To publish, simply grab the HTML code or text to the left and paste into He is now running to head the Republican Party of Texas. His book Right Now: A 12-Step Program For Defeating The Obama Agenda accused the Obama administration of big government expansion, nationalization plans, and out-of-control spending. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 27% - People who have heard of this politician: 63%. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 24% (100th most popular Republican) Olsen, an economics major, grew his chapter's membership from 10 to 100 over the past two years, and they created a social media campaign dubbed #CCPNotForMe to raise awareness of human rights violations by the Chinese Communist Party. He's not my plantation owner. [Pictured: Rep. Steve King (R-IA) speaks to a member of the audience ahead of a campaign rally inside of the Knapp Center arena at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa on Jan. 30, 2020. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 23% (61st most popular Republican) Not only did she go ahead with the YAF chapter but she got a job as an intern with Bruce Rauner, the Republican governor of Illinois at the time. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% Her chapter was finally approved last year, and 150 students attended its inaugural meeting. He ran again in 2015. "It gave me incentive to prove them wrong." As a contributor to Fox News, he recently said that the coronavirus was hype and not a pandemic. But the left's attitude is that if you disagree with them and want to keep the statue, you're a racist." - People who have heard of this politician: 78%. The Black Republican list includes everybody from the the Black, young and famous to longstanding political forces in the African American community who are Black She is the co-host of Fox & Friends. But after the Parkland school shooting, he signed a gun control law that instituted a three-day waiting period for gun purchases, raised the minimum age for ownership to 21, and tightened mental health requirements. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 17% --- Positive opinion among men: 59% (47th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 22% (84th most popular Republican) Bush also was in the White House when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 38% (21st most popular Republican) She filed for divorce in 2011. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 13% --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 26% (16th most popular Republican) Additional reading for each state can be found on each states 'About Me' section. --- Positive opinion among men: 58% (64th most popular Republican) Bavarian-born Henry Kissinger came to America when he was 15. --- Positive opinion among men: 61% (23rd most popular Republican) He was bright, funny and passionate.". I'm free to think for myself," Walker told Newsweek. In 2018 Pence announced the administration's plan to add a Space Force branch to the U.S. military. [Pictured: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 14% He proposed a 9-9-9 plan to replace the existing tax code with a 9% income tax, 9% business tax,and 9% nationwide retail sales tax. ", Rice-Cameron was destined for notoriety ever since coming out as a pro-Trump conservative more than two years ago, given that his mother is Susan Rice, the former national security adviser for President Barack Obama who was on Joe Biden's short list for vice president before he settled on Kamala Harris. Her first post features her "coming out" as a conservative to her parents, who are aghast at the news. Alan Keyes, who ran for president in 1996, 2000, and 2008, was a harsh critic of President Barack Obama, whom he said was a radical communist who would destroy the country. - Negative opinion of this politician: 16% --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 31% (66th most popular Republican) "There's this practice of leftists emailing college admissions offices trying to get them to rescind their offers to conservatives. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 36% (37th most popular Republican) Nicholas Sandmann speaks during the Republican National Convention on August 25. (The school did not respond to Newsweek's request for comment.) --- Positive opinion among men: 61% (29th most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 27% [Pictured: Alan Keyes, Chairman of the Conservative Majority PAC, speaks during a press conference by the Tea Party Express at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Scalise was shot in the hip during a congressional baseball practice in Virginia in 2017. It was frightening." After he retired, Dole appeared in a commercial for Viagra. (Verified on --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 23% (60th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 51% (103rd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 60% (45th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 58%. --- Positive opinion among men: 58% (69th most popular Republican) "I lost by 13 percent, but I did it with passion and energy, so everyone was congratulating me," she recalled. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% Alex Wong/Getty Images Blanche Lincoln was born in Helena, Arkansas. --- Positive opinion among women: 39% (78th most popular Republican) The UCLA student, unaffiliated with any conservative organization, calls himself a "free-speech radicalist" who cut his first TikTok video after Biden famously told a Black radio host, "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black." He is now a U.S. senator from Utah, and he and his family belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When Will There Be a COVID-19 Vaccine and Should You Trust That It's Safe? [Pictured: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, speaks to the media following the weekly Republican Senate policy luncheon on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., May 19, 2020. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 22% We're the ones in the way. The son of Cuban immigrants, the Florida senator in 2013 gave the first bilingual Republican response to the State of the Union. When Tim Scott served on South Carolinas Charleston City Council in 1997, he posted the Ten Commandments outside of the building, prompting a lawsuit. Alisa Giannelli founded a chapter of Young America's Foundation at her Illinois high school. [Pictured: Former U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle attends a Veterans Day event at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Nov. 11, 2019. ], You may also like: 50 endangered species that only live in the Amazon rainforest, - Positive opinion of this politician: 25% --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 26% (90th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Newt Gingrich and U.S. ambassador Callista Gingrich pose in front of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City on Oct. 13, 2019. [Pictured: Former Ohio Governor John Kasich visits "Your World With Neil Cavuto" at Fox News Channel Studios on Oct. 15, 2019. he asked. "He speaks of being beaten by police for having long hair and listening to the Beatles, and how his mother had to burn furniture to boil potatoes," said Zegers. - Negative opinion of this politician: 52% --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 28% (79th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 98%. Some come from families with long histories of high-profile public service, and others emerge from seeming obscurity and humble origins. - People who have heard of this politician: 97%. --- Positive opinion among women: 41% (43rd most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 82%. Shapiro meanwhile, wrote two books before age 21 and in 2015 founded his own media company, the Daily Wire. The left plays dirty," he said. "A girl messaged me just the other day saying she was always on the left, but watched my videos and is now a hard-core conservative battling her liberal friends in Los Angeles." ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 30% Trey Gowdy spent four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives representing South Carolina, starting in 2010. [Pictured: Republican Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater, U.S. --- Positive opinion among men: 57% (78th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among men: 57% (75th most popular Republican) As a gay, Black conservative, the younger Walker is a minority within a minority within a minority, but it doesn't faze him in the least. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (45th most popular Republican) We're just trying to promote thoughtful discussion. Stacker believes in making the worlds data more accessible through --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (19th most popular Republican) Flyers hung throughout campusand featuring an image of the guest speaker with the text "Facts don't care about your feelings"were defaced en masse. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (38th most popular Republican) - People who have heard of this politician: 93%. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 24% She also co-founded The Chicago Thinker, the university's soon-to-launch conservative newspaper, and she wrote stories for The Federalist as a summer intern, including one excoriating as Marxist propaganda Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, the textbook promoted by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in the 1997 film Good Will Hunting. - People who have heard of this politician: 47%. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 27% "As a freshman, I was quiet and sat in classes just observing. - People who have heard of this politician: 97%. He came under fire for declining to wear a face mask to the Mayo Clinic, saying he wanted to be able to look people in the eye. Her unabashed style is seen by many as paving the way for the successful candidacy of President Donald Trump. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 33% (56th most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 18% While at GWU, "we were vandalized 20 times and filed a dozen police reports," she said. - Negative opinion of this politician: 11% - Neutral opinion of this politician: 16% Chris Christie was long considered to be a presidential contender, but his political fortunes fell in so-called Bridgegate, when his staff was accused of orchestrating traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge to punish a local mayor who had failed to support him. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 35% (42nd most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 39% (15th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (31st most popular Republican) Now he is the only black Republican in the U.S. Senate, where he has sided with the Trump administration on issues such as tax reform, efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and two Supreme Court justice nominations. "Jorge Ramos and the others at Univision and Telemundo tell me I can't make it in politics because I have a president who doesn't like me and the paleface won't allow it. --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (30th most popular Republican) You may also like: 100 years of military history, - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% --- Positive opinion among Baby Boomers: 37% (33rd most popular Republican) Kings controversial comments about Nazism, white supremacy, and immigrants had moved Republican leaders to distance themselves and strip him of House committee memberships. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (39th most popular Republican) Walker's willingness to cut against the grain is unmatched, hence he tweeted to his 79,000 Twitter followers that Black Lives Matter is a "racist terrorist organization" and defended Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who has been charged with fatally shooting two people during the recent protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin. - Negative opinion of this politician: 24% --- Positive opinion among women: 39% (79th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 24% (43rd most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 20% Before that, she was governor of South Carolina, where she was a tea party conservative. - People who have heard of this politician: 45%. WebThe current president of the United States, Donald Trump, is also a member of the president of the Republican Party. Bush. --- Positive opinion among Millennials: 32% (60th most popular Republican) He is now vice president to President Donald Trump. [Pictured: Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) speaks during a press conference at the U.S. Capitol March 25, 2020. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 21% --- Positive opinion among women: 36% (97th most popular Republican) ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 29% [Pictured: Former U.S. He says he was voted "most likely to protest" and lost some friendships after engaging in political debates while a teenager at his Michigan high school, where he countered his reading of Karl Marx with the writings of right-leaning columnists. 1. Saira Blair Last year, Blair became the youngest elected state legislator in [Pictured: (From left) US Defense Secretary Mark Esper, former US president George W. Bush, and former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld take part in a wreath-laying ceremony to mark the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, on Sept. 11, 2019, at the Pentagon in Washington D.C.], You may also like: Counties with the highest rate of food insecure children, - Positive opinion of this politician: 22% That's when Duffy wrote an op-ed in the student newspaper. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 18% By 1952, he won his first election to the U.S. Senate, where he served five terms from 19531964 and 19691987. He has become a strong supporter of President Donald Trump. He's been a guest on Prager's nationally syndicated show, and the teenager spoke at a rally for Eric Early, the Republican running for Congress against powerful Democrat Adam Schiff. - Neutral opinion of this politician: 13% When her YAF chapter brought Ben Shapiro to speak on campus in her senior year, posters were defaced with an X through his face and the words "Get Security." "The IOP met with students who were offended," she told Newsweek. --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 27% (5th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (29th most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 43% (30th most popular Republican) [Pictured: Gov. [Pictured: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) leaves the Senate floor during a recess in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump on Feb. 3, 2020. --- Positive opinion among women: 40% (71st most popular Republican) --- Positive opinion among women: 36% (94th most popular Republican) The incident with her teachers reminded her to be bold in the face of adversity. republish under a Creative Commons License, and we encourage you to --- Positive opinion among Generation X: 25% (21st most popular Republican) - Neutral opinion of this politician: 15% After he retired, he went into private law practice. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2018. The Texas Republican has been the U.S. permanent representative to NATO since 2017. If you appreciated Kimberly Guilfoyle's passion at the Republican Convention, check out Walker's video excoriating Joe Biden for pandering to Black voters (viewed 900,000 times and counting). - People who have heard of this politician: 85%. ], - Positive opinion of this politician: 19% A U. S. senator from Kentucky and Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell was a vocal opponent of President Barack Obama. Walker took it personally. Now, he has 223,000 followers on TikTok, and some UCLA students are noticing. The narrative is America is bad," he says in the video. Now 18 and studying political science at Liberty University, Salas is also a product ambassador for Chic Politico, where she models T-shirts aimed at conservative women, emblazoned with slogans like "Raised on Reaganomics" and "You Had Me at Limited Government." 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