The requirements are unclear. Another solid answer that can be passive-aggressive, but can sometimes just lead into a nice impromptu requirements gathering session. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. ), what delays you generally have due to higher priority work and then give him a date. Weight the second method more if the copy speed is unpredictable, and is likely to do things like speed up/slow down for long periods, or stop altogether for long periods. Everyone else seems to think estimate-communication is a one-off event. Ive received an ETC of five hours on this one. (Off the record, I call these "guesstimates".). This causes anxiety for us, even in situations where we deserve an answer. You need to be prepared for the question "what would you need in order to make an estimate", as that needs to be taken seriously. Surely it cant be completed that quickly! Estimate towards the complete user-end requirements, not towards the barebone technical requirements. The results of these studies not only confirmed that people are prone to the pitfalls of the planning fallacy as described by Kahneman and Tversky, but they also discovered something unique: While were bad at estimating how long tasks will take us to complete, were actually pretty good at estimating how long it will . Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. Perhaps 'about 2 hours, currently stalled' This is more work and requires more in depth thinking about the design and changes to the system, but is much more accurate, especially for larger pieces of work. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Your new game-changing quick reference tool is just a click away. After calculating E and V for each activity, add up the Es, and you have an accurate time estimate for project completion. If you are unsure about how you are asking, try writing it out, or rehearsing your (polite) request for a deadline with somebody you trust to give you honest feedback. If and how you would combine several different methods to get a final prediction. No shooting from the hip. This is the best answer, imho. Never err on the side of the tighter estimate. A PM will hear this as your answer to when will it be done: "### #### # #### ## 3 months ### #### ## #####". A newly proposed product or project will be similar (in size) to one or more already completed products or projects. Because I have been on the job hunt, I believe I will soon have an offer. Next, select the resources you'd like to assign to the task, and enter either the Avg Hours/Day or Total Hours. or clever way of say it is "Done when it is done" ? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. How can I deal with this situation? But when your back's against the wall and they refuse to give you better details, Fake It: Theyre causing too much trouble on the back-end. ETA is acceptable to use in place of estimated time of completion. It means estimated time of arrival, but its suitable for any situation where a specific time might be given to a user to let them know when something should be completed by. - adam. I want to find out the ETC. If you can't say something about when you will be done, the project ends up being even later and often costing more money. Ballpark is what is often called a guesstimate. Other words: Start date, end date. Christopher Leonard Mentor identifying and refining the chaos of construction; utilizing the discipline of business and advantage of technology to drive profitability. Record information about the problem you are estimating, your estimate, and the actual values. 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Everyone should keep in mind the risks that come with software development estimating: underestimating, overestimating, total epic fail scenario etc. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Of course, make this a computer application, not a physical board. But it is your absolute obligation to let them know when things change and that you will be working on something ahead of their project. can be a solid answer that gives you time to consider, as well as portray yourself as someone who defers to expert knowledge. In any event, "whenever' is not an acceptable answer. During the initial stages of project planning one of the main objectives is to get a realistic estimation of time to complete. total completion time. How detailed is the estimate you show your customers? What are some good approaches to predicting the completion time of a long process? Read more about Martin here. If you want to go, please let me know by 4:00 p.m. Hope you can make it! Or, if they are in a shared office space, go and talk to them. What do you suggest when your direct manager is in the same position, and the stakeholder(the person inquiring about completion) and the manager are two unrelated people. In this case the client's decisions were Yes or No to particular features, not an overall Yes or No to the entire project. PMs would be responsible for this. Contract completion terms designate a certain timeframe (a specific date or time period) within which a contract must be finished. So he'd decide whether it was worth 8.5 hours of pay. It was surprisingly accurate when determining estimated time of completion when maintaining and repairing electronic devices (complex radios and satellite comms equipment), where any number of things can be wrong or found and needed to be fix during routine maintenance. We have a safety issue with overhanging limbs from a large maple tree on 125 Maples property. IMO, this is. in your estimate to get a better number. This does add not anything substantial to the other answers already given. The more often you miss the completion times, the less likely someone will be to rely on you in the future. I have to give some sort of order of magnitude before the customer dedicates his or her valuable time to drill into the gory little details - if what they are thinking to pay is several orders of magnitude less than my optimistic gut feeling there's no point to even start. (The restaurant) requires a reservation. But it does." ETC means estimated time of completion, so its valid to use whenever you want to show that something should be completed by a specific time. . 1 day to do analysis, and then provide a tighter range), If the task it too large, break it up and provide a range for each piece. How do you give your top choice a little nudge? Make it clear where any contingency (if any) is added. Guess who gets perceived as the jackass? Thankfully I knew I didn't have a proper grasp on the time requirement going in. Start by trying to get that deadline in writing: (Boss), thank you for letting me know about that project that is coming up. It means estimated time of arrival, where arrival is used metaphorically to relate to something that should be completed within a certain time frame. When you are asked to estimate due dates, is there a especially polite or clever way of say it is "Done when it is done" ? I will be booking it when they open tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. Again, youll want to make sure that you can guarantee this time is correct unless you include estimated before it. As a rule, clients need a ballpark figure at the beginning of the project. Joe seems like a great worker, you seem unreliable now. Not the answer you're looking for? A model might be a mental model, diagrams, or existing data records. A text conversation can go stale in a few hours, he says. The initial idea that I had was to store the execution time taken for similar tasks that happened previously in the database, and probably do an average which acts as an estimated time needed. have to refactor. Field service and maintenance companies can easily monitor these times using live tracking. The estimate is made after scouting. Im not sure when theyll have this delivered. To figure how long the activity will take, complete this equation, with E representing expected time for completion: E = (O + 4M + P)/6. How much do you feel improved today? A limited answer for people using sprints (often software engineers). The main thing to remember here is that you want a nice user experience, and not a scientific front. @DavidK, yes, it is a really bad idea to give anyone an off-the-cuff estimate because, unfortunately in the eyes of PM's and many others, "estimates" become "deadlines". Best, (signature). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You need a baseline. How do you politely ask for estimated time of completion? Always provide a range (i.e. One that I've used is this Free Online PERT Calculator. If all else fails, try to research it yourself. It could take a few hours, days, weeks. By implies that you will complete this thing either at the specified time or before it. Too often, people feel pressured and make the mistake of over-promising. Nag a little if needed, but use the human touch to explain what you need and by when you need it. I think the people managing the work have to add NO to the vocabulary. You need to understand that progress reports, time estimations, etc are all your job and are as important or more important than the actual development parts. Here are some examples and suggested phrases you can use. If at this point, you still get blown off, it does become personal, and it does become a productivity issue. Add 25-50% to your estimate so you have a higher chance of accurately estimating the time you need. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Make sure you understand what is being asked. Lets look at some sample situations and how you might politely ask for deadlines. I dont mind an estimate, but I dont like the three-hour disparity between your numbers. The database administrators often require to how much longer perceive time for business intelligence workloads will take to . I like "there is no estimate for that yet.". Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. If nothing else, make sure you document your attempts to find out when things are needed. In 2007 Congress added a provision into the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that requires agencies to provide a requester with an estimated date by which the agency expects to complete work on a request, when the requester asks for one. The target time isnt ideal, but its the least we can do right now. Validate as many as possible given the time frame. However, real life is such that sometimes they just dont. State explicitly what is included and excluded in the estimate. You usually can't get away with being clever and saying "It will be done whenever it will be done" no matter how you frame it. Master 101 frequent business situations with our eBook! And then, go. Small tasks - Planning poker I've found to work really well (not perfect, some 1pt tasks have taken much longer and some 5pt tasks took minutes, but it all evens out in the end). It can depend on the context, and it is a very versatile word. You already experimented with the sliding window, the idea here is to take a fairly large sliding window, but instead of a plain average, giving more weight to more recent measures, since they are more indicative of the evolution (a bit like a derivative). What can I do to get better at estimating how long projects are going to take? Having tried to handle it amicably will have been documented if your neighbor suddenly objects. Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups, How to choose voltage value of capacitors. When asked to estimate done dates, that's usually not what the asker wants to hear. How do you make a story point estimate for a story that you are only partially familiar with? The food sounds amazing. Explain. @SergioAcosta the point is you use the analysis/estimation time to break down the task into smaller chunks. Nobody has done an in depth analysis of all the implications. Pointing out context is very good, also +1 for the mention of Blizzard. Sincerely, 123 Maple Street.. Calculate the estimate based on your model. Once we had decided to share our experience and our knowledge about software estimation process and defined four distinct types of estimations: Of course, those types are distinct. Or is there none? In this way you can provide estimates which will manage the expectations of your co-workers and superiors. Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). Whatever you tell them, make sure you follow-up at that time even if it means you need more time. Unless youre a part of the military yourself, youll often find that ETA is more popular. "ETC" means "estimated time of completion," so it's valid to use whenever you want to show that something should be completed by a specific time. I don't expect that they could be made non-aggressive. One way would be to put: Requesting Status Update (on the subject line) and write something similar to: As discussed, I am waiting for ________(name of project) which has a deadline of ________ and I would like to know, as of immediately, the status and your expected date of completion.. I'd estimate each piece in units of .1 hours (6 minutes). In this case, its business, and its not so much about politely asking, its about telling. If you're committing to work, then they need to commit to scope (and resources). Here is the link, if you want to check out the menu and prices.. Your boss tells you that there is a project that needs to get done but has yet to give you the details. This is an introductory course on the key concepts of planning and executing projects. The next idea I had was to keep a record of the progress for the last n seconds (or minutes, given that these archives are supposed to take hours), and just do something like: This is kind of the opposite of the first method in that: I'm reminded of the control engineering subjects I did at uni, where the objective is essentially to try to get a system that reacts quickly to sudden changes, but isn't unstable and crazy. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? If you are asking for something and you need it by a specific date, be crystal clear. But you realize that X will be delayed by three days if I do it, right? [1] Further, even . Or to specific risks? ", This. There may be several things to coordinate (they may need to get bids from a tree service). In some situations, we need to know how to ask nicely. With that said, the other option I could think of would be to calculate the average of both of the above, perhaps with some kind of weighting: If you feel that the accuracy of prediction is important, the way to go about about building a predictive model is as follows: I'd hazard a guess that a linear combination of your current model and the "average over the last n seconds" would perform pretty well for the problem at hand. So when my boss would ask in the standup (we work with Agile development) I would give him my best estimate and explain why I thought that. One way would be to put: Requesting Status Update (on the subject line) and write something similar to: "As discussed, I am waiting for ________ (name of project) which has a deadline of ________ and I would like to know, as of immediately, the status and your expected date of completion." A wide range tells the recipient of the estimate "Software projects are naturally complex and risky - if you want a proper estimate you need to give me more details and more time". When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? Estimated time to complete is a value that is expressed in hours of work required to complete a task or project. Don't do this! Typically, I only wait 15-20 seconds for a response. That's right, you. Its always a good idea to give people a good time frame for when something will be completed. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? If it's a long task, account for things like other work, time off (holidays, vacation, sick time), meetings, and other overhead tasks when picking a delivery date. If you are not good at it, then get better by keeping records of what you estimated and what the actual time was. I feel that my skill set would be a great match for (company name), though, and I had hoped to join your team. Estimated completion time of forEach() method. The idea is to compute the ETC from the last 'n' seconds or minutes (like your second idea). How do you estimate time required for assigned task? $5,000 Builder Price Increase Effective Immediately for March. . Lastly, your second idea (average over the last n seconds) attempts to measure the instantaneous speed. Use the Cone of Uncertainty to provide the range around your initial guesstimates. Now you have detailed requirements that you can estimate from. Reasonable people should respond in a timely way. want to be sure that I get your data to you in plenty of time,, come up with an estimate that takes that other work into account. It's important to remember what an estimate is- a guess in many cases. I have worked on a project similar to this. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? But I would not display only an estimation. . Decompose this model and build estimates from the components. - Next Wednesday around 4pm. As a freelance consultant, she also supports companies and executives in overcoming communication challenges. Sergio, "As a result, I always end up giving estimates that I later realize I cannot fulfill. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Don't do an estimate at this point. Its a very confident phrase, so you need to make sure that you can be certain that its achievable. Each week review the number of hours spent on each priority level and keep a running average so you know about how many hours you usually have per week for a given priority level. If you are dealing with an absentee owner or managed property situation, you may need to track down the property manager or owner and put your request in writing. Specially when you feel the pressure of deadlines and management expectations. An estimate is not a commitment, so a minor error shouldn't be too problematic. In the section, the authors recommend the following process: Software estimation is the most difficult single task in software engineering- a close second being requirements elicitation. I will need your data by August 13th, by 1:00 p.m.. Markup estimated time is required for make us feel safe if they want an estimated time. Never write "it will work on IE8 or higher", be specific. Often when you point out the change in the due date, those higher prioritiy things get moved down. I dont understand the duration theyve listed here. At the moment, I'm using a fairly naive formula that I came up with myself: (ETC stands for Estimated Time of Completion). can make people more receptive to your ideas. Software estimation is the most difficult single task in software engineering- a close second being requirements elicitation. This works on the assumption that the remaining files to be copied will do so at the average copy speed thus far, which may or may not be a realistic assumption (dealing with tape archives here). Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. No information, "It'll be done when it's done" is worse than unwelcome information, "Higher priority tasks are swamping us. The project will be delivered within the next twenty-four hours. Not likely. Often times I will include any uncertainty or possible variations with the estimate along with how the changes may impact other areas of the system and the extent of regression testing required. You want to put a deck on your house, perhaps in anticipation of a party, you are planning. Nice suggestions. Every user knows that ETCs are often completely meaningless, and then it is hard to distinguish between meaningful ETCs and meaningless ETCs, especially for inexperienced users. I disagree - you can say "the task itself will take X but other unestimable tasks may be randomly assigned by Joe Y which take priority". Instead of showing a single ETC, show a range of time. If not, then he saved 7.5 hours over what it would've cost him if I'd done it without an estimate. All these are legitimate reasons for not having a good estimate, but they are also problems you need to be proactively raising with your manager (or in the first case, you could get an acknowledgement from them that the task can slip to allow for higher priority stuff). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Saying "5 to 6 months" is different than saying "150 days". +Not technically the least helpful response. as an answer that requires a mild verbal pimp-slap in response. End time is a confident phrase like completion time. Its a good way of showing that something will come to an end at a specific moment. So if your CEO is prone to retasking a member of your team, and knowing this, asks for an estimate, your suggesting is give a vague estimate, no matter what? The second part of this is human contact. You can abbreviate it to 'complete date' if you like. How Do You Say Politely I Am Waiting For Your Reply? Post Sennings general rule is to not wait longer than one to three hours to reply, he tells TI. @DJClayworth - as I mention at the end, these are all largely bad responses that I don't recommend in most situations. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Specially when you feel the pressure The excuses are usually something along the lines of, Oh, sorry. . I always end up giving estimates that I later realize I cannot fulfill. I also always write my assumptions and preconditions. Sometimes (or actually always, because of Murphy's law) you will get asked for an estimate while you are still working that out. Manage Settings I have implemented two different solutions to address this problem: The ETC for the current transfer at start time is based on a historic speed value. Learn more about us here. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Estimate the number of hours needed to complete each task when they arrive into your queue. Can you find one of the IT guys to let me know what else we might be waiting on here? @DJClayworth does it help you in any way if you get told an arbitrary date, you make plans based on that date, and on that date find out the reality of "it will be done when it's done"? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I asked a follow up question concerning your 3rd point. Tasks are added to and (sometimes) removed from queue constantly. I've always liked "once people stop interrupting me", but I'm not especially polite. Once you have a solution, estimating is easier. Model the system. Determine the scope of the problem. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? that tend to be closer to the true values of the measurements and Otherwise, they'll just think you've dropped the ball. And try to recognize that if my answer is "Two weeks! Gives you time to break down the task into smaller chunks him a date higher '' be. ( often software engineers ) unreliable now included and excluded in the Gatsby. And cookie policy provide estimates which will manage the expectations of your co-workers and superiors a... 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