You're Earthling, but lots of Earth-based rocks can hurt you (Radioactive ores). are patent descriptions/images in public domain? Supergirl is one of the most powerful beings in the known universe, serving the greater good as a member of the Justice League, Legion of Super-Heroes, and even the Red Lantern Corps. Only a couple of issues later, Supergirl was beaten again by another obscure villain. In her weakened state, Supergirl was no match for the villain who crushed her and left her unconscious in a crater on the Earth's surface. And that's bad. Ever since Lex started hunting Superman, innocent people had paid dearly with their lives. When Doomsday reached Metropolis in 1993's Superman: Man of Steel #19 (Louise Simonson, Jon Bogdanove), Matrix tried to fight him, but the creature hit her so hard that she collapsed into her true gooey form. First published Dec 14, 2017. Kara holds Lenas arm. She put both her feet on the edge of the bridge, her hands behind her back, gripping the bars. With sufficient displacement of O2 molecules a person can die. Within days, the country has been split and everyday Americans are taking sides in this conflict. It all comes soflty. Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. Why did this happen? Kara flies and covers Lena with her cape as Alex unloads the entire clip of bullets at Kara. Neither Zor-El nor Alura know anything about Earth or Superman, other than the former being a livable world and the latter being another Kryptonian survivor. Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. There's a twisted reason Kryptonite is harmful to Kryptonians. Absolutely! Now, part of the logic behind this was Superman's incredible molecular density; the radiation simply couldn't affect his molecular bonds because they were just too tightly compacted, on top of the regenerative powers the sun gave him. @Philipp Everyone should forget everything from the Superman III and IV movies. It is to solar radiation what carbon monoxide is to oxygen. Hellsing de Kouta Hirano AU.Cuando Lionel Luthor muere, deja la organizacin Luthor en manos de hija adolescente Lena Luthor. The CEO frowned when she saw Alex standing there. Next:Supergirl Confirms: Everyone Misses Her Big Difference from Superman. Supergirl sided with H'El and tried to defend it. She's often said to be stronger and faster than Superman himself, but fans also love her iron will that matches her physical strength. 35. As if her spilling blood wasn't bad enough, it became a weapon for a supervillain. Ant-Man and The Wasp by Alan Davis, Rich Cirillo & Mark Farmer. '", "Oh thank goodness. Not all prompts/kinks are tagged due to limitations, as well as potential pairings. He soon sees, with his telescopic vision, that it's a guided missile with a human passenger inside, and it is about to crash. He is the result of Kryptonian genetic engineering gone awry. "It's not your fault. There is food in the fridge.Lena had watched Kara heat up the cold take out with her heat vision so many times.No.Lena looked up; Kara didnt sound like she used to. Look there's too many tags/prompts in the list I can't mention them all here. Lol is he even in the top 10 of fastest characters in that universe? No, Krypton was not made of Kryptonite - at least, not initially. Deathstroke created his own team of supervillain Titans to fight them, and the battle went down in Titans Annual #1 (Eric Wallace, Cliff Richards). In the Silver Age, kryptonite came in a variety of colors and each color had specific affects which were caused by exposures to different radiations, natural phenomena or scientific experimentation. Kara vs. Kal-El (in Supergirl #2, Dec 2011). But that doesn't mean she never cared.. Since he feels "drained" every time he's around it. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Superman (and, Kryptonians) has superpowers on Earth because of our yellow Sun (Krypton's Sun was red). What's worse, is that this seems to be just the push Kara needs to stop holding back physically, and emotionally. Alex still has those horrible memories of her sister saying that horrible stuff. For YEARS it had been establish that a full on, ground 0 nuclear strike would not harm Superman in any way. All the way into the 80s, multiple megaton nuclear blast were something the guy could film casually, shrug off or at the very least, walk away from intact and recover from in a short time. What happened?. The two of them retreated, but Supergirl returned to use her cold breath to beat him. Supergirl 6 seasons Drama 2020 English audio TV-14 Buy At 12 years old, Kara Zor-El escapes doom on planet Krypton to find protection on Earth with the Danver family, where she grows up in. Imagine if you hadn't 'come out' as gay yet.". Here are 15 times Supergirl was beaten in comics, but came back to fight again! A nice analogy (promoted by AncientSwordRage) in a fashion similar to "carbon monoxide poisoning" where carbon monoxide molecules are being taken up by blood's hemoglobin instead of the normal Oxygen molecules. It only takes a minute to sign up. Superman draws strength from the sun. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule"? Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? In almost all known continuities it is Green Kryptonite which has proven to be lethal to Kryptonians who have been exposed to its radiation. kara finally works through her trauma. But confessing such feelings to your best friend can be risky. Superman does tell her that, someday, the world will learn of Supergirl's existence but for now, she must live as an "ordinary girl" until she gets used to her new home. As has been mentioned, CW shows arent particularly great. After several retellings it became Argo City, which survived Krypton's destruction because it was protected by a force dome. Lena steps in and tries to make her see reason but she's way past the point where she cared about anything or anyone. Can an overly clever Wizard work around the AL restrictions on True Polymorph? How much to tip when dining out. He simply never feels pain or discomfort..seldom, so the feeling must be overwhelming. Breaking point hits and the only light she can see is a woman she meets at a support group. I asked this question hoping to get an answer from specifically you, @Thaddeus. He literally withered up and lost all of his power instantly. The Supergirl from Krypton was a story published in Action Comics #252, which came out on March 31st, 1959 (with a cover date of "May 1959"). How do you think you'd react if after 30 years of never even knowing what pain was you accidentally cut yourself? So, what happens when that very thing is used against you? What's more, the girl instantly recognizes Superman and tells him that she hails from the planet Krypton. Kryptonite's origins vary but most describe their creation at the core of the planet Krypton and were in some continuities responsible for the explosion and destruction of that world. Kryptonite is normally green, and Kryptonians exposed to the element will become weak within close proximity to it or if pierced by weapons laced with or made from the substance, and prolonged exposure is fatal. Supergirl reached into a box said to hold another artifact, which allowed another banshee to take control of her. Alex smiled, before seeing the cast on Lenas arm. Are you hungry? Why, exactly, does kryptonite hurt Superman? 4K Views blasted blonde drained fetish gorgeous heroine hot hurt kryptonite pain peril sexy spandex suffering supergirl superheroine girlofsteelweakened Gorgeous Supergirl is hit directly on her S with a blast of kryptonite. Her hands trembling, feeling nauseous, her bottom lip quivering hard, her eyes not seeing anything through the flood of tears, Kara climbed over the fence. Exactly. Watch. Lena should have known that there's no stopping a god with no inhibitions. She's always seen the best in Lenaeven if it felt like she was the only one who did. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? I think they were also trying to imply that he had aged as well, along with everyone else in the story. 13 Feb 2023 15:16:10 When the worst happens, Lena has to put aside her anxiety to accept the love from her found family, even if Alex insists on calling her Little Luthor and she finds it all rather unbecoming. It was in Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 (Marv Wolfman, Robert Greenberger, George Prez) that Supergirl met her end. She used a tear-gas pellet to distract the Annihilator enough to grab her, and used Supergirl as a shield for the psychic blasts he gave off. What if Acrata/Andrea fails to get Lena away from Lex. Supergirl's character design evolved from her design in Super Best Friends Forever: her hair gradually became shorter and her shape became slimmer, in addition to the general stylistic changes from SBFF to DCSHG. However, he is somehow able to draw the stored energy from the sun out of the plant life nearby, which also draws upon solar energy for food (a very thin connection, I know). Alex Danvers has created a group chat revolving around Kara's uselessness and she is loving every second, J'onn J'onzz is not paid enough for this. In a fit of jealous rage, Power Boy smashed the wall of the hospital, hurled Supergirl across the city and ground her into the side of a building. Ironically, it also involves the same yellow sun that gives them their powers. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Newly out lesbian Kara Danvers (also Supergirl) asks for the help of her genius friend Winn Schott to make a sex toy that will help her feel satisfied. Who were the characters that kicked her ass without Kryptonite? Why couldn't Henry Cavill simply shave his mustache for his Superman role and use a fake mustache for his other role? Having arrived on Earth in the Russian tundra and having faced off against the armored soldiers sent to contain her, Kara is confronted by a flying man . 'She doesnt care about you, she never has. The story ends with Kara putting on her Supergirl costume and flying around Midvale, wondering whether or not she'll do as good being a hero in her town. Kara tried to call to Alex. Lena Luthor. What would you do if loving your partner was the thing that would kill them? Read the tags. In 2013, Supergirl was going through a crossover known as "H'El on Earth" which we'll get into more later. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. While he has no superpowers, his genius and engineering skill makes him deadly. When Krypton dies, the remaining survivors flee to Earth and take the humans as their slaves. They enjoyed a nice, long peace and, soon, Kara was born. The first place my mother would look for me would be the hospital. From Action Cosplay. To my understanding, kryptonite is a rock that is from the planet Krypton. It did make me laugh that he happened to fall into a patch of *SUN*flowers. Metallo has a robotic body whose powerplant uses a hunk of Kryptonite as its power sources. Lena wants to try giving Kara a bit of Red Kryptonite, in the bedroom. Perhaps a similar analogy would help your already very good answer? My first time trying out Kinktober prompts, 31 days and a ton of kinky prompts to choose from. When Superman and Supergirl resisted him, Superman turned on her, beat her and left her hanging from a lamppost. Putting on a brunette wig and a dress, Kara creates her Earth identity of "Linda Lee" and, when Superman returns, he places her under the orphanage's care. How would kryptonite affect a Kryptonian on Krypton? tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. And don't forget the synthetic cryptonite from the Superman III movie which turns Superman evil. This reboot happened in 1986, though; that's the same year that TDKR came out, so by this time, this "new" Superman's limits hadn't been explicitly tested yet. In a flashback, Supergirl reveals the twisted reason why Kryptonite is so deadly to Kryptonians. As far as Earth-One and related alternate realities were concerned, Kryptonite w Kryptonite is the name given to shards of matter cast off from the planet Krypton, during its destruction. Superman "giving off" radiation [at least ionizing] is unlikely. I cant believe you actually thought someone like her truly cared about someone like you. "I love you," Alex mumbles into the woman's shoulder. It turned out H'El had the power to create illusions, and only made Supergirl think Superman had fought her. When she tried to protect Superman from a kryptonite meteor, she was hurt so badly that she asked Jimmy to wish her away. That turned her against Superman and helped turn her to H'El's side, almost destroying the Earth in the process. Byrne did this to make the hero "more human, flawed, and subject to injury", so that the stakes of his adventures would be higher, more "realistic" and engaging to the audience. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ** Superman ACTION COMICS 283 (FN/VF 7.0) All RED KRYPTONITE Supergirl OWP ** at the best online prices at eBay! In this story, we will explore how the war developed and how Supergirl and her family and friends will deal with it. Sorry, Lex Luthor. Consequently, his "indestructibility" wasn't just from his body and enhanced by yellow sun radiation any more, but totally supplied by it; his body was no longer composed of super dense tissue, but produced a "bio-electric aura" as a natural consequence of solar absorption which essentially acted like a "personal protective force field" which Superman could control nominally; this is why it was so common to see his skin-tight suit taking little damage, but rips and holes appearing often in his cape post-1986. Even with all her power, it was Supergirl who needed saving, and Batgirl was the one to do it. In Dark Knight Returns part II, Superman stopped a nuclear missile from hitting an island off the coast of the USA. She was only saved by Superman. As the cover said, "Love hurts.". All in the name of scientific progress of course, Lena couldn't possibly have any ulterior motives to this, that would just be ridiculous. I am so sorry mom," Kara continued as tears came to her eyes and Cat knew she had to act. Kryptonite blocks that ability. She escaped, but that's two knockouts in one issue. Kara recognizes the name and reveals that her father was Jor-El's brother, thus making Superman her cousin., We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Another interesting tidbit is that Zor-El was able to hold back the radiation by crafting a makeshift shield of lead between themselves and the ground. So the problem is the combination of massive damage and lack of sunlight. Miller tried really hard to make sure you get that connection. Upon arriving at the hospital, Nurse Megan grinned upon seeing them. Needing fuel to heal himself, but with the sun (the source of the non-ionizing radiation which feeds his powers) blocked, he somehow managed to "tap" into the raw solar energy stored in the flowers which their chlorophyll would use to convert the sunlight into bio-energy, effectively "Recharging" his own cells to a limited degree. rev2023.2.28.43265. She recovered, of course, but it was her heart that hurt the most. Yet somehow kryptonite weakens Superman and can even kill him. We've been told in the comic books that green kryptonite, which is deadly to Superman, comes from the core of the planet Krypton. In previous issues, Supergirl had been exposed to kryptonite and she still suffered from its effects, both physically and emotionally. Many pieces arrive on Earth because they traveled near the space-ship Jor-El sent baby Kal-El to Earth in. Kara gets infected with red kryptonite and goes on a rampage against the city. Lex Luthor has always been known as an enemy of Superman, but he doesn't much care for any of the Super-Family, including Supergirl. It was produced during explosion of Krypton. Supergirl Reveals Twisted Reason Kryptonite Is Deadly to Kryptonians, Supergirl Finale's Cover Art Is a Late Entry for Best of the Year, Zor-El was able to hold back the radiation, Supergirl Confirms: Everyone Misses Her Big Difference from Superman. Kara gets infected with Red K and accidentally hurts Lena. Why did the nuclear explosion cause Superman to shrivel up and absorb the life of other living things? Lena Luthor has a plan to save Supergirl from being infected by Red Kryptonite. Kara Zor-El, the biological cousin of Superman, had all of Superman's powers, plus a feminine approach which made her a hit with readers. MELISSA BENOIST IS A GODESS WITHOUT HER THE SHOW WOULD NOT BE THE SAME. Kara's birthplace was "a street of homes" which survived Krypton's explosion -and retained a bubble of air- by sheer and unexplainable luck. Many pieces arrive on Earth because they traveled near the space-ship Jor-El sent baby Kal-El to Earth in. I mean, she literally told everyone except for youand shes only known Nia for a year! She thought she had the upper hand by beating up the Fury Stompa, but Darkseid blasted her with an Omega Beam, sending her down for the count. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Maelstrom was a lowly member of Apokolips who dreamed of becoming the bride of Darkseid, and her plan to win his heart was by giving him Superman's dead body. Lead is also notoriously used by villains (and others) to shield themselves from Supermans powers. When Krypton dies, the remaining survivors flee to Earth and take the humans as their slaves. 1970's Adventure Comics #400 (written and drawn by Mike Sekowsky) was another bad time for Supergirl, where Linda Lee Danvers (Supergirl's alter ego) was tricked into walking into a trap by her old enemy, the Black Flame. In this 12-issue series, Supergirl travels the galaxy with a companion named Ruthye, whose father was murdered by a man named Krem. ]he was not able to get the direct sunlight he needed at ground level to fully recharge, and we have no idea how many fields, mountains, or oceans of plankton [some of the richest solar feeding plantlife] he would have had to absorb in order to get to even half strength. It was a brutal but quick battle with Osiris dive-bombing her, the Tattooed Man using his magic barbed wire tattoo to snag and throw her to the ground, followed by Deathstroke carving into her with a kryptonite sword. To get it, Banshee attacked her with a sonic scream that knocked her down. Warning: Spoilers Ahead for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #6. His work on Screen Rant primarily focuses on comics. In order to avoid the implication that they entrusted their daughter to some super-powerful stranger's care, it was later retconned that they discovered Earth some time before while searching for habitable planets, and they already knew Superman was family. She doesnt (cant) vocalize that to Alex (or anyone), but its there in the back of her mind, on constant replay. So there could have been a way around that to get Superman back to full power. Spider-man killed Mary Jane because 'all his bodily fluids' were radioactive. She escaped and got him back, though, by dropping a building on him and kneeing him in the crotch in deep space. People kick her ass even without kryptonite and the show has said that she's more powerful than SUPERMAN! In 2009's miniseries Superman/Supergirl Maelstrom (Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, Phil Noto), Supergirl faced one of her most devastating enemies: Maelstrom. Why are Superman and Batman against each other? Thus, handing their daughter a suit similar to Superman's, Zor-El and his wife send Kara away on a rocket targeted to Earth, leaving her an orphan. Con la responsabilidad proteger a los seres humanos de la amenaza de monstros, Lena tiene que enfrentarse no solo a sus enemigos supernaturales sino tambin aprender a dominar el arma secreta de los Luthor, la vampira Kara, pero no ser un trabajo fcil. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Most depictions indicate it was only the core of the planet which was comprised of Kryptonite, though some of the earlier ones indicated any piece of Krypton that came to Earth was considered Kryptonite. If Kryptonite prevents absorption of solar radiation then why was it never used to treat melanoma? I am assuming she means TEMPERATURE warm here guys Thusly, if Superman is "poisoned" by this toxic gamma radiation, then the radiation he gives off would be toxic as well. Alex pulls her back into a hug. When she woke up, she found herself in a typical 1970s deathtrap: a bowling alley with the villains rolling kryptonite bowling balls at her. Kara's eyes bulged from their sockets. @JonStory: Wouldn't it be great if it turned out that ordinary human beings could lift tons of kryptonite effortlessly, punch through walls of it, hurl boulders of it into orbit Technically our sun isn't yellow. Your beloved, kind, and sweet Kara just took a turn. With her magical power to create unbearable screams, she's been a deadly foe, but in 2010, she tangled with Supergirl and won. It was a mistake that made her the younger one. Her beating was so severe that Supergirl retreated to the moon, where she thought of giving up altogether and Superman had to talk her down. When the Anti-Monitor from an antimatter universe tried to destroy the multiverse, it brought all the heroes and villains from multiple Earths to try to stop him. With Lucius Fox's journal and his decoder glasses both in hand, Alice (Rachel Skarsten) has everything she needs to find out Kate Kane/ Batwoman's (Ruby Rose) weakness. She pulled Kara into a hug. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Doomsday is a rampaging, seemingly mindless, murdering monster who killed Superman. More modern depictions of Kryptonite only show small amounts of Green Kryptonite on Earth, but some advanced science has been able to duplicate the signature radiation making it capable of being used as a weapon against Superman. Green kryptonite, composed of an as yet unknown transuranic element, emits a unique (but replicable with the right advanced technology) high energy radiation. Post-Season/Series 04. lena finally goes to therapy. Kara's name is Kara, plainly. Alex looked over at her sister, slumped in the passenger seat with her head pressed against the glass. 1994 lincoln town car disable anti theft, is betty degeneres still alive, discontinued armstrong vinyl flooring, A rampaging, seemingly mindless, murdering monster who killed Superman against you used by villains and... From Lex voted up and rise to the cookie consent popup, his genius and engineering skill makes him.. Sun ( Krypton 's Sun was Red ) standing there, his genius and engineering skill makes him.! With all her power, it was Supergirl who needed supergirl gets hurt by kryptonite, and Batgirl was the one do... Whose powerplant uses a hunk of Kryptonite - at least, not the answer you Earthling... Again by another obscure villain we will explore how the war developed and Supergirl. Luthor en manos de hija adolescente Lena Luthor power to create illusions, and emotionally sweet Kara took... 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