Myology. _____ waving and curling, also known as Marcel waving, methods of waving and curling straight or pressed dry hair using thermal irons and special manipulative techniques. During a relaxer strand test, hair that is pressed to the scalp and continues to curl is ______. What area of the head is located between the apex and the back of the parietal ridge? In down and across movements. The _______ runs straight from the cuticle down the side or wall of the nail to the end of the extension. Which type of comb is used mainly to detangle the hair? Installing hydraulic chairs which raise and lower. Intense pulse light. tinea pedis. What is the widest part of the head, starting at the temples and ending at the bottom of the crown, that can be found by placing a comb flat on the side of the head? Professional shears are made by either casting or forging the steel. A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds is called a ________ chain. and more. The primary color that brings depth or darkness to any color is _________. Hydroxide chemical relaxers break disulfide bonds and convert them to _____ bonds. The second ingredient listed in most shampoos is the ______, or base detergent, which contains the surface active cleaning agents. You can take all the tests as many times as you choose until you get an "A"!) Which item would be described as multi-use? Poisonous substances produced by some microorganisms are called _______. Every new client should complete a client ________, also called a client questionnaire, consultation card, or health history form. Pressure in massage is usually directed from the ________. Yeah ideal eyebrow shape can be drawn in __________. Chemically combining two or more atoms produces a _________. Any color that is significantly deeper or darker than the client's skin tone is considered a ________. Hydroxide chemical relaxers break disulfide bonds and convert them to _____ bonds. Which action best illustrates the use of ergonomic principles in a salon? Facial waxing should not be performed on clients with which condition? Good luck with the quiz. Extension fibers come in a variety of types: Kanekalon, nylon, rayon, human hair, yarn, Lin, and __________. What wrapping technique was introduced when woman cut their hair into the short-bobbed style after World War I? What hair pressing process removes 50 to 50 percent of the curl? This lovely quiz might make you want that pedicure. 1. ___________ "Pointing in someone's face is not exactly a __________ gesture," retorted Armen. The pigment produced to protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet sun rays is called: melanin. Milady Esthetics Final Exam 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers. Milady Esthetics Final Exam. 260 terms. _________ back partings are used to create the illusion of width or height in a hairstyle. Katrina is not simply on time for her shifts. The beautician will rub dead skin cells off from the bottom of the feet using a pumice stone. 2. In the ________, with the development of the spa industry and new pampering equipment, techniques, and products, pedicures exploded onto service menus and became the fastest-growing service in the industry. 1. A. layering. What tool provides a magnifying lens surrounded by a circular light, providing a well-lit, enlarged view of the skin? Soft UV gels are also known as _________. The natural coloring pigment found in the cortex layer of the hair is _________. They were a[n] _____ detail to Janine; it would require more than a few dots on the horizon to distract her from the blazing sky. The study of how a workplace can best be designed for comfort safety efficiency and productivity is: 11. Substances that allow oil and water to mix, or emulsify, are _________. Placed completely off their base, _____ curls offer a curl option with only slight lift and volume. Download Ebook Milady Final Exam Answers. 260 terms. Preparing for your esthetics state board licensing exam doesn't have to be stressful when you use the #1 test prep tool in the industry. What is the technical term for gray hair? Pin curls sliced from a shaping and formed without lifting the hair from the head are referred to as ______. Which item is included in the "Identification" section of the MSDS? Bending forward and/or twisting your body to get closer to your client, gripping or squeezing your implements too tightly, and holding your arms too far away from your body are examples of _______ that will ultimately cause injuries. gray hair or very resistant hair to allow for better penetration of color is, Intense light used to destroy the growth of cells of the hair follicle is a method of hair removal called, The amount sebum produced by the sebaceous glands determine the size of, Products used to increase the water content of the skin surface are, A lubricating cream that must be thoroughly removed for additional products to penetrate the skin is, The direction of the movement in massage should always be from insertion of the muscle towards it, A deeper rubbing massage movement in which pressure is applied to the skin while moving over an underlying structure is, To bevel the nail hold a medium grit abrasive board at a. Aromatherapy. meagleigh. is the method where the essential oils are pressed of the substances. Short. Epidermal cells composed of keratin, lipids, and other proteins. A general rule of thumb when cutting hair is to stand or sit directly in front of the area you are cutting, and to keep your body weight _____. Some examples of temporary hair removal methods, commonly offered in salons, include shaving, tweezing, depilation, epilation, threading, and ________. The impression that you project through both your outward appearance and your conduct in the workplace is your _______. 1,012 Cards - 9 Decks - 7 Learners Sample Decks: nic practice exam, advanced hair removal class handouts . Click on "Check Answers" and it will score your test and correct your answers.) B.) A hair removal service should not be performed on client's taking a medication containing __________. Multiple choice: Cutting with the points of the shears to create texture is known as ____. Intuitive navigation makes teaching easy and . Two types of dandruff that should be referred to a physician. 7. is the study of the human body structures that can be seen with the naked eye and how the body parts are organized. How is the hair wrapped around the roller to create curls in the hair? For control during haircutting, the hair is parted into working areas called _______. Exam (elaborations) - Milady's final exam esthetics 2022/2023 with 100% correct answers. Nail products designed to soften dry skin around the nail plate and increase the flexibility of the natural nail are _______. To be effective chemical relaxers must penetrate into this layer of hair, This is the active ingredient in hydroxide relaxers, This is a combination of a thio relaxer and a thio permanent wave that is wrapped on large perm tools, This type of relaxer does not require the use of base cream, One wrapping perm this base gives the greatest volume, To determine how hair will react to a permanent wave, Permanent waves and relaxers must break the ____ bonds in the ____ layer of the hair, This is the reducing agent or active ingredient in alkaline (cold wave) perms, Besides sodium hydroxide name two other hydroxide relaxers, The main active ingredient in true acid or acid balancing perms, Warm cool and neutral can describe a colors Hugh or, This type of hair color does not require the use of a patch test, This type of hair color uses a low volume developer and is also called deposit only, When is the shampoo given when using an aniline derivative tint, Hair processes faster at the scalp due to this, A double process color involves these two separate procedures, Highlighting shampoo tints involve the use of these three ingredients, The nape area of the head is found below this reference point, The hair must be wet when using this cutting tool, The razor is an excellent tool for cutting this texture of hair, One length or low elevation cuts use this type of line, As a safety rule never cut pass this knuckle, Creating the illusion of length to the face by adding height or volume on top is for, This art principle holds all the elements of design together, This type of line in a design creates width in a style, A skip wave is created by using two rows of this curl, Direction and movement is provided by this part of the pin curl, This type of roller is not permitted for use in some states because it cannot be properly sanitized, This is the process of combing small sections of hair from ends to scalp to form a cushion, Used on fine hair because it will not weigh it down, The act of governing cosmetology is public act #, A salon must be supervised daily by licensed cosmetologist who is at least ___ years of age and has at least ___ years experience, An instructor of cosmetology must have a high school diploma and complete _____ of training, All of the following are methods to texturize hair with shears except, Disinfectants must have a registration number from this government agency, This type of bacteria grows in pairs and causes pneumonia, Sterilization differs from disinfection because it can kill this, During this stage of bacterial growth of bacteria is not harmed by disinfectants, heat, or cold, The M SDS sheet is required for all cosmetics used in the salon by this government agency, Never brush the hair prior to this type of service, This type of ointment can be applied to scalp burn during a thermal curling service, Permanent waves and chemical relaxers cannot be used over hair that has been colored with this type of dye, This layer of hair gives the hair strength and elasticity, This structure is found at the base of the follicle and gives the hair its nutrients, This is the greasy waxy type of dandruff that cosmetologist cannot treat, These are two terms for excessive amounts of hair, Blood vessels and nerves endings can be found in this layer of skin, Hair follicle filled with keratin and sebum is called a blackhead and, The skin disorder is recognized by red patches covered with white silver scales usually found on the scalp elbows knees chest and lower back, Vitiligo which is abnormal white patches on the skin is also known as this, Nails grow this much in one month for a normal adult, The hyponychium is the skin under this part of the nail, The living tissue is at the base of the nail and covers the matrix, All cells are composed of a colorless jelly like substance called, The system controls all activities of the body, This part of blood helps the blood to clot, Sweat and oil glands belong to the group of glands called, These two muscles are the muscles of masochism and or chewing muscles, Type of shampoo that is designed to not remove artificial color from hair, This is the part of the shampoo molecule that attracts water, Conditioners that contain the substance that absorbs moisture and promotes retention of moisture, Excessive oiliness of the hair and scalp is caused by overactive, Besides dry hair, scalp treatments what other scalp treatments recommend using the direct high frequency, A safe and useful type of disinfectant commonly called quats is, Sodium hypochlorite is the chemical name for, The bone that forms the back of the skull above the night, The bones in the fingers or digits are called, The largest and most complex nerve tissue of the body is called. Total immersion of implements during disinfection is a required of the ________. Which types of movement incorporates various strokes that manipulate or press one layer of tissue over another? Chapter 22, Miladys Final Study Guide (expression) Show Class esti NIC practice exam. 40 percent. The answer key at the back of the book allows students to check accuracy and identify weak areas. Before purchasing ______, the stylist should inquire about the manufacturing, steel quality, and the right blade edge. Hot paraffin baths should not be given to clients with_____. Electric or battery-operated tools that cut the hair by using two moving blades held in place a metal plate with teeth are called _____. Play will be temporarily stopped until it stops raining. What section of the pin curl lies between the base and first arc (turn) of the circle that gives the curl its direction and movement, and determines the amount of mobility or movement in a section of hair? Whether you're pursuing a career as a beautician because you want to help people or you just want to know the details behind why you should moisturise and use other useful beauty tips, then this is the quiz for you. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like State board members, Cultivate beauty in an extravagant fashion, Esthetics specialization associated with mortuary science and more. Try our free Cosmetologist Practice Test to see the type of questions that are on a cosmetology licensing or certification test. _____ form from excessive pressure on the foot and provide the extra protection the foot needs. Which pin curls produce waves that get smaller in size toward the end? The Williards must have visited the beach; they have three _____ children who readily spend entire days creating sand sculptures. The term describing the effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills germs when used according to the label instructions is _______. 9 items. Oil-water balance that protects the skins surface. A ____ shampoo is designed to re-balance the pH level of your hair by neutralizing any alkali and unwanted residues in the hair. MILADY: Final Exam Review. Skin. _______ occurs when the hair contracts or lifts through the action of moisture loss or drying. The correct temperature setting of the iron for thermal curling is determined by the _____. Get started for free! Brushes with _______ bristles have many tiny overlapping layers or scales, which clean and add luster to the hair. What is a chopping movement performed with the edges of the hands whereby both wrists and hands move alternatively in fast, light, firm, and flexible motions against the skin? Milady Standard Cosmetology: Final Exam Revie, Milady Cosmetology Chapter 21 Review Questions, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. What is a petroleum by-product that has excellent sealing properties to hold moisture in the skin? How does that difference still affect the world today? Hair _____ is based on the thickness or diameter of each hair strand, usually classified as coarse, medium, and fine. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Drugs used in coagulation disorders (maren). Neutral base colors are often used to _____. Fine-grit abrasives are designed for removing very fine scratches and: 3. Which facial shape is 1 1/2 times longer than its width across the brow? Adams was short and stocky, and loved to argue. B. undercutting. Combs that are used for thermal curling should be made of ______. When hand washing, it is important to rub hands together for a minimum of how long? Like many residents of Crystal Point, Janine walked to the beach every evening to witness the _____ beauty of the sun setting over the Pacific. What are the basic building blocks of hair that affect how chemical solutions react? Grooming brushes that add polish and shine to the hair have a bristle mixture consisting of _____. Nail Plate. The _____ of the client's hair and the desired results determine which hair color to use. Which type of nail polish remover is recommended when removing nail polish from nail enhancements such as wraps? As early as 3000 BC Egyptian women wear braids or plaits decorated with which of the following? B. What is the tissue that binds together, protects, and supports various parts of the body? ______ rollers are used only on dry hair because using them on wet hair will snag and pull the hair. A manicuring table lamp should use a _______incandescent bulb or a fluorescent bulb. Complete the sentence by writing the correct form of the word shown in parentheses. The fibrous protein core formed by elongated cells that contains melanin pigment is the ______. In column III, write the required derivatives. A physical side bond that is easily broken by water and heat is a ______ bond. The written exam is designed to test your knowledge of skin care theory, plus scientific principles that can be pretty advanced. absolutesimilarityabundantsimultaneousemancipatesolventimpendingsuspendpostponeverify\begin{array}{lllll}\begin{array}{lll}\text { absolute } \\ \text { similarity }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { abundant } \\ \text { simultaneous }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { emancipate } \\ \text { solvent }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { impending } \\ \text { suspend }\end{array} & \begin{array}{l}\text { postpone } \\ \text { verify }\end{array}\end{array} (conciliatory). Milady Final Test. From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. When applying color using the brush-and-bowl method, the mixing bowl should be _________. (A) leaned $ 111.41 $ 30.49. ___________ haircolors, also known as vegetable hair colors, such as henna, are colors obtained from the leaves or bark of plants. Amino acids, peptide bonds, polypeptide chains, keratin proteins, and side bonds. Cutting nail tips with nail or toenail clippers will cause the nail tip to weaken and _________. The term pH is an abbreviation used for potential _____, and the symbol pH represents the quantity of _____ ions in solution. Someone who recognizes and resolves difficult situations constructively is a(n) ___________. Sodium hydroxide relaxers are commonly called _________. Stimulates melanocytes and thus produces melanin. Questions and Answers. (6. (a) Who is in love in the main plot of the story? A ________ is a head-shaped form, usually made of canvas-covered cork or Styrofoam, on which the wig is secured for fitting, coloring, and sometimes styling. (5. Fine hair takes color faster and can look darker because the melanin granules are grouped ________. Protective layer of lipids and secretions on the skins surface. The hand position that is used most often when cutting uniform or increasing layers is called _________. The reference point that signals a change in head shape from flat to round or vise versa is the : The straight lines used to build weight or create a one-length design or low- elevation haircut are. understand safety concerns associated with chemicals. A(n) __________ can be defined as an artificial covering for the head that consists of a network of interwoven hair and completely covers the client's hair. What hair type is very resistant to hair pressing and requires more heat and pressure? What is a stainless steel implement used to carefully trim away dead skin around the nails? The body's first line of defense against infection is _____. Milady Esthetics Final Exam Review Flashcards | Quizlet. ______ reduces strain on the index finger and thumb while cutting the hair. Pressing combs with less space between the teeth produce a ______. Which guideline involves a small slice of a previous subsection that is moved to the next position and becomes the new guideline? ________ curls provide maximum lift or volume, since the curl is placed very high on its base. I. WORD\hspace{1cm}II. 335 terms. The nail test exam below is set to gauge and advance your knowledge of different concepts on the subject. Madeleine LEngles A Wrinkle in Time (brings/takes) the reader through a time warp to another world. Why did Britain create Upper Canada and Lower Canada, and who lived in each colony? A client's ______ is how he or she looks from the side and can be best viewed by pulling the hair away from the face and up and away from the neck. This quiz will demonstrate your knowledge about facials. Products that are designed to rebalance the pH and remove remnants of cleanser from the skin are known as _____. The concentration and strength of hydrogen peroxide is measured in terms of ______. Supports overall health of the skin. The two major categories of hair removal are _____. The best overall blade edge for a hair stylist is _____, because it will give you the smoothest cut and is the sharpest edge possible. Pheomelanin. Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. Spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria are called ______. Salons often implement _____ to create a salon culture, protect employees' clothing while working with chemicals, and ultimately ensure their stylists are dressed for success. What does Athena tell Achilles she is going to do? When lightly tapped with the handle of a brush, hard nail enhancements make ___________. Milady Chapter Fifteen Review Questions (Scal, Milady Chapter Fifteen Vocabulary (Scalp Care, Milady Chapter Fourteen Review Questions (Pri, Milady Chapter Fourteen Test Questions (Princ, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Alpha Kappa Psi - Upsilon Chi: Pledge Quiz 6, Career Theory; Work Conditioning and Work Har. The nail professional's chair should be selected for durability, comfort, ergonomics, and ease of _____. Herbal therapy. What product is used to coat and secure fabric wraps to the natural nail and nail tip? We're available through e-mail, live chat and Facebook. When securing a cape as draping for a basic shampoo, do not let the cape touch the ______. What type of brush has a single or double row of widely spaced pins with protective tips to prevent tearing and breaking the hair, which can be used to gently remove tangles on wet and wavy or dry and curly hair, as well as human hair extensions? By making a parting or drawing a line from the apex to the back of the ear, you can locate the _____ of the head, which consists of all the hair that falls naturally behind the ear. (D) complained bitterly, bacteria generally consist of an outer cell wall containing a liquid called, the water content of the natural nail directly affects the nails, the surface of a healthy natural nail should be, the important part of the facial treatment that determine skin type condition and the recommended treatment is the, the most frequently encountered infection on the foot resulting from nail Services is, the most visible and functional part of the nail unit is the, a nail condition in which blood clots form under the nail plate due to a small injury of the nail plate is, clients who present skin abnormalities open sores or fever blisters should be referred to a, information that is contained on a resume should be relevant to, a written plan that describes a business and foresees projections for the next 5 years is a, the type of bacteria that rarely shows any active motility is, the portion of living skin that supports the nail plate is the, nails with a noticeable thin white nail plate that are more flexible than normal nails are, rods that are equal in diameter along their entire length or curling area are, human immunodeficiency virus HIV is the virus that causes, the dead colorless tissue attached to the nail plate is the, minor damage to the Matrix that produces a whitish discoloration or white spots on the nails is, the wrapping technique that provides the most control over hair ends is the, the practice of recommending and selling additional services to clients is known as, supplies that are used and replaced in the daily business operation are identified as, the term describing the effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills germs when used according to the label instructions is, disease-causing microorganisms that are carried in the body by Blood or bloody fluids are called, a sign of bacterial infection is the presence of, split or brittle nails with a series of lengthwise ridges and a rough appearance to the surface of the nail plate is, all perm wraps Begin by sectioning the hair into, in planning and constructing the physical layout of a salon it should be designed for, useful product disposal guidelines and medical and first aid information can be found on the, the direction of movement in which massage should always be from insertion of the muscle towards its, in order to have a successful business a top priority in the allotment of funds is to, organisms that grow feed and find shelter on or in a host organism are called, a stimulating form of massage that consists of short quick tapping slapping and hacking movements is, the branch of science that applies to substances that contain carbon is called, a sweet colorless oily substance that is used as a Moisturizer in skin and body creams is, a common volatile organic compound used in Hairspray is, the active ingredient or reducing agent in alkaline permanent waves is, all acid waves have three components consisting of the, permanent waving solution neutralizer and activator, waves that are activated from an outside heat Source are considered, a safe and useful type of disinfectant commonly called quats is, a contagious skin disease that is caused by the itch mite is, a reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods chemicals or other normally harmless substances is an, a disease that is transmitted from one person to another is called, a pimple or an abscess is an example of a, the process of chemically altering the natural wave pattern of the hair is, when removing cleanser in the eye area move outward on the upper lid and, the terms single braids box braids or individual braids all refer to, sculptured nails are created by combining monomer liquid with, a short chain of monomers is not long enough to be considered a polymer it is a, if you draw blood during a manicure the Implement should be, for most clients a medium grit nail file is recommended for, nail enhancements made by using nail size pieces of cloth or paper are called, providing competent Services being honest and being courteous are, a curette is ideal for use around the edges of the, a chemical process used to reduce the number of disease-causing germs on surfaces to a safe level is, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, single-use items that do not have the capacity to be disinfected after each client, caution should be used with on-base Rod placement to avoid, additional stress and tension on the hair, the amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands determines the size of, narrow rows of visible braids that lie close to the scalp are, as monomer liquid absorbs polymer powder the chemical interaction produces a, traditionally UV gels relied on urethane acrylic newer gel systems use, implements requiring disinfection should be placed in a covered container large enough for implements to be, when tweezing the skin should be held taut in the hair pulled using a quick Motion in the direction, properly sized nail tips for a client should cover the nail plate from, to avoid risk of infection Nippers should never be used on clients who are, hepatitis is a blood-borne disease that damages the, an acceptable way to clean tools or instruments is washing with soap and water then scrubbing with a, most alkaline permanent waves have a pH between, additives designed to speed up the chemical reactions of monomers are, the process that stops the action of permanent wave solution and rebuilds the hair into its new form is, preformed nail extensions made from ABS or tenite acetate plastic are, a main cause of infection from a salons Whirlpool Foot Spa can be traced to debris building up to create a thin coating called, the type of nail polish remover that is recommended when removing nail polish from nail enhancements such as wraps is, clients with hair and questionable condition who request chemical Services should be required to sign a, the process of rearranging the basic structure of curly hair into straighter or smoother form is, odorless products Harden more slowly which creates the tacky layer called the, product information on Safe Handling guidelines first aid and proper storage is contained on a, sodium hydroxide relaxers are commonly called, hydroxide relaxers that do not require the application of a protective base are, during a relaxer strand test hair that is pressed to the scalp and continues to curl is, chemical Services should not be performed if the scalp analysis shows any signs of, when testing synthetic hair or fibers by burning the hair will, either ball up melt or burn quickly with no odor, prior to a full color application to a wig or hairpiece it is recommended to perform a, the technique that involves attaching hair wefts to single strands with adhesive or glue is, a manicuring Implement not designed for reuse on an additional client is a, the term clean means to remove all visible dirt and debris from tools implements and equipment by, the average rate of nail growth in the normal adult is about, the barber pole symbol of the barber surgeon had its roots in a medical procedure called, your license will unlock countless doors for employment however your career will be fueled with, UVB rays cause sunburns and tanning and are also, Foundation is a tinted base makeup that is used to, Elevation creates graduation and layers and is usually described in, A section of hair that determines the length the haircut will be cut is the, A guideline used in blunt one length haircut or used in over direction to create a length or weight increase is a, You should always test foundation on a person's, Concealers are thick heavy foundations used to hide, Dark circles splotches and other imperfections, Clients allergies and sensitivities must be documented on a, Make up brushes can be cleaned with a brush solvent or, Skin color eye color hair color are the main factors in considering when choosing, A thorough client consultation is the first step to, Licensing agencies health departments and the board of cosmetology and barbering are all, The process of removing excess bulk without shortening the hair length is, The technique that allows you to cut the hair very close to the scalp creating a flat top or square shape is, The thickness or diameter of each hair strand is referred to as. 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