Batman. The Batman: Arkham Knight villains promise to be sicker and deadlier than ever. He was capable of being calm and rational yet this broke in an instant and he reverted to his hysteric state, literally laughing until he was near the brink of tears. He even somehow managed to have the body of one of these victims left outside the elevator Strange's office. The Joker in his early activities was also shown to be significantly emotionally unstable, often times changing from goofy to serious at the drop of a hat and at random times, as well as frequently shouting at both his minions and, late in Arkham Origins, at Batman himself in a sudden manner. Top Voted Answer. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. Arkham City showed that the amount of Titan that Joker used was killing him, and when Batman first encountered Joker in Arkham City at the Steel Mill, it's shown that his face had started to develop boils and rashes as well as him looking very sick, with Joker's tailcoat being much darker in color. I'll never let you win. The melee challenges pitted Joker in an arena-like room to face off against a number of security guards who came in to face the Clown Prince of Crime in groups. You're brooding for two now.Joker annoys Batman. With Harley on her way to deliver the cure, Arkham City under his complete control, his increased weaponry, and Protocol 10 just under an hour away from commencement, Joker began making his plans to blow open the walls of Arkham City and form escape routes to lay a bloody siege on Gotham City and completely destroy it and wipe out all its citizens. Joker will warn you if you try to blow the weapon caches while being too close to them !! This mode allows you to keep the unlocked abilities and the progress in solving Riddler's puzzles. Despite being scrawny to the point of anorexia, when it came to fighting Batman, Joker could take almost twice the amount of physical pain of his thugs. He becomes e Joker even laughed at Batman being scared by Man-Bat, stating that the Dark Knight was scared of his own reflection. Batman, while able to find the antidote, was led into a trap, and had to battle Killer Croc. Coincidentally, Mark Hamill's last three letters of his first name and the first three letters of his last name spell out Arkham (mARK HAMill). Whether the Joker realized or even cared a new Boy Wonder (Jason Todd) had taken Nightwing's place is unclear but he did become aware of the boy's more volatile temper. At times I actually wonder if he is actually insane at all. On more than one occasion he presented numerous opportunities for Batman to take his life, if only to prove that deep down everybody was like him. Incredible tolerance for physical pain, which made fights with him unusually long. Disguised as an Arkham guard, she overpowered the Joker's escorts and stole her puddin' away to a boat waiting on the island's quayside. Batman: Arkham City Batman: Arkham City is a 2011 action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Joker's Character Trophy showed that his wrists weren't bleached white and had a normal pigmentation to them, while that could have been seen as just a developer oversight. It should be noted however, even if he did reveal Sharp's madness to someone, it is likely he would not have been taken seriously, given his insanity and various schemes would cause him to be viewed as unreliable or just attempt to cause trouble. You must get him close to the cell from which Batman walked out previously and activate the special environmental takedown (the picture above). However, Batman, still wielded Talia's sword, was able to cut through Clayface's forces, and threw Freeze Blasts into his body, which froze him once again. And together, we're going find out how far it can go.Joker's promise to Batman the night they met. Joker's secondary weapon was his King of Hearts:it had along range and did splash damagewhich launched a volley of grenades, was very effective against a group of Elites and also against the Heroestaking cover invantage pointsor from long distance, but it did need reloading after each shooting. Multiple Black Mask goons: Killed in various ways. To renew his game with Batman, Joker made an anonymous phone call to the Gotham Tonight Show to inform the staff there that Batman was in Arkham City in order to lure news reporter, Vicki Vale, to Arkham City. It would take to make him strong enough to gain control night they met he took more over! Them! perhaps the most defining and deranged of Joker 's body, which found! That the Dark Knight was scared of his own reflection taunt him with his impending of. Thinking about does batman become the joker in arkham knight dream of killing Batman actually went down.Gordon, explaining that was. 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