So it will take around a month to break the habit. If you think smoking e-cigarettes is healthy, thesesilent ways vaping impact your body may surprise you. My hair is a lot thicker in places, sides, top and crown and slowly going from blonde to brown. over this past summer i noticed i was losing a lot of hair. Niacin or Vitamin B3 is another B vitamin which aids in circulation by widening your blood vessels and capilaries (small blood vessels), which increases blood flow everywhere in your body, including the scalp (be careful with this one because high doses of niacin can cause a flush effect, your skin will turn bright red for a half an hour if you take too much). I have been smoking about a pack a day, give or take, for about 2 years now. I thought it was heredity at first (and a little of it may be), but I knew in the back of my mind that the smoking was to blame, I probably averaged a pack and a half a week or so. Yes, smoking does cause hair loss. I will not be smoking again as I love the hair. Since I quit smoking, and believe me, I know this sounds crazy, my skin became unbelievably oil, I am being literally attacked by skin tags and skin irritations. "Smokers are increasing their fine lines and wrinkles, decreasing their elasticity, and if they're using a nicotine-derived vape, they're also getting nicotine deposits on their face that can lead to splotches and blockages," says Downie. But Im interested to see how common it is. If theres a chance, its definitely a good enough a reason to take. It is possible to reverse hair loss caused by vaping if detected early, but you must quit. I also try to eat healthier and take care of my scalp with various oils and sulfate free shampoos (with ktoconazole is a plus). Ex-Smokers Reveal What Helped Them Actually Quit Smoking For Good, According to a 2018 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, daily e-cigarette use doubles a persons risk for a heart attack. I will be running and sweating daily, mixed with doing deep breathing exercises and meditation. It takes time, give it 3-6 months. i saw total of 7 dermetologists and spent thosands of dollars. youll save a lot of money in doctor fees, hair products and also the money you spend on cigarettes itself. Just trying to keep a positive and happy mind, knowing that im finally going to quit smoking and be done is quite exciting after all! Oxidative stress usually damages cellular DNA in the hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. Smoking causes a lot of problems throughout your body, but I never heard of hair loss. cut out ALL junk food and fast food. Im quitting smoking officially tomorrow, when I wake up. White people would always ask to touch it, and my Mom would run her fingers through it(hated when she did that). 4) Smoking inhibits our bodys ability to convert B vitamins to usable forms to our bodies. The detrimental effects of smoking are commonly known, and preliminary research suggests that vaping though perhaps not as deadly as cigarettes carries its own set of health risks. I gotten many blood tests over the years (vitamins, hormones, thyroid) that all came back normal. You can see my scalp when I brush my hair backwards and if I wasnt so thick haired before I be totally bald today. my hair has also grown quite a bit in this month without weed. Hi, quit smoking 1/1/2011. I did not stop smoking for regrowing new hair but for my overall health and Im surprised of the effect on the quality of the scalps skin. The ladies never approached me when I was smoking. Hair has been thinning and losing density for a little over a year, and rapidly. I m 31I m glad ht crossed that site, really full of inspiration, thanks to guys..and congratulations to whom who are ex smoker. I have quit going on 5 months now and I see an improvement.I notice shedding phases too and there were times when I lost a lot of hair but it appears to be getting darker and thicker. good luck everybody!!!! Required fields are marked *. 4) massage the scalp for at least 5 minutes a day, jojoba, olive, coconut and Argan oils will stimulate hair growth, cayenne added will increase circulation but you must be careful to make sure it doesnt leak into your eyes because then you will have a much worse problem on your hands. My grandfather has some recession and smoked earlier in his life, most of the recession is due to genes. Best of luck to those trying to quit! im totally convinced that pot smokers who experience paranoia, fear and anxiety from weed, will also lose their hair like i was! this is what you should do if you are serious about stopping the hair loss and becoming healthy again. When I was 16 18, even smoking, I was most likely young enough to not have hairloss at that point. really i am worried about my hair & the way of thinking myself also changed.i need my hair back.please help me to regrow my hair guys. If your hair loss is caused by vaping, it will grow back when you stop vaping. Its thicker. I am just posting to tell you all the issue is also with the nicotine and the poison flavouring they use for the liquids. And emotional stress was off the charts! No back hair yet LOL. BAD BAD mistake. If this is all true, I congratulate you man! p.s. if you think weed is fucking your life up,or making you lose your hair, just quit it get over the initial hard period, and after that, everything will be fine!! Maybe because smoking really has nothing to do with hair loss after alland that its all just DHT. Since then i havent been doing my daily test because hair is just too short. i have to admit reading some of these stories makes me feel better about my situation, knowing im not alone out here. No joke. Ive had a biopsy on my scalp and I have had those painful injections. Ok? Text Size:galway international arts festival logowheelchair tennis australian open prize money buying businesses for sale. The good news is that once you eliminate all the contaminants from your body, hair loss caused due to smoking is reversible and treatable. I have a problem with my hair just falling, I have been diagnosis that I have allopecia. Before I quit I could tell it was getting worse, but now it seems as though my hairline is advancing rather than receding. Nicotine usually causes excessive secretion of oil when consumed as chewing gum leading to hair damage. I want my thick hair back cos i start to get bold i front cos of these shitty cigarrettes!!! I am now 24, and I have more of a recession than my grandfather, and my hair is thin as hell. Guess it's a guy thing. I promise Ill be back with my results in hopes of helping others as i feel this blog has helped me, I always had beautiful hair, and I never smoked or used any drugs. It was completely ruined it for me. However, some experts say it is still too early to conclude that vaping e-cig is a better option than traditional smoking. Keep in mind that, in some cases, it can take up to a . The main problem is that I get so depressed by my hairline that all I want to do is have a cigarette/alcohol. Speaking of moisture, according to J. Williams, applying a small amount of Jamaican Black Castor Oil to your edges at night can help to boost hydration levels, while also . But anyways all girls love johnny depp and he has a receding hairline just like you and me. I dropped the habit about a month ago and had a major shed 10 or so days after stopping but thats over now. If youd prefer to not lower your consumption, its something that will likely go away as your body gets accustomed to nicotine. I now am also obese. The Times of India notes that nicotine narrows your blood vessels, slowing fresh hair growth down. I smoke since i was 18 and my hair was really thick untill i passed 22 and saw my hair was getting thinner really fast Since i started smoking i lost 100-200 hairs a day and i wondered why Nobody in the family is bold so im sure its not genetic.. think my hair loss is from blazing, wat else could it be?. Hey, me again. All the doctors say it was because me getting mono and that threw my hair growth cycle off and everything would grow back in a year or so. The idea that in 6 months or so it will be really obvious is pretty scary. Thanks for the information. While cigarettes have been around for decades, electronic cigarettes were only introduced to consumers in 2004. Even though I still smoke to this day, why keep it up even if we dont hurt. I read through every post. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which can cause blood vessels to dilate and cause blood vessels to burst. Now its 4 months without cigarettes and, no, I obviously dont have a full head of hair, if youd see me now youd still say hes bald, but you can see some new hair, very diffuse, but some strong hair. So I thought I am so dumb for knowing the reason and not facing the facts. I started smoking when I was 29, in the last 7 months I noticed that my hair is falling dramatically, I would weak up in the morning and see my pillow, the floor, table bathroom my hair is everywhere, now my head is really seen, I used to have dark shiny strong hear, now it looks like disaster week and thinner very dry and color like get.. all to blame is me and cigarettes, I m going to stop and hopping that my hair will grow backand will go back as it was 3 years ago..I also feel kinda dispersed since I started smoking,and less motivation in my life and energy guy, after 4 months I m going to report my progress and my hair situation keep it up guys and and lets stop this drama of cigarettes and let u bet back to lifewe are damn wasting it! can vaping cause white spots on your tonsils, how long does thc from vaping stay in urine. "Some people who smoke well into their 90s are fine, and other people died of lung cancer at 42. Started smoking weed at 27 years of age, hairloss started at the same time, up until then had perfect hair. Needless to say Im convinced that smoking is the cause of my hair loss and Ive quit again for two days . At this point tight now, I havr stopped smokinh thanks to the inspiration this site has caused, but the current state of my hair is medoum long, reasonably thovk but thinning on top aand my hair has receded at the top sides of my head quite a lot qoth sparse bits of hair covering those areas. So I am going to quit smoking tomorrow for good, and start eating healthier and taking vitamins and hope to God it helps. I wear a hat almost everyday to school and whereever i go which really sucks cause i used to hate wearing hats. That was at age 25, and I was fresh off my last deployment in the service. thanks marla for givin me some hopes.i m not ashamed of it but i want it back more than nething else. Yet, every time I go to the doctor they tell me that in the long run, I will realize that I did the right thing. I had the best group of friends I could ask for, the most beautiful girls on uconn campus, and plenty cash thanks to ebay ventures. My father is 52 with a full head of hair, and same for my uncles on my mothers side. Like Jeffb said, hair starts growing in strange places as we get older. I had had some mild hair thinning (history on mothers side of baldness), but it wasnt too bad prior to smoking. That can cause blood circulating problems, thus restricting the flow of blood to crucial organs, including the scalp. So Im going to bookmark and update everyone on any changes. Smoking causes hair loss in two ways: It reduces circulation to the extremities; It pollutes the blood, which impacts the liver; It may also have some minor clogging effect on the scalps pores when combined with sebum. Okayit would not reverse you sayokay let me my point,ive been smoking for 5 years and im now quitting(another attempt) and i loss a lot of if i stop smoking, i cant regain my hair? Im looking forward to the six month mark. From uncles in their 60s with full hair to friends in their 50s that look like they are 18. However, your genes are going to be the deciding factor on how your overall hair is. my hair shedding has stopped COMPLETELY! i am here to tell you that my hair grew back. I always felt I didnt have a reason to quit smoking, because I knew I wouldnt have to face the health consequences till later. It would then make sense that smoking would negatively impact hair growth.. I drenched my hair with coconut oil every night and washed it in the morning. my hair stopped from falling out and after a month, i had a lot of regrowth and my hair is shiny and nice again. Vaping, like cigarette smoking, can blunt your senses, reducing your ability to smell and taste. Thats where the secret lies. where im taking a step. My health over all is so much better and my hair is nothing to compare to before. Its very very bad and there are not recent studies on it. i can go 4 DAYS without showering and when i tussle my hair over the sink not many come out, like 10 -15 and i havent cleaned my drain in weeks.. Since the FDA doesnt currently regulate e-cigarettes, nobody really knows what exactly is in the e-cigarette you vape with. So when undoing the damage caused by vaping, ensure that your body gets sufficient iron. I have been smoking from past 12years since I was 14. Never really associated the smoking to hairlessness but it does make sense. You can always contact the Limmer Hair Transplant Center to discuss solutions to your balding or thinning hair. if i stop vaping will my hair grow backshiseido synchro skin self-refreshing. Its almost a week since I have left smoking but i can see lot of positive changes taking place in my overall health, skin, and hairs in very short span of time.I have been smoking more than 6 years and i know how much thicker and healthier my hair was before starting smoking and how badly smoking effected my hairs and health. Well, I ended up starting up again after a day. i have been smoking weed and cigarettes since i was 16, and everyday since i was 18. i just quit both two days ago, and hope i can stay strong. Stop smoking if you want your hair back. But since i can see my many hair stubs in the mirror, im going to try and stop smoking. It can take almost half a year for your hair to start growing back. My mom smokes very little and has sort of thin hair. Great thread. As pointed out earlier, when nicotine enters the bloodstream, it constricts the blood vessels. Actually i have never smoked anything ever (not even any drugs) and I had beautiful hair. So I hope that this message will be the final nail in the coffin for every cigarette that you hold quit it and see the difference. That's a big deal for me to find out that the only thing that has changed in three months is quitting smoking by using E-cigs. Living a relaxed life has more points than the life of a chimney in my books. The excessive consumption of nicotine in any form can damage hair follicles, causing hair loss. i started eating better, working out five days a week and taking vitamins. If you vape for more than a few days, you will find that your blood vessels will narrow and your blood will start to clot. i believe this now, and all those other lame cliches like you are what you eat. I am quite new in quitting process. If hair loss is a side effect of hormone therapy, it can take six months to two years before you notice it. However it is working for me and im over the moon. After 5 months of stress smoking i noticed i could see my scalp right dead center of my hair line and then i started noticing i had a bit more sheding.Now all the hair that makes up my hairline has turned softer and thiner and everytime i look in the mirror i think of what use to be a good looking hair line to this thining mess. Well here I am 23 years old with thinning temples and crown. The difference is really noticeable to me because I style it everyday. I was hooked. i cant speak for everyone else, but i found that for me there IS a direct correlation between smoking and hairloss. Remember smoking is not about enjoyment if it was you would only need to smoke one ciggy a day, its all about relieving the withdrawal pangs the previous ciggy created; nicotine doesnt fill the void it creates it! The overwhelming majority of hair follicles on your scalp are in the anagen phase, with only around 8% in the final telogen phase. I quit smoking about three months ago and Ive noticed that my temples have become very sparse of hair. And then theres the potential for the habit to aggravate the symptoms of Covid-19, potentially leading to severe cases and increasing the risk of death from the new coronavirus. Its simple but takes some willpower but the end result will be worth it. Somewhere in september 2012 i decided to cut my hair really short, because the hair cut with long thinning hair just looked to ridicules. Later, I stopped smoking, and then the hair actually thickened and grew in. In 2010 I had beautiful curly hair I would say probably 3B or a little curlier in places. link to How to Lose 10 KG Of Weight Fast in 2 Weeks? If you quit, however, the risk begins to fall very quickly. i take a mirror and look everywhere around my head, and there is no trace of scalp anywhere! Quitting smoking for 9 weeks isnt enough time for anything to happen. The density of hair is increased drastically so much so that it is difficult to comb when my hair is dry (never used to be the case as far as my memory takes me). (What is the Cause). Have to admit I thought I was as well. Theres gotta be a reason for that, right? 77 days is a great accomplishment. Hes got the horseshoe. I did talk to my doctor about this about six months ago and all he suggested is to get my thyroid checked, so I did. Omega-3 clings to the hair shaft and cell membranes in the scalp, where it strengthens your hair follicles and encourages growth. Some of those factors include individual genetics, age, health, male/female hormones, product use, and lifestyle choices. I recently went on vacation to DR and wasnt able to smoke the whole time. 3rd day without a smoke. After 8 months of depression and nothingness, i got a better job and a better GF. I like bald headed men, if that helps. Other than that I don't think you can regrow your hair. Ok so ive been a smoker for 12 years im 26 years old. Some one mentioned that a healthy lifestyle also helps to improve your hair which I find to be true, I mean look at all the athletes and gym junkies, most of them have full healthy hair. I noticed first when I was 21 but my guess is it started earlier. if i quit smokin will my hair regrow The only thing that could possibly hurt a persons hair is having the same hair fall out again. First, it decreases blood flow to the scalp. Hi all! I started taking fin and that did help fill in the thin-ness a bit. On a trip to Amsterdam I decided to smoke so much that I would never smoke again and it seems to have worked. I see little blonde hairs when the hair is going missing and little light brown hairs. Some of the guys on here have been lucky and had regrowth within weeks, mine took a few months. Stopping smoking will help your hair health and help restore the natural health growth cycle. WOW! Yes, hair can grow back after 60. Skin feels smoother and less shedding of the hair. try to eat healthy like fruits veggies, nuts, meat, rye bread, oat meal, fish, milk etc. All you al,if you quit smoking ur life will definitely improve dont expect miracles at least till the first 3 months.start changing your life slowly.patience and perseverance are most essential,as far as hairloss is concerned hair health will improve on an average by 30-40% but if you are genetically predisposed to be affected by DHT and subsequent mpbthen the loss of hair will decrease but not completely cease. if you have any questions. because i think i see a few new strands but sometimes I think my eyes are playing tricks on me because I want my hair to grow back so bad. well last week i got myself a buzz cut, have to say i really love it and actually dont care as much to regrow my hair. Now the thinning has gotten to a point where it will become noticable to others and if i dont do something about it now, i feel im doomed. I am at home all day on my laptops. Ive been smoking since i was 17, and have been experiencing hair loss since I turned 24. It sure doesnt help a 40-something having a midlife crisis and then losing his mane. i have found myself tht it does. I want my hair back, yea.but I really want to be healthy and smoke free. You can clearly see my scalp right through the top of my head! Not necessarily. What a fucking new journey I dont Know this new life, without the chemicals. These are the first effects youre likely to feel, often within four to 24 hours after quitting. Im goin to go for it!. There is definitely a correlation between quitting and thicker hair. It was getting worse, but now it seems to have worked im to. Stopping smoking will help your hair loss is a side effect of hormone therapy, it decreases flow. And have been experiencing hair loss is caused by vaping if detected early, you. 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