Hi Jessica,Thank you very much for what you do. Transiting Uranus on Taurus 11 was conjunct natal Saturn on Taurus 11. Moscow has also long anticipated further Ukrainian efforts, especially a push south in the area of Zaporizhzhia. Vladimir Putin is a man out of time, as Pluto is moving away from Capricorn for another 240 years, and the toxic masculinity you describe is fading as well. Russia-Ukraine Conflict Who will win in Ukraine? Best wishes, Simon. Damaged residential buildings are seen in Lysychansk, Luhansk region, Ukraine, early on Sunday, after Russia claimed victory. It was December 14, 2020 and it was then that the Permanent Representative of Ukraine wrote a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations about his country.The original letter is here. As we move into 2022 and 2023, you'll see this become crucial. Hi Jessica - Interesting read. You exactly predicted the Emperor. We also find Aries-Virgo in the emergency services. It was based on gasoline, gas, coal and borrowed money, and too much shopping. You are likely to find yourself in the United States, dragged right into the karma of Ukraine and Russia in 2022, but also in 2023. Thanks for writing the article, Jessica! So your budget is fickle, unpredictable, erratic, and sometimes liberating, good news, but it won't be until after 2022 and 2023 that you feel like you can start to settle down. Just like fossil fuel. By Liz Cookman 6 Feb 2022 Mariupol, Ukraine - Ukraine downplayed a possible incursion by Russia on Sunday saying do not to believe "apocalyptic predictions" after US officials said Moscow had. Russian shelling is less intense that it was in the summer around Sievierodonetsk, when Moscow was expending 60,000 shells a day. However, on August 20, 1968, the Soviet Union gathered five Warsaw Pact members for a military invasion of Czechoslovakia. A very small elite, usually white and old. Russia has more than 300 banks in the system and even if only the top-ranking Russian banks are removed, it would be quite a financial disaster for the country. The situation with Germany is karmic. We live in a world where the top 1% (Pluto in Capricorn) have forced everyone else to accept what they consider valuable. Maybe an ex, or someone else in grief or grief, partners can be both professional and sexual. Astrology is an exact mirror of that year, when Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany took over Czechoslovakia and the UK let him do it, while the US took over. , including newborn children.-born and the elderly. he asks you to shoot another russian for some play? This unjust war is about contrasting values and a contrasting way of life. Don't get caught up in too many binding agreements like partner and family agreements. If your eyes and body feel tired, egg soup with goji berries and logan fruit You must have heard of animal rescuers who save abandoned creatures. Its an open question how the contest over ammunition production will play out, Massicot and other experts said. In the end, the West and Ukraine needs to deny Russia a victory. Happily, when things are going well, you do amazingly well and earn or save a fortune, or experience real abundance through other means. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis took over what is now the Czech Republic and received no help. Once you realize that this is in fact the true story, you can see that the war in Ukraine will last as long as it takes for money laundering and oil/gas to end. You have a direct line with your feelings about your job, studies or unpaid work - anytime. Women in charge help any group find more power and control, starting in March 2023, when they take their place alongside men. I have also seen these headlines and would like to provide you with information related to your concerns. The Russian propaganda machine is working hard to justify its aggression against Ukraine. They needed to happen very quickly after the war started, he said. However, fear does not define the Ukrainian spirit. Where? However, it is the United States that has . Thanks. Fortunately, Russia is the type of country that changes leadership and political system all the time. Do you think cryptocurrency will disappear in 2026 as fast as it did in 2018? I read on my crypto journey that soon we will be minting songs, driver's licenses, legal documents, passports, books, songs, etc. Wow. I guess this is done to scare NATO, but I could be serious. Do you believe that? We are part of NATO, I bet I'm worried about our country. This prediction came true earlier in March this year with NSW and Queensland experiencing the worst floods and rainfall in hundreds of years. Thanks. I know and it took me 2 weeks to create one and upload it as it's confusing but I'm getting there. You will be delighted with the result with foreign countries and foreign people in May and again in October-December. Whenever we see war, we see Uranus, because it describes shock. The situation that will prevail during this conflict. What Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius promised, Christmas 2020 and Pluto in Aquarius will fulfill for many years after March 2023. In the last eleven months, I've been to Ukraine on three separate occasions. I could call this year and the next a necessary detox. Uranus entered Taurus in May 2018 and the day it happened, HSBC (never forget, Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank) endorsed blockchain. (Video) prediction made on Dec 25th 2021 with Russia/Ukraine Vedic Astrology, (Video) Till when Modiji will hold the World War 3 | Astrological Predictions by Acharya Salil, (Video) Vladimir Putin and Future for Russia in Astrology, 1. I am from Eastern Europe with Ukrainian and Russian roots now living in the United States. He is using mercenaries and the so-called local "militia". The new Russia was born. It is happening to you right now and since you are strongly Aquarian, you are feeling it. Putin had influence in the elections in Poland and the Polish government favors him. In fact, that's what it's all about. What we have is an economic revolution. The blind psychic, Baba Vanga who predicted Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has also said that Russian president, Vladimir Putin will become "Lord of the World". Astrology predicts headlines before they happen, and it did, as reported by Reuters, on Monday, February 28, 2022. Support does not respond to questions about comments, as we assume that by posting you have read and understood this comment policy. A Ukrainian soldier carries empty artillery cartridge cases along the front line in the vicinity of Bakhmut in the Donetsk region on Saturday. Thank you. The old world economy, the one that was destroying the world, is on its last legs in 2022 and 2023. Leave a comment. Ironically, my new job in a weather-related field requires me to ditch my entire stash of Facebookit's like I'm getting rid of all my bad karma! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The power of people in one or more new shared global networks. She told about this on the YouTube channel "My World". By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. From an astrologer's point of view, this was the worst possible time to start a war. What a heartwarming post Jessica, thank you . Which is painful because he's a rare and precious commodity when it comes to politicians (and the notoriously bad image they've earned). After visiting Kyiv last month he embraced the justice party, saying the West should help Ukraine "win" and "weaken" Russia. Baba Vanga also said that Russia will remove everyone from its path and rule the world. I was thinking of Bosnia and Herzegovina, since there is talk of it falling apart. In fact, as early as the year before, a British prophet by the name of Craig Hamilton-Parker had already predicted the invasion. Carol E. Lee is an NBC News correspondent. I'm a Scorpio, Nov 6, 1961 9 pm (GMT+8). Pluto is absolute power, absolutely corruptive. This is just a random example. In fact, it's accepting refugees, as you saw on the news. While these figures should be treated cautiously, anecdotal evidence does suggest Ukraine has a lower rate of attrition. It is financially disastrous and that does not change. If you put it on petrol/gas, obviously that needs a very close look. I would be looking at eclipses, in 2022, if there are any ideas about a fake recall, as they are always a cover up. Gas prices are actually going up because of this conflict, so who knows? Dear Jessica, I am watching what you write. Rodden's A rating is good; Rodden Rating AA is better. French astrologist . Russia Ukraine War Prediction :- As I've already predicted on 28 december 2021 that there will be maximum chances of experiencing too good or too bad result for capricorn ascendant chart native or those whose Capricorn sign falls 6 or 8 or 12 houses from ascendant specially 27 february to 1 . Next, we find that the True South Node rapidly transitions to 7, 8, 3, 0 Scorpio from February 5, 2023 to July 17, 2023, so it looks like a slow collapse. I had so many questions about the future of Ukraine and Russia that I collected predictions dating back to the 16th century (Nostradamus) about the fate of Vladimir Putin and Europe.The Economistran with Putin's cover linebad work, and this is correct. This will happen in 2026 at the latest. Why wasn't it deactivated? As my father used to say (born in 1937 in Latvia, deported to Siberia in 1949, returned in 1960) As long as we have our land and our hands, we will have food and a warm home He died 5 years ago, but now, going through all these less and less global stuff with only two kids, I remember all the stories from my family tree (they're collected back to around 1860), how my grandfather got the whole family back from Siberia, how his brothers and uncles survived WWI. Another is that Russia fears a major new Ukrainian offensive and has increased the tempo of attacks at an extremely high cost to tie down Ukrainian forces. that you will use to give back to your people. Will he make it out alive? Entering 2022, the worlds major stock markets were hit hard in January and February due to a series of unfavorable news such as the Feds interest rate hike and the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Or will things continue to get worse, and for how long? This chart matches the other Russian astrology charts we have (from the Romanov dynasty to Lenin to Stalin), but this horoscope reveals the true extent of the economic ruin that will come to Russia under Vladimir Putin. But in the end, it is Ukraine that will prevail. Fuel will certainly be an issue until 2023. Wow! The constitution will change to embrace community, diversity and equality and a female president is not far off. As we approach the one year anniversary of the full scale invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainians are bracing for another 300,000 to 500,000 Russian soldiers who are preparing for an impending attack. Maybe we'll trade seashells or salt again Any predictions on quantum computing and the security of finances and personal information? Very, very local, not global, and decided by region, by town, by county, by city. Going down and diving in is a really smart move and you will win big when Jupiter enters Taurus. Questions about who or what is in charge (who or what dominates) have really tested you, but as you probably know, you're on your way to becoming a whole new person. Andrew Moroz is a Ukrainian-American pastor in Lynchburg, Virginia. The Ukrainian and Russian borders with the Donbass. I can't read the horrible articles anymore because I feel too much stress. I'd imagine you've been in both situations since 2008. Watch as NATO, the EU, the G20 and the UN are renewed as of March 2023, with these two countries in particular finding a new way to be in or out of them. Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these problems will no doubt get worse. Jessica Adams BA has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Bloomingdale's, and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. This is a difficult time for that, and of course, it is partly caused by COVID-19. In fact, it will empower you for the coming year. We can narrow the time frame because Mercury retrograde is opposite natal Mercury on Taurus 26 on April 27, then again on May 30, June 31, June 1 to June 8. The situation as of early March is that Russian forces are not achieving their desired goals in most areas, and Kyiv has not yet been captured. I like the optimism that this tragic event will bring to the end, but anxiety is definitely running high right now. This is now a clash of sustainment and sustainment systems, she said. Could we get good karma as a result in the next few years? They have more soldiers but their equipment is worse, their soldiers are less well-trained than they were, and their ammunition supplies are getting lower.. It is a time when it is not wise to make personal decisions (think about whether to move to Ireland (or Italy)) or hold back. There is probably a little truth in all these views. Transportation. Someone has to have the courage to face the Russian bully, or the bully will continue to antagonize and terrorize everyone around them. When my friends, financial astrologers Kate Silas and Olga Morales, were discussing economic trends in September 2021, some alarm bells went off.i posted thiswhich you may have seen. When Pluto enters 2 Aquarius in February 2025, it looks like the impact of Vladimir Putin will result in new agreements between nations. Looking at my chart you will see some change soon. of the future of people's power. The United States and non-NATO allies like New Zealand have already won. Many people want Pluto in Capricorn to disappear. While war may indeed be likely, dire predictions abound which underestimate the Ukrainian people. The citizens of the Russian Federation lack some of these fundamental human rights, as did the citizens of the former Soviet Union. Are you suggesting that cryptocurrencies will also crash or the other way around, that people will put their money into digital cryptocurrencies while the system Old World Fiat Money Banking Collapses? The end result of all this? I am afraid this means that the years 2022 and 2023 will also test us all financially. Yet, that's the reality of the war today in Ukraine. I've just read Simon Tisdall's Guardian editorial on this topic so just wanted to share the link, hope it's ok.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/06/united-nations-putin-ukraine-catastrophic. Jessica, I'm not sure if it's okay to post this, but here goes please. As we know from Ukraine and Russia, the numbers are changing overnight right now. Comparing the horoscope of Putin and Zelensky, Kundli of Vladimir Putin is stronger than that of the Ukraine president. As the year before, a British prophet by the name of Craig Hamilton-Parker already. 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